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[[File:SharkPool_OotS_close_1921SharkPool OotS close 1921.png|link=The Order of the Stick|frame|Is it an acid-breathing shark?]]
{{quote|''"[[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why sharks]]? Why couldn't it be otters? I wouldn't mind dropping into a tank of otters. [[Playful Otter|They're fun.]]"''|'''Ron Stoppable''', ''[[Kim Possible]]''}}
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* In a rare anime example, ''[[Excel Saga (anime)|Excel Saga]]'' features the title character frequently being dropped into a pit of alligators, piranha, and/or various other nasties by her superior-slash-object of obsessive affection, Il Palazzo. When Il Palazzo's wrath is imminent the rope to open the trap door for the pit spontaneously descends (by mechanisms unknown) into his reach. [[Excel Saga (manga)|In the manga,]] the animals in the pit become increasingly ludicrous (''baboons!''), while the main characters lampshade the pit's creatures on a regular basis, for example wondering if Lord Il Palazzo personally hunts the animals put down there, since there shouldn't be any members in the organization besides the main characters.
* Rando hangs Yusuke over a pond of piranha-like fishes in ''[[Yu Yu Hakusho]]''.
* ''[[Pokémon Special]]'': Aqua Admin Ark, feeling as if [[Locked in a Room]] and his handmade [[Drowning Pit]] variant weren't lethal enough, calls out his Sharpedo to turn it into a makeshift [[Shark Pool]]. Ironically, attempting to execute a [[Jungle Princess|Nature Heroine]] in this fashion wound up taking a bite out of his own fisherman's basket instead.
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== Comic Strips ==
* One ''[[The Far Side]]'' cartoon features medieval soldiers storming into a castle on the drawbridge. One of them looks down to see what's in the moat, and shouts "Ooh! Goldfish, everyone!"
* ''[[The Wizard of Id]]'' has the moat around the castle filled with [[Stock Ness Monster|Stock Ness Monsters]]s.
* [[Magic: The Gathering|Benalish Hero]] in ''[[What's New with Phil and Dixie]]'', after [[Asskicking Equals Authority|becoming]] the [[Pirate Girl|Pirate Queen]] [http://www.airshipentertainment.com/growfcomic.php?date=20090308 got this]:
{{quote|'''Benalish Hero:''' ''(grinning)'' Jones! Someone put a ''shark'' in my bath!
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* In ''[[The Emperor's New Groove|The Emperors New Groove]]'' a pull on the wrong lever drops characters into a crocodile pit. Even the lever's creator questions the wisdom of this setup.
* In the 1986 ''[[Transformers: The Movie|Transformers the Movie]]'', anyone the Quintessons found "innocent" was dropped into a tank filled with Sharkticons.
* In ''[[Despicable Me]]'', Vector's living room sits ''on top'' of a shark tank -- withtank—with a ''transparent floor''.
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** Hugo Drax drops Bond into a pool with a reticulated python in it in ''[[Moonraker]]''.
** Franz Sanchez feeds Bond's friend and collaborator Felix Leiter to a shark in a marine research facility in ''[[Licence to Kill]]''. He survives, but is badly mutilated. Bond is certainly [[Revenge|NOT pleased]] when he finds out.
* In ''[[The Phantom (film)|The Phantom]]'', the Sengh Brotherhood has a [[Shark Pool]] in their [[Elaborate Underground Base]]. This is one of the parts of the film lifted directly from the very first ''[[The Phantom (comic strip)|Phantom]]'' story, published way back in 1936, so the trope is at least that old.
* Subverted in ''[[Ace Ventura]]: Pet Detective'', when Ace stumbles into a literal [[Shark Pool]] that turns out to actually vindicate the man he is investigating, who was shaping up before that to be a classic arch-villain. (Ace thought it contained the stolen Miami Dolphins mascot.)
* A particularly ludicrous example is the opening scene of the French movie ''Le Magnifique'': A spy is trapped in a phone booth, which is then lifted by an helicopter (!!) and dipped into the sea, where a squad of frogmen attach it to a shark's cage before opening the door. Of course, the scene is purposefully over-the-top as it's a parody of the whole ''James Bond''/''OSS 117'' type of spy literature.
* In the ''Stormbreaker'' movie, [[Alex Rider]] is dropped in a tank with a giant Portugese Man o'War. That was in the book, too.
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** The city of Camorr also uses a variant as part of its justice system. At the Shifting Market, prisoners condemned for crimes such as rape and murder are granted a reprieve if they can fight off an angry devil fish (which is apparently like a really pissed off octopus) with naught but a tiny dagger. Few people, if any, succeed at this task.
* ''[[Animorphs]]''
** In ''The Illusion'', a scientist is dropped into a pit of Taxxons -- basicallyTaxxons—basically giant, eternally-hungry, alien centipedes which eat everything they can get their mouths around.
** There's a more literal narrow aversion in ''The Escape''. Marco is halfway to shark morph in the school swimming pool and really wanting to rip into some boys who are bullying him. It's only Jake talking to him that convinces him to reverse the morph and let it go.
* A particularly chilling example of this trope occurs in the autobiography ''[[When Rabbit Howls]]'' written by the multiple personalities of a woman. As a punishment her sadistic stepfather {{spoiler|lowers her into a well infested with snakes. The trauma of this single event finally pushes her over the edge and she begins to split off her personalities to deal with her abuse.}}
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== Video Games ==
* ''[[Dwarf Fortress]]''
** It is possible to create something much worse in ''Dwarf Fortress'' -- the—the Carp Pool!
** [[It Got Worse]] -- croc—croc pool. Alligators are 15 times bigger and proportionally meaner. And when they finally bite it, there are much more valuable bones and good leather. Tamed crocs outperform turkey in churning out tons of edible eggs... while sitting in their pool and biting in half any goblin who [[Trap Door|happened to drop in]]. Or be chained on the ground like guard dogs, since they're amphibious. Thus, it's possible to have a goblin dodge two guard crocs only to stumble off the road into croc pit with a handful of their brothers and sisters.
** Or you could just use one of the many species of [http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2012:Shark shark].
* Pools filled with [[Goddamn Bats|leeches]] are very common in ''[[Blood|Blood 2]]''. And 90% of the times, the game REQUIRES you to swim through it.
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** In the episode "Out of the Past", two mooks try to throw Terry into an alligator pool, but he breaks free and throws one of them in instead. To his credit, the mook fights off the alligators with his machete and escapes.
* Several ''[[Looney Tunes]]'' show alligator-filled versions.
** A late-entry ''Wolf and Sheepdog'' cartoon has Ralph Wolf rigging up a can't-miss deathtrap for Sam Sheepdog, with an armory of weapons at point-blank range, the bluff he's on undercut and rigged to break off over a big tank full of hungry crocodiles -- justcrocodiles—just as he's throwing the master switch, the 5:00 whistle blows. He rolls his eyes and sighs "Pshaw!" and companionably heads home with Sam.
{{quote|'''Sam:''' Better luck next time, Ralph.
'''Ralph:''' Oh, sure! You can't win 'em all, Sam. Nice day, huh?
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** In his first apperance, Señor Senior Sr. threatened Kim with ravenous koi because "the piranha have not yet arrived."
** Cheapskate villain Frugal Lucre once threatened Kim and Ron with a kiddie pool full of baby snapping turtles.
** Dr. Drakken goes over-the-top in a later episode by dropping a chained-up Kim in a locked safe into a <s>bottomless</s> [[Drowning Pit|very very deep chasm filled with water]], covered in six feet of ice, and containing a shark and man-eating squid. Of course she manages to escape thanks to a few [[Contrived Coincidence|Contrived Coincidences]]s.
** Señor Senior Sr. also had a shallow pool with crocodiles.
** Professor Dementor had an almost generic shark pool, filled with lava!
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== Real Life ==
* The Golden Nugget Casino Hotel in Las Vegas has a shark tank next to the swimming pool. It even has a transparent water slide that goes through the tank.
* The Georgia Aquarium has a shark pool with four foot long Bonnet Head Sharks -- thatSharks—that visitors are encouraged to touch. (They're fairly even-tempered sharks.)
* Most aquariums have tanks full of aquatic predators.
* The Carbrook golf club in Australia became famous for having [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7ARrPk8zhQ live bull sharks in a water hazard].


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