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Wherein two characters interact and work together, and are designed to emphasize each other's positive qualities. Similar to a [[Morality Pet]], except the boost is directed to the character's cuteness rather than their morals.
This can mirror, but not usually replicate, what could be a romantic pairing. Actual romantic stories tend to involve a lot of drama and seeing characters at their weakest and most awkward, occasionally becoming [[Plot Tumor|Plot Tumors]]s if they become [[Satellite Character|the sole definition of any given character]]. Sufficiently cynical fans are always wary of [[Character Derailment]] and [[Shipping Bed Death]], while other fans are just very possessive of their beloved characters; they do not even want the ''potential'' to reach the [[Die for Our Ship]] stage. The problem is fans like the ''idea'' of the situation, but not the procedure and are worried that the hypothetical payoff is not worth it. The main differences between Romantic Couples[[Tradesnark™|™]] and Moe Couplets[[Tradesnark™|™]] are as follows:
* RC relationships bring conflict. MC relationships bring harmony and balance.
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* Similarly, Yumi in ''[[Mariasama ga Miteru|Marimite]]'' has this kind of relationship with several characters compared to the one she has with Sachiko, leading to the fan-joke that Yumi could create her own [[Reverse Harem]].
* Latvia and Sealand in ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]''. Sealand helps Latvia not be a twitching emotional wreck and Latvia keeps Sealand grounded in reality.
** Also America and Japan. People who find America obnoxious and pushy at times and Japan dull compared to the rest of the cast often like them better after seeing their interactions together, with America drawing Japan out of his emotional reticence with his natural cheer and energy and Japan acting as the calm, mature foil to him. Even (and maybe ''especially'') America/England and Greece/Japan shippers adore them as [[Heterosexual Life Partners|BFFs]]. However, actual romance fic for them is rare, probably because the harmony of their [[Opposites Attract]] [[Odd Friendship|friendship]] tends to go out of the window when people try writing them with romantic tension and Japan has a different type of [[Moe Couplet]] with Greece that translates much better to romance.
** As for Japan and Greece, while they may not have as obvious an [[Opposites Attract]] dynamic as Japan and America do, their [[Birds of a Feather|similarities]] ''and'' more subtle differences in personality end up enhancing their [[Moe]] points. Not only are they both [[Kindhearted Cat Lover|Kindhearted Cat Lovers]]s, which has a [[Cute Kitten|built-in cuteness factor]], but Japan can give off the subtle impression that underneath his stoic exterior lies a [[Kuudere|sweet, warm-hearted, and even shy soul]] without it being overwhelmed by louder personalities (and him possibly coming across as a less endearing/moe [[The Stoic|Stoic]] instead) when petting Greece's cats or simply being at ease with him, and Greece's laidback, easygoing nature makes him the ideal partner to patiently deal with Japan's emotional reticence and romantic/sexual awkwardness. Ironically, they're the only pair (mostly) confirmed to have had sex in canon, but the fact that most (and arguably, the best) fanworks for them focus much more on the tranquility and harmony of their dynamic than on sex, and that it's difficult to imagine Greece ever forcing himself on Japan or making him truly uncomfortable in spite of his [[Really Gets Around]] reputation, makes them a true Moe Couplet. (Not to mention that it's quite easy to write them as an [[Happily Married|established romantic couple]] without compromising their natural dynamic.)
** Not to mention [[Official Couple|Italy and Germany]]. [[Drill Sergeant Nasty|Germany]] is rather intimidating, but he'd probably be a lot more so without [[Genki Guy|Italy]] constantly [[Ho Yay|demanding a hug or kiss or... something]].
* [[media:1111.jpg|Demonstrated]] in ''[[Ouran High School Host Club]]''.
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== Literature ==
* The genesis of the [[Harry Potter|Harry/Hermione]] [[Shipping|shippers]] may be this. Hermione is a magical genius, except when it comes to dealing with actual dark wizards, which is Harry's specialty (his life is basically a long series of fighting dark wizards). When it comes to personality, Harry is selfless to an annoying degree even when personal friends are not involved, while Hermione focuses on immediate gain and loss to her close friends (especially when it comes to grades!). While these traits alone would get kind of annoying, together they play off each other quite well, even without going into [[Shipping]] territory.
** Similarly, Harry and Luna seem to be a more canon [[Moe Couplet]]. Luna is a [[Cloudcuckoolander]] who hardly seems troubled by anything and helps her father run the magical equivalent of a tabloid magazine, while Harry becomes more [[Hurting Hero|traumatized as increasing numbers of his friends and loved ones die. Some of them right in front of him.]] Yet Luna understands what losing a loved one feels like, enabling her to empathise with his grief over Sirius--andSirius—and Harry knows what being picked on feels like, so he naturally wants to help her out when people hide Luna's things and mock her behind her back. They serve as two sides of the same coin, and ([[Your Mileage May Vary|to some]]) are [[Fan-Preferred Couple|much more convincing as a couple than Harry/Ginny]].
* Imriel and Alais in the [[Kushiel's Legacy]] series. From childhood on each of the cousins see each other as an actual person, not a product of their parentage. It gets to the point where Imriel's interactions with Alais are the most consistently happy moments in his life.


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