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'''Sisko:''' And then they'll discover that it is a '''''fraud!'''''
'''Garak:''' Oh, but I don't think that they will! Because any imperfections in the forgery will appear to be a result of the explosion! So, with a seemingly legitimate rod in one hand, and a dead senator in the other, I ask you, Captain: what conclusion would ''you'' draw?
'''Sisko:''' [sighs, resigned to the [[Awful Truth|flawless, hideous truth]]] That Vreenak obtained the rod on Zukara, and that the Dominion killed him to prevent him from returning to Romulus with it.<br />
'''Garak:''' Precisely. And the more the Dominion protests its innocence, the more the Romulans will believe they're guilty, because it's ''exactly'' what the Romulans would have done in their place. That's why you came to me. Isn't it, Captain? Because you knew I could do those things that you weren't capable of doing. Well, it worked. And you'll get what you want: a war between the Romulans and the Dominion. And if your conscience is bothering you, you should soothe it with the knowledge that you may have just saved the entire Alpha Quadrant, and all it cost was the life of one Romulan senator, one criminal..... and the self-respect of one Starfleet officer. I don't know about you, but I'd call that a bargain. }}
** Why does no one ever remember the [[Red Shirt|four Romulan guards]]?
** Hell, Anything with Garak in it you knew was going to be awesome. Garak was a walking [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]
** This exchange:
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** It was also one of Sisko's [[World of Cardboard Speech|moments:]]
{{quote|"I lied; I cheated; I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men; I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all is... I think I can live with it. And if I'd have to do it all over again... I would. Garak was right about one thing...a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant. So I will learn to live with it...because I can live with it. [pauses, finally convincing himself] I ''can'' live with it... [not really] Computer, delete that entire personal log."}}
*** It's also noticeable that not only is this consistently the highest rated episode of all ''Star Trek'', it's also the most criticized as the most Anti-''Star Trek'' Episode, betraying the original principles of the show.
** The ''Star Trek'' anthology book, ''Tales from the Dominion War'' revealed that at some point in the far future, Sisko's lie was {{spoiler|discovered, starting another war between the Federation and the Romulans.}}
*** Of course the [[Expanded Universe|Canon of the above has been pretty much made invalid .]] Also according to the [[ReContinuity BootReboot]] and [[Word of God]] the Timeline where this occurred still exits. And in it would be hard for the Romulans to start a war {{spoiler|after their planet and people are wiped out by a Super novasupernova.}}
* Garak gets another [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] in the finale, as he leads the final charge into the Dominion HQ with a resounding cry of "FOR CARDASSIA!". Utterly badass.
** Related to this is Damar's Resistance for the sheer gall. The leader of a client state that becomes more and more a Puppet shaking off the shackles of their overlords in order to regain their freedom. And once the Founders retaliate, the random Mooks taking them to be executed rebel to defend them.
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*** Both available [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX70GeIzc5c for your viewing pleasure.]
* Ben Sisko...
** ...surprising [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|Q with a right hook]].
{{quote|'''Q:''' (astonished) Picard never hit me!
'''Sisko:''' ''I'm not Picard.'' }}
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'''Sisko:''' ''Commander,'' I said '''''launch torpedoes!''''' }}
*** When Sisko entered the bridge and started speaking in his "Joran voice", you ''knew'' shit was about to go down.
** ...taking the Defiant into the middle of the Wormhole to face an entire Dominion fleet.
*** ...while at the same time giving the Prophets a [[What the Hell, Hero?]] that convinces them to take an active role in the defense of Bajor:
{{quote|"You want to be gods, then ''be'' gods!"}}
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'''Sisko:''' It means you can't expect Sirella to treat you like Curzon just because you carry his memories. To her, you're just a young woman who's decided to marry into her family. If you have to get down on your knees and kiss Sirella's boots, then that's what you have to do. And you ''know'' that. From the moment you decided to marry Worf, you've known that sooner or later, you'd have to bow down and show her the respect she's due. }}
*** And after hitting her with the [[Wham! Line|Wham Lines]], he deliberately softens and reminds Jadzia that she's in love with Worf.
** ...doing just about anything, really.
*** At least [[Character Derailment|before]] he became [[Crystal Dragon Jesus]]...
*** He did get one moment even then, when he called B.S. on the Prophets' noninterference claims, forcing them to make that Dominion fleet go away.
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*** As is "The House Of Quark":
{{quote|'''Quark''': I am Quark, son of Keldar. And I have come to answer the challenge of D'Ghor, son of... whatever.}}
**** There's some [[Fridge Brilliance]] here: not bothering with D'Ghor's family name is a huge insult that implicitly questions his honor, and is probably calculated to annoy D'Ghor. Quark knows D'Ghor can be devious, and wants him angry so he'll act without thinking.
*** In the same episode, Quark gives a ''blistering'' [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]:
{{quote|'''Quark''': Go ahead, kill me! That is why I'm here, isn't it? To be killed? Well, here I am, so go ahead and do it. You all want me to pick up that sword and fight him, don't you. But I don't have a chance, and you know it. You only want me to put up a fight so that your precious "honor" will be satisfied. Well, I'm not gonna make it so easy for ya. Having me fight D'Ghor is nothing more than an execution. So, if that's what you want, that's what you'll get... an execution. ''[looking over at a stunned Gowron]'' No honor. No glory. ''[looking back at D'Ghor]'' And when you tell your children and your grandchildren the glorious story of how you rose to power and took Grilka's house from her, I hope you remember to tell them how you heroically killed an unarmed Ferengi, half your size!}}
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*** Gonna have to call BS on the whole "no slavery" thing, though. What else do you call it when half of the population is considered, for all intents and purposes, the ''property'' of the other half? That goes beyond sexism.
**** Yeah, except we had that too. So assuming he's telling the truth about not having an analog to what we *traditionally* call slavery, he's still one-up.
**** There's also the adage that history is written by the winners. Can we ever really know if/how many Ferengi atrocities were never recorded because there was no profit in remembering?
* O'Brien gets one (despite his normal [[Butt Monkey]] role) in "Empok Nor," when Garak has been infected by a violence-inducing super-soldier-serum and decided to hunt O'Brien down:
{{quote|'''Garak''': Maybe it's true... maybe you're not a soldier anymore.
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* Also in "Sacrifice of Angels" when the Klingon fleet arrives out of the sun and swings the battle against the Dominion.
* And last but not least when the Cardassian fleet turns against the Dominion in the finale "What You Leave Behind."
* After Damar finds out in "Tacking Into the Wind" that the Dominion have killed his wife and children, he wonders what kind of people could give orders like that. Kira responds with a perfect "Yeah Damar. What kind of people give those orders?"
** What makes it even better is that she ''immediately'' realizes that was absolutely the wrong thing to say in that situation. After Damar heads for the cockpit, she has this conversation with Garak.
{{quote|'''Kira:''' That was stupid.
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** This comes to fruition in a small [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] for Damar when he completes his [[Heel Face Turn]] by saving Kira and Odo from a treacherous officer who wanted to bring back the old Imperial Cardassia.
{{quote|'''Damar:''' He was my friend. But his Cardassia's dead...and it won't be coming back.}}
** Any of the pivotal moments comprising Damar's [[Heel Face Turn]], including the very first when he sees himself in the mirror and throws his drink at it in disgust. Watching thisThis increasingly important character snapsnapping himself out of half a season of depression and defeat, and transformtransforming himself into a revolutionary leader is just amazing to watch thanks to Casey Biggs' acting work.
* Kira has another moment like this two seasons earlier, while talking to Dukat. (Only this time, without the regret). Dukat is angry with Kira because his daughter Ziyal has befriended Garak, his sworn enemy.
{{quote|'''Kira:''' Dukat, she was lonely. And the last time I checked, he was the only other Cardassian living on the station.
Line 130 ⟶ 131:
'''Quark''': I can live with that too. And I can think of 28 million other people who won't mind either.
'''Sisko''': 28 million and one. }}
* Li Nalas gets one in "The Siege" when he starts living up to the hero role with his speech at the airlock. The unruly crowd that had just shouted over Sisko became ''silent'' the first time Li Nalas raised his voice - ''all'' of them, Bajoran and non-Bajoran. This speech, from the man who had previously hated giving speeches, simultaneously shames and inspires his people and is worth reproducing in full:
{{quote|"''Where are you running to?'' This is Bajor. We are Bajorans. We fought a war to regain our homeland, how can you abandon it like frightened Cardassian voles? These ships are for our guests, who ''must'' leave because it is no longer safe for them here! However, '''we are Bajorans''', and I say that we stay and we solve our own problems together. Are you willing to join me?" [He then walks out, followed by every Bajoran in the crowd.]}}
* Sisko's victory at Chin'toka becomes even more awesome when you remember that at the time, he had some deep-seated doubts as to where, when, and even who he really was.
Line 152 ⟶ 153:
{{quote|'''Major Kira Nerys:''' ''Listen'' to me! You can't have a runabout! You can not get your medical supplies and I don't give a ''damn'' about the colonization schedule! Those colonists can make do with a box of ''bandages'' for all I care!
''[Kira turns to leave]''
'''Dr. Julian Bashir:''' [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|Stop. Right. There. Major.]]<br />
''[Kira turns back around, glowering at him]''<br />
'''Bashir:''' When was the last time you had a day off?<br />
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== "The Way Of The Warrior" ==
* Can inanimate objects [[Took a Level Inin Badass|take a level in badass]]? If so, I nominate ''Deep Space Nine'' in "The Way of the Warrior". The Klingon fleet enters into what [[Unwitting Pawn|Martok]] thinks will be a total [[Curb Stomp Battle]] against the decrepit space station... then panels start sliding open on the hull to reveal a ''[[More Dakka|shitload of hidden phaser banks and torpedo launchers]]''. A glorious [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDsLeaa9k6g slugfest ensues].
{{quote|'''Gowron:''' "You're like an toothless old ''grishnar'' cat, trying to frighten us with your roar."
'''Sisko:''' "I assure you, this 'old cat' isn't as toothless as you think." }}
Line 186 ⟶ 187:
** Worf establishes his rep on the station by bitch-slapping a Klingon who's raising a ruckus at Quark's and then taking his honor blade after beating him up. Oh, yeah, the Klingon who got beat up is the son of [[Four-Star Badass]] Martok, who isn't known for taking these things lying down.
*** After said beatdown General Martok berates Worf for what he did, saying that he took away his son's honor. Worf's response "You cannot take what one does not have." This troper's jaw fell.
** Jadzia Dax actually being able to last up to four seconds against Worf using a bat'leth.
** The ''Defiant'' 's [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment when it rescues Gul Dukat and the Cardassian civilian government, while being attacked by three Klingon cruisers.
** What looks like 60 Klingon ships chase them all the way back to the station and order the Cardassians handed over. When Sisko refuses they threaten to pulverize the "decrepit" station. As another troper above states, panels start unlocking and gun ports emerge; and you realize that Deep Space Nine is armed. To the ''teeth''. Sisko gives a smirk that almost says, "Now....witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational BATTLE-station!"
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** In the middle of the battle, the camera cuts to Martok and Gowron. The dialouge is in Klingonese, but if you know what they say, it makes the crew of [[Puny Earthlings]] that much more [[Badass]]
{{quote|'''Martok:''' "They fight like Klingons!"
'''Gowron:''' "Then let them die like Klingons!" }}
* This episode is so [[Exaggerated Trope|awesomely awesome]], even its comic relief scene is awesome: Garak and Quark discussing root beer. The scene is written humorously but [[Played Straight]] by the actors as an incisive comment on their perspective of the Federation.
[[Category:Live -Action TV/Awesome]]
[[Category:Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]
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