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* Michael Bluth from ''[[Arrested Development (TV series)|Arrested Development]]''. Even worse, the insane people are his ''family'', so he has to cope with them 24/7.
* Dave Nelson from ''[[News Radio]]''.
* Jen in ''[[The IT Crowd]]'' -- in—in fact, the first episode has her appointed head of I.T. by the semi-sane CEO, Denholm Reynholm; despite her lack of computer knowledge, she realizes her people skills would help raise the status of the department.
** Some episodes play with this by having ''her'' go completely off-the-rails over something which, although apparently more 'normal' than the geeky lifestyle she is surrounded by, she [[Serious Business|goes really overboard in taking seriously]], leading to Roy or even Moss having to hold the sanity ball.
* Polly in ''[[Fawlty Towers]]''.
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* ''[[Dilbert]]'' is what happens after the last sane guy ''quits'', replaced by the biggest [[Cloudcuckoolander]] of them all.
** And when those who once tried to keep everything under control (Dilbert, Wally and Alice) flat out gave up and started exploiting the system for their own personal gain.
** Asok the intern ''would'' have this job; he has the right perspective and opinions to play this role, but he has no seniority and therefore nobody pays any attention to what he has to say. He shows every sign that his [[Only Sane Employee]] nature is an aspect of his inexperience, and he'll be broken of it long before he's been there long enough for anybody to listen.
*** He has started taking lessons from Wally.
* Everyone in ''[[Retail]]'' who's on the lowest rung of the corporate ladder seems to be pretty sane. Store manager or above, [[Pointy-Haired Boss|not so much]].
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* If you take your shirt off in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater]]'' and call SIGNT, Snake will ask if he can take off his pants. SIGNT reacts in disgust and wonders if he's the only sane man of the unit.
** For the record, the rest of the unit consists of a British officer obsessed with James Bond and his own Britishness, a doctor obsessed with B-movies and [[Foreshadowing|cloning]], and a veteran soldier obsessed with [[Extreme Omnivore|eating everything that moves]].
* In many [[MMORPG|MMORPGs]]s, a more experienced player in a group will often be put in these positions. The real challenge isn't in fulfilling their own role, rather keeping others from [[Leeroy Jenkins|doing overtly stupid things]].
* In ''[[Fire Emblem]] 9 (Path of Radiance)'', the Crimean army is [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits|almost entirely made of nutcases]], with trusty right-hand Titania and stern strategist Soren the seemingly only persons to do any work outside of fighting. Captain Ike has said explicitly stated he couldn't do anything without them. Then again, there was this one exchange about storming an enemy fortress in which Soren succumbed to the craziness and Ranulf was the [[Only Sane Man]] left. It went something like...
{{quote|Soren: Door's open. This is almost certainly a trap.


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