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Possibly a subtrope of [[Generation Xerox]]. The parent or guardian involved is often a [[Former Teen Rebel]].
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== Comic Books ==
* In ''[[Spider Girl]],'' this is an issue early on--Peteron—Peter is horrified that teenage May would try to be a superhero, despite doing the same thing at her age. (Though to be fair, that cost him a leg in this universe.)
== Film ==
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== Literature ==
* In ''[[Vorkosigan Saga|A Civil Campaign]]'' by [[Lois McMaster Bujold]], two parents get upset about their daughter having premarital sex. A family friend shuts them up by quietly bringing the couch where they first had sex -- beforesex—before they were married, of course -- outcourse—out of storage.
* In one of the [[Berenstain Bears]] books, there's a mild version involving a school dress code. The kids adopt obnoxious new fashions, and due to an escalating power struggle between the acting principal who keeps making new rules and the kids using [[Loophole Abuse]], it looks like the school will be going to uniforms... until Grandma Bear defuses the situation by hauling out photos of Papa and Mama Bear in their ludicrous Seventies attire.
* The [[Sweet Valley High|Sweet Valley Saga]] novel ''The Wakefield Legacy'' featured Theodore Wakefield, the great-great-great grandfather of the Sweet Valley twins, running away from home to avoid an arranged marriage. When Theodore's daughter Sarah was old enough to marry, however, he insisted that she marry the man of his choice rather than the man she loved. Sarah immediately calls him out on his hypocrisy. He doesn't even bother to justify himself, continuing to insist on his right to veto Sarah's choice. This leads to a [[I Have No Son|split between the two that is never healed.]]
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* On ''[[Home Improvement]]'' Tim and Jill catch their son Brad with marijuana. He deduces that they've used it before based on the fact that they were alive during [[The Sixties|"that whole hippie thing"]], which turns out to be true in Jill's case (Tim preferred beer). The parents discuss whether they should tell Brad the truth, and eventually, they do and she explains the trouble it caused her and that it was a mistake she doesn't want him to make.
* In ''[[Modern Family]]'', it's revealed that Claire has a rebellious past (including being driven home by the police in her underwear) despite reprimanding Hayley for similar behavior.
* ''[[Still Standing]]'': The parents were complete [[Jerkass|Jerkasses]]es in high school, so they often run into this trope when disciplining their children.
== Music ==


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