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{{quote|'''[[The Flash|Flash]]''': What do you say to that,<ref>"That" = disobeying J'onn's explicit orders of not getting involved with the power feud between Granny Goodness and Virman Vundabar in Apokolips (due to the power vacuum left by Darkseid's disappearance) to assist Mr. Miracle and Big Barda in rescuing Oberon</ref>, big guy?<br />
'''[[The Stoic|Martian]]''' '''[[Martian Manhunter|Manhunter]]''': I was only going to ask if you wanted to play Brawlin' Bots.<br />
'''Flash''': [[Man Child|Dibs on the green one]]! ''*dashes off*''<br />
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* This happens to [[Deadpan Snarker|Chi]][[Meta Guy|same]] in ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'' frequently, but most notably when {{spoiler|Poyo's [[Lotus Eater Machine]]}} proves that, despite having been forced into a [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]], she's the happiest and most satisfied with her life of anyone in the group.
* Sakamoto the cat from ''[[Nichijou]]'' tries very hard to be the respectable adult in a household with an eight year old inventor and her one year old wind up robot. This ultimately always fails when presented with anything he can bat around with his paws.
* Nami Hitou of ''[[Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei]]'' is the [[Dysfunction Junction|dysfunctional cast's]] [[Only Sane Man|token normal girl]]. Unfortunately, has a complex about being called normal because she equates it with boring, making her [[Not So Above It All]].
* [[Soul Eater]] During the Lust chapter, Tsubaki is discovered to be much more perverted than anyone would have guessed. Especially considering how she reacted to Black Star peeping on her.
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* [[Friendly Sniper|Sniper]] from ''[[Team Fortress 2]]'' claims to be polite, professional and have [[Cold Sniper|no emotional ties to his work]]. However, his domination lines are so very [[Hypocritical Humour|rage-filled]]. [[Tuxedo and Martini|Spy]] also says some [[Big Stupid Doodoo Head|amazingly immature things]] in his lines.
* ''[[Katawa Shoujo]]'' has a mild example. Hisao wonders how lonely you'd have to be to come up with a game that involves stepping on the right tiles on the floor. In the very next line, he finds himself stepping only on the darker tiles.
* Early on in ''[[Blaze Union]]'', when the party commandeers a beat-up cannon from an enemy, they decide it would be a good idea to try using it for themselves--exceptthemselves—except that nobody knows how. Garlot tries and sets it off accidentally, Siskier yells at him for being careless [[Hypocritical Humor|and sets it off accidentally]], Jenon shoos her away because [[Stay in the Kitchen|it's not suitable for a girl to do]] and [[Running Gag|sets it off accidentally]]... and then when [[Cool Big Sis|Medoute]] comes to yell at them for fooling around, they make her give it a try too. Medoute instantly takes a liking to cannon-firing as a form of stress relief and immediately gets carried away.
== Web Comics ==
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** Also Spades Slick, [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=003065 notorious] [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=003203 gang leader].
** [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=003678 And the Authority Regulator].
* Happens over and over in ''[[Shortpacked]]''--anyone—anyone who is introduced as a [[Straight Man]] will eventually be revealed to be insane in some way. Ethan and Leslie managed to keep up the illusion of being the [[Only Sane Man]] for a good long time but their neuroses gradually overwhelmed their personalities and pushed them away from this role. Jacob was introduced to be their replacement in that capacity but was revealed to have an addictive personality in short order. As a rule, Ethan's [[Love Interest]]s tend to occupy this role, but with Thad and Drew both gone there's currently a vacancy.
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* Although she's not really like that any more, back when [[The Nostalgia Chick]] was the [[Only Sane Woman]] on the site, she reviewed ''[[She-Ra: Princess of Power|She Ra Princess of Power]]'' and asked [[Tempting Fate|how gay could it possibly be]]. She's dissuaded of this notion about [[Ho Yay|five minutes in]].
** Reviewing the ''[[X-Men (animation)|X-Men]]'' cartoon, she declares that she's only interested in an intellectual, academic analysis. Her [[Mad Scientist]] "friend" jabs her with a [[Truth Serum]] which brings out the [[Squee|squeeingsquee]]ing [[Fan Girl]] within.
* ''[[Red vs. Blue]]'': [[Sanity Slippage]] is common in Blood Gulch. [[Drill Sergeant Nasty|Sarge]] becomes a little more unhinged the more time he spends with his troops. [[The Medic|Doc]] is introduced in Season 2 to [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshade]] how insane both armies are, but in later episodes [[Dissonant Serenity|his politeness and level-headed nature]] are [[Played for Laughs]]. Things take a darker turn with {{spoiler|Wash}}, whose initial run as the [[Straight Man]] to the Reds and Blues [[Beware the Nice Ones|pushes him]] [[Moral Event Horizon|too far]].
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* Aunt Amy of ''[[Daria]]'' was once brought in to settle a dispute between her sisters, with the expectation that, as a the smart, detached outsider of the family she could easily resolve the petty conflict without getting drawn in. It took her all of thirty seconds to join the bickering, leaving Daria and Quinn to solve the problem themselves.
* Twilight Sparkle from ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' likes to regard herself as the [[Only Sane Man|Only Sane Mare]]: her first impression of the citizens of Ponyville is "All the ponies in this town are ''crazy!''" However, Twilight frequently displays lapses in judgement either due to her social awkwardness or her almost-obsessive need to make a good impression on her mentor, Princess Celestia.
** In "The Ticket Master", Spike calls the Gala "girly frou-frou nonsense," but once everyone is out of sight, is upset at being the only one without a ticket. Celestia sends down one for him, and he immediately [[Squee|Squees]]s, only to be caught by Applejack.
{{quote|'''Spike:''' [[Verbal Backspace|I mean, gross! I have to go, too?]]}}
** Both Spike and Twilight tend to backhand this role onto ''each other'' since they so often play [[The Straight Man]] to each other's shortcomings. ''Both'' characters neared outright [[Anti-Villain]] territory after going off the deep end at separate points, and ''both'' had to snap the other out of it. Note worthy for the over the top manner both took their respective breakdowns (Twilight became outright [[Laughing Mad]], while Spike turned into a [[Harmless Villain]], complete with [[Dastardly Whiplash]] mannerisms and attire).


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