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== Anime ==
* ''[[The Big O]]'': Dan Dastun [[Shaming the Mob|shames]] the military police with a speech about them following Alex Rosewater’s deranged leadership and then performs the [[Insignia Rip Off Ritual]]. Later, the rest of the military police [[Turn in Your Badge|follows his example]] and attacks Alex Rosewater. [http://www.paradigm-city.com/scripts/article.php?a=ep26\], [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pgy5w8jRxWA\], [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eR9hs-M3GTQ\], [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Amw3DwVXHGU\]
* In ''[[Porco Rosso]]'', a gang of air pirates ambush Porco and threaten to trash his plane in an effort to get even with him, and are stopped only by Fio appealing to their sense of honor.
* From ''[[One Piece]]'', the people of the Ryuugu wanted to {{spoiler|kill a World Noble who was stranded in the island as retribution for their treatment as slaves.}} Queen Otohime stops them with one sentence.
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* Subverted in the 2008 ''[[Horton Hears a Who!]]'' where Horton tries a rousing speech to explain to the mob why he is so devoted to protecting a speck on a clover which contains a microscopic community on it. At the end, even the Sour Kangaroo notes that the speech is moving, but immediately orders Horton bound and caged anyway.
* Subverted in the theatrical cut of ''[[A Knight's Tale]]'' when Chaucer, who has previously demonstrated his ability to work a crowd, tries to shame the mob that's gathered around William, who is in the stocks for impersonating a knight. He's pelted with vegetables before he can even get started.
** However, in the extended cut of the film, Chaucer succeeds in [[Shaming the Mob]] into chastened silence before Prince Edward steps in. This scene was cut to beef up Prince Edward's role.
* In ''[[It's a Wonderful Life]]'', there is a run on the Building & Loan and a mob is demanding all their money. George Bailey shows up and explains that the money is not there because it's been loaned to their friends to build homes. He calms them down and convinces them to take out just enough to get by, thereby saving the Building & Loan.
* Done well in the 1953 biographical film ''Martin Luther'' and especially well in its excellent 2003 remake, ''Luther''. Martin is horrified both that his best friends are being [[Burn the Witch|burned at stake for heresy]]--an—an unfortunate touch of [[Truth in Television]]--and—and that his supposed followers and converts to a way of peaceful reform have instead decided to take up arms against Catholicism, looting and pillaging churches and Spalatin, even [[Moral Event Horizon|killing a priest]]. Martin confronts them at the steps, fiery-eyed.
{{quote|'''Martin''': ''You think this is '''[[If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him|my work]]'''?! This is '''never''' my work!''<br />
'''Spalatin in [[Torches and Pitchforks|Mob]]''': ''No...it's...[[Reign of Terror|the people's work]]!''<br />
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== Literature ==
* One chapter of ''The [[Buddenbrooks]]'' takes place while a wave of revolutionary uprisings sweaps over Germany and an angry mob of workers gatheres in front of the council building. The council members decide to hole up and wait for the crowd to disperse, but when it gets close to nightfall, two of them go outside to see what the protesters want. When one of the workers shouts that they want a republic, he is reminded that the autonomous city has been one for centuries. When someone blurts out "then we want another one!", the protest pretty much instantly falls apart and everyone is quitly returning home.
* Scout, from ''[[To Kill a Mockingbird]]'', in both the book and the film, is unexpectedly present when a lynch mob comes for the accused rapist Tom Robinson. Recognizing one of the men, she gives the speech above -- outabove—out of [[Children Are Innocent|sheer innocence]] -- and—and she breaks the mob up. While this is quite possibly the [[Trope Codifier]], it's also a rare example when the shaming of the mob is entirely unintentional.
* Anyone who's familiar with [[The Bible|the origin]] of the term "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" will know that this is also [[Older Than Feudalism]].
** Done several times, in fact. Also subverted several times. Late in Acts, Paul gets [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]] and turns the mob (a courtroom staffed by opposing political parties) against itself.
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** Later subverted when the Hound is on "trial" by the Brotherhood Without Banners for the various atrocities committed by his brother and other Lannister soldiers. He gives a speech [[Not So Different|calling them out]] and pointing out he's not personally guilty of the murders. Arya Stark interrupts, pointing out one murder he ''is'' guilty of: namely, he chopped her friend Mycah almost in half.
* In ''[[Treasure Island]]'', Long John Silver's men are getting tired of waiting for the treasure he says he's leading them to, and are prepared to kill him. He manages to turn the situation around by asking which of them had desecrated his Bible to make the Black Spot, the traditional declaration of impending death.
* In ''[[I, Claudius]],'' Germanicus uses this to put down the mutiny of his troops on the Rhine. It helps that he has sent away his young son Gaius, whom the troops have come to view as their mascot and good-luck charm. The precious tyke walks around the camp in a miniature legionary's uniform complete with miniature ''caligae'' -- army—army sandal-boots -- soboots—so the soldiers have affectionately nicknamed him "Little Boot," or, in Latin, "Caligula." Yes, that one.
* In ''[[The Good Earth]]'', when a starving, angry mob attacks Wang Lung's home in hopes of taking its non-existent food, O-lan shames them for trying to steal from someone equally as poor as them.
* In [[C. S. Lewis|CS Lewis]]'s ''[[The Voyage of the Dawn Treader]]'', when they find the last of the lords they are looking for, the sailors are of the opinion that they should stop going on. Caspian tells them that they are assuming that he will ''let'' them all go.
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== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[The X-Files]]'': “War of the Coprophages”: Scully attempts to control the mob with a [[Shaming the Mob|speech]] about how they are giving in to [[You Can Panic Now|panic]]. The mob ignores her and creates havoc. [http://x-files.wikia.com/wiki/Bambi_Berenbaum\], [http://x-files.wikia.com/wiki/War_of_the_Coprophages\], [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Coprophages\]
* The classic ''[[Star Trek]]'' episode, "The Devil in the Dark" had Kirk and Spock protect a horta from vengeful miners by telling them that the [[Monster Is a Mommy]] and had legitimate reasons for attacking them since they were inadvertently destroying her eggs. Fortunately, the combination of shame of the miners realizing the carnage they caused and the exciting proposal that the hortas can help them mine is enough to turn the mob around.
** Episode "[[Nightmare Fuel|Miri]]" had Kirk guilt a mob of ''kids'' out to lynch him. {{spoiler|They were [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|actually]] around 300 years old.}}
* Subverted in the ''[[Firefly]]'' episode "Safe". A mob has gathered to [[Burn the Witch|burn River, who they believe is a witch]]. Simon attempts to shame them out of it by yelling that she's just a girl. It seems to be working, as the town elder acquiesces...and then River brings up a shameful thing from his past that she couldn't have known. Commence burnination, although Simon interrupts ''again''--this—this time by [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|accepting River's fate and climbing up to the stake so he can be burned with her.]] This causes them to hesitate just long enough for the [[Big Damn Heroes]] to show up.
** Re-subverted upon the arrival of the previously-mentioned [[Big Damn Heroes]], who -- insteadwho—instead of attempting to [[Shaming the Mob|Shame The Mob]] -- putMob—put the town elder at gunpoint and ''force'' the issue.
{{quote|'''Patron''': The girl is a witch.
'''Mal''': Yeah, but she's our witch.


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