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* Zac Efron. He actually manages to look less bishonen in the [[media:highschoolmusicalmanga.jpg|manga adaptation]] of ''[[High School Musical]]''.
* The race of fair-skinned long haired peroxide boys from ''[[Lord of the Rings]]'' comes to mind.
** Even ''Sauron'' was [[media:Sauron_bishonenSauron bishonen.jpg|revealed to be one]] until the War of the Last Alliance and the loss of the One Ring [[Glamour Failure|prevented him from taking any form that wasn't as ugly and nasty as his spirit]].
* Didier Revol the French exchange student in ''[[Son of Rambow]]'' is so beautiful that [[Even the Guys Want Him]].
* Shua in ''[[Sky Blue]]''.
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* Aramis in ''[[The Three Musketeers (novel)|The Three Musketeers]]'' is described as being as pretty as a woman. Of course, he's the one of the Musketeers who's most popular with women.
* Raziel in ''[[Lamb: The Gospel According To Biff|Lamb the Gospel According To Biff]]'' is pretty enough even to provoke [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]] moments from the [[First-Person Smartass]] protagonist, Biff. It's apparently a standard angel trait.
* ''[[The War Against the Chtorr]]''. Lizard and Ted describe the teenage protagonist Jim McCarthy this way, though he doesn't believe them. But definitely the case with Shaun -- aShaun—a sixteen year-old, bisexual attendant on the luxury airship ''Hieronymus Bosch'', whose duties include prostitution and [[Child Soldiers|military defence]].
* The protagonists in the [[Warchild Series]] are usually described this way, even when they have extensive combat training and are capable of great violence. The third book, "Cagebird" has a protagonist described as cherubic-looking who eventually becomes a prostitute/assassin, and the protagonist from her second book is described as a beautiful boy with large, kittenish eyes.
* [http://www.shakespeare-online.com/sonnets/20.html Shakespeare's Sonnet 20]. The young boy is described as such: "A woman's face with Nature's own hand painted hast thou, the master-mistress of my passion", until Nature "[[Double Entendre|pricked him out]] for woman's pleasure."
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'''Doctor:''' Oh, ''I'm'' "Pretty Boy"!
'''Donna:''' Yes!" (shocked at her own enthusiasm) "Oh, that came out a bit quick." }}
** The Eleventh Doctor is what happens when [[Pretty Boy]] meets [[Adorkable]].
** [http://www.shockya.com/news/wp-content/uploads/doctor_who_david_tennant.jpg The Tenth Doctor is pretty Adorkable anyway.]
** The Eighth Doctor ''definitely'' counts. Some fans jokingly call him The Oncoming Pretty.
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{{quote|'''Dr. Foreman:''' Chase, you're a pretty boy. Works well with the ladies, not so much with the patients. No one wants an underwear model performing their splenectomy.}}
* ''[[Glee]]'''s Kurt Hummel, to an absolute tee. All he's missing are the [[Bishie Sparkle|sparkles]]... and even then, he sometimes [[Performance Artist|provides his own]].
** Speaking of [[Glee]], Sam is quite the [[Pretty Boy]] as well. Pretty, with long hair, muscles, and a gorgeous smile. He's so pretty, he has to have his [[Shirtless Scene|shirt off every other scene]].
** Also, Blaine.
* Like [[Supernatural|Dean]], [[Prison Break|Michael]] ([[Wentworth Miller]]) is the perfect combination of prettiness and manliness.
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* Peter Noone of [[Herman's Hermits|Hermans Hermits]]. Half of the [[YouTube]] comment history of [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv8k0VI9tBc this video] draws attention to his striking resemblance to [[Justin Bieber]]. Funnier still is that Noone was Bieber’s current age at the time of that performance.
* Young [http://i755.photobucket.com/albums/xx200/BarbarellaSteele1975/sydbarrett.jpg Syd Barrett] & young [http://i755.photobucket.com/albums/xx200/BarbarellaSteele1975/6725_4dd5.jpg David Gilmour]. Heck, Syd could've been an anime [[Bishounen]] character. Sadly, their fantastic good looks didn't last.
* Though he's often the target of mockery these days for his looks, Tom Petty was quite often considered one in the early days -- todays—to the point where [http://www.thepettyarchives.com/magazines/magazines-1980/1980-03-trouserpress/ he said in an interview (near the end)] that he was tired of people [[So Beautiful It's a Curse|paying more attention to his looks than his music.]]
* The late [[Elvis Presley]].
* Every single member of [[The Horrors]] is this to at least some extent.
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== Tabletop Games ==
* A [[Fanfic|fan-made]] chapter of the [[Space Marine|Space Marines]]s of [[Warhammer 40000]] fame, the Pretty Marines. They have some sort of gland that creates the [[Bishie Sparkle|sparkle]], and their guns have roses on them. Their scouts are [[Cute Shotaro Boy|cute shotaro boys,]] and they have [[Yaoi Fangirl|legions of female fans]]. And this is all well and good... just watch out for the ''[[Face Heel Turn|Chaos]]'' Pretty Marines.
** And as "pretty boy" as you can get canonically in the ultra-gritty universe of [[Warhammer 40000]], there's both [[Our Elves Are Better|the Eldar]], to a point, and the Primarch of the Blood Angels, Sanguinis, who has [[Winged Humanoid|angel wings]] and everything (of course, his death caused all the [[Super Soldier]] armies based on him to become [[Our Vampires Are Different|bloodthirsty and prone to going insane]])
*** Eldar, "To a point"?
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== Theatre ==
* Herbert von Krolock in ''[[Tanz der Vampire]]'' is one of these whenever the actor's makeup can create the effect, and the results tend to be [http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd245/weshouldbefriends/Tim%20Reichwein/omggorgeous.jpg stunning]. His father, meanwhile, looks like the less fortunate end result of the formula "[[Pretty Boy]] + age + suffering and guilt".
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* ''[[Fey Winds]]'' has bishonen, but also parodies it in regards to Sidney's twin brother.
* Nearly all of the main male characters from [[Khaos Komix]], but especially Tom. Probably comes with being FtM transsexual. He doesn't have any of the typical personality traits, however, being [[Invisible to Gaydar]] (bordering on [[Manly Gay]]).
* Oswald of ''[[Knights Errant (webcomic)|Knights Errant]]'' gets special mention for being known as a [[Pretty Boy]] in-story. Most of the other characters aren't too bad-looking either.
* Large portion of the cast of ''[[Roommates 2007|Roommates]]'' and its [[Spin-Off]] s ''[[Girls Next Door]]'' and ''[[Down the Street]]'' (but not enough to qualify as a [[Cast Full of Pretty Boys]] mostly because there are enough strong women in the series' who get ''panel time'').


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