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What an Idiot!/Film: Difference between revisions

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** '''You'd Expect:''' That Obi-Wan would put a tracer on the robot that tried to murder Padme that way he and Anakin can get to a really fast floating car and then apprehend the assassin.<br />'''Instead:''' Obi-Wan jumps out the window and latches onto the droid all the way to the assassin. Not only could he have miscalculated his jump and die from the lose of air alone from a jump that high, but also this leaves Anakin to get a car and somehow find and catch up to Obi-Wan during the Coruscant equivalent to rush hour at night. And let's remember that Obi-Wan is struggling to hold on considering how his only means of survival is a goddamn floating sphere that's avoiding any random car that could not see it and hit straight into it. Because of Obi-Wan, he and Anakin couldn't just track the bounty hunter and sneak up on her and take her down, he alerted her because she say him randomly holding onto her droid a million miles up in the air causing her to run like hell and trying to escape into a sports bar. Sure Obi-Wan does manage to get her in the end but this entire chase scene ended in Jango Fett killing the only lead to the people that wanted to Padme. If Obi-Wan didn't jump out that window he would not only have a lead on Jango and the Separatist's base but he would know right away to tell the Jedi Council that Jango could have valuable information. As such they would capture Fett and interrogate him and get all the information he knows: Dooku having control over the clone and droid army's and that Palpatine was the SITH LORD!!! The simple act of Obi-Wan thinking for half a second and putting a tracer on an assassin's droid (a feat that he surprisingly had enough brain cells to do with Jango Fett's ship) could have not only save billions of lives and ending a galactic war but ALSO PREVENT THE EMPIRE FROM EVER RISING TO POWER AND ENSLAVING OR KILLING ANYONE WHO SO MUCH AS HIDE A COUPLE OF DROIDS!!!
** The Empire after the battle of Endor. Death Star 2.0 went kaboom, Palpatine is toast, and Vader is now a Force Ghost hanging out with his old pals Obi Wan and Yoda.<br />'''You'd Expect:''' Someone in the Imperial ranks with the brains and ambition would say to themselves, "Hey look, a power vacuum, this is my big break." and then seize this golden, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become the new Grand Poobah of the galaxy.<br />'''Instead:''' Nobody even bothers to step up to the plate. The Galactic Empire crumbles, The Rebels celebrate their victory by dancing with a bunch of midgets in teddy bear suits, and millions of people who were [[Star Wars]] fans up to this point take a header into the nearest wall.
** Vader and the crew of his Star Destroyer have captured the Rebel Blockade Runner with Princess Leia and the stolen Death Star plans aboard. An imperial gunner and his commanding officer detect a jettisoned escape pod with no life readings aboard.<br />'''You'd Think:''' They'd blast the pod just to be on the safe side, or at least have it tractor-beamed into an empty cargo bay and send in some Stormtroopers to check it. After all, data is not alive. Leia could have thrown the plans inside and jettisoned it for the Rebels to find later.<br />'''Instead:''' The officer orders the gunner to just let it go. [[Flat What|Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.]] (and yes, I know, if they had handled things intelligently, it would have been a short movie.) <br /> '''To Be Fair:''' The idiot in this scene is Lord Vader, not the gunnery officers. If they blow stuff up without orders, he will Force-choke them. If they annoy him by calling him while he's in the middle of something important over something apparently minor, he will Force-choke them. Their only safe course of action is to pretend they didn't see anything. This is why "kill everybody who screws up once" is deprecated as a management style; it causes a crippling lack of initiative among your subordinates.
** Admiral Motti boasts that the Death Star with its giant, planet-killing laser cannon is "the ultimate power in the universe." Vader admonishes the Admiral for such hubris by saying "the power to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force."<br />'''You'd Expect:''' Motti would smile and nod and avoid saying anything at this juncture that might piss off the Dark Lord of the Sith.<br />'''Instead:''' He kicks things off by insulting Vader and his religion right in front of everyone in that meeting room. That alone was highly uncalled for and would very likely get you fired in real life. As if he hasn't already committed an act of monumental douchebaggery at this point, he then insinuates that Vader is incompetent because he has yet to "conjure up the stolen data tapes or find the Rebels' hidden fortress." He's only saved from being telekinetically strangled to death when Grand Moff Tarkin orders Vader to stop.
* ''[[Signs]]:'' There is a species of aliens for whom water is a lethal acid.<br />'''You'd Expect''' that these aliens would stay far away from a planet that has a 70% water surface. Or, at the very least, they'd stay in their advanced interplanetary spaceships for the duration of the invasion, or they'd wear some sort of environmental suits to protect from the deadly acid that exists in gaseous form in the air and frequently falls from the sky. <br />'''Instead''', the aliens invade water-soaked Earth, on foot, naked.
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