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Last Scenario/Characters: Difference between revisions

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== The Heroes ==
== Hilbert ==
[[File:Hilbert2_8904Hilbert2 8904.png|frame]]
{{quote|"I always felt that... I was born to be something... something greater than this!"}}
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== Matilda ==
[[File:Matilda2_164Matilda2 164.png|frame]]
Captain of a special unit in the Republic army - the very unit that Hilbert joins. Matilda is down-to-earth and hotheaded; she doesn't react well to Hilbert's [[Wide-Eyed Idealist|idealistic nonsense]], but she values every member of her team highly. She's loyal to her country, but has some issues with the army's higher-ups...
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== Thorve ==
[[File:Thorve2_7993Thorve2 7993.png|frame]]
{{quote|"I thought that I couldn't feel anything anymore. I was wrong. I can still feel despair."}}
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== Lorenza ==
[[File:Lorenza2_652Lorenza2 652.png|frame]]
First encountered as a [[Mysterious Waif|mysterious girl]] being pursued by soldiers from the Rosehart Kingdom, Lorenza ends up as a permanent member of the party when the village that's sheltered her since her father's death decides she's too much of a danger. She's one of the elusive [[Our Elves Are Better|Havali]], but knows little more about her own race than the rest of the group. As a descender of the Havali Elder, she is the 'Key' to awakening the demons of legend, or so the antagonists say.
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== Ethan ==
[[File:Ethan2_7196Ethan2 7196.png|frame]]
{{quote|"The things I remember are those that I wanted to remember the most. Does that mean... that I forgot that which I wanted to forget the most?"}}
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== Randolph ==
[[File:Randolph2_6058Randolph2 6058.png|frame]]
A geologist from the North Empire and an acquaintance of Thorve's, Randolph is more than willing to help the party make a difference in the Empire... in exchange for help with his research, of course. Despite his age, Randolph is a capable fighter and very sharp. He's also {{spoiler|Wolfram's father.}}
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== The Republic ==
== Drakovic ==
[[File:Drakovic2_751Drakovic2 751.png|frame]]
Drakovic is a member of the Republic army and an intelligent, skilled tactician with a knack for [[The Plan]]. A Major at first, he gets a promotion during the {{spoiler|Empire civil war}}, and then later becomes {{spoiler|commander of the Republic army in the place of the late Newick}}.
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== Commander Tazar ==
[[File:Tazar2_3107Tazar2 3107.png|frame]]
A Commander in the Republic army and cowardly sleazebag. {{spoiler|Defects to the Empire early on to save his own skin while his soldiers get killed, and later ends up being [[Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves]] and used as a Biorite test subject.}}
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== Selene and Jord ==
[[File:Selene2_6057Selene2 6057.png|frame]]
[[File:Jord2_878Jord2 878.png|frame]]
Selene and Jord are young soldiers working under Matilda. Jord, the newest member of Matilda's unit aside from Hilbert, is a spellcaster who spends his free time squabbling with Selene about her seniority. They usually fight as a team, bickering aside.
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== Colonel Newick ==
[[File:Newick2_6644Newick2 6644.png|frame]]
Newick is the man in charge of the Republic army. Despite his position, he's [[Armchair Military|never been on a battlefield]], and as such is not particularly popular with the actual soldiers.
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== The Empire ==
== Felgorn ==
[[File:Felgorn2_1265Felgorn2 1265.png|frame]]
{{quote|"Do you want to become a hero yourself? Forget about it. It's just a meaningless word."}}
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== Augustus ==
[[File:Augustus2_3937Augustus2 3937.png|frame]]
Augustus is a smooth-talking noble from the Empire with [[Magnificent Bastard|an insane skill for manipulating others]]. Born a commoner, he has since worked his way up through the ranks all by himself, {{spoiler|and eventually achieves his goal of becoming Emperor, for a short time}}. He is a close friend of Felgorn's.
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== Princess Helga ==
[[File:Helga2_6595Helga2 6595.png|frame]]
Helga is the power-hungry and, truth-be-told, rather bratty elder child of Emperor Leopold. She is first seen arranging to have her father assassinated in order to seize power herself, and it doesn't get any better from there. {{spoiler|She rules the Empire during most of the civil war, and does a decidedly bad job of it, to the point where no one minds when Augustus murders her and takes over.}}
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== Prince Wilhelm ==
[[File:Wilhelm2_1806Wilhelm2 1806.png|frame]]
Wilhelm is the younger child of the Emperor, and a quiet, studious teenager who would most likely prefer to be left out of the royal family's power struggles altogether. However, when {{spoiler|his father is assassinated, he at first reluctantly, then willingly leads an eventually successful rebel faction intent on overthrowing Helga's rule.}} Hilbert is something of a role model to him, which is probably cause for alarm.
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== General Grauss ==
[[File:Grauss2_9997Grauss2 9997.png|frame]]
The man in charge of the Empire's military forces, Grauss takes Wilhelm's side when {{spoiler|civil war breaks out in the Empire}}. He's gruff, makes no pretenses, and hates being proven wrong, but becomes a useful ally to the party despite his initial distrust.
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== The Kingdom ==
== Castor ==
[[File:Castor2_3926Castor2 3926.png|frame]]
At the age of 30, Castor is already a General in the Kingdom army. He makes his first major appearance after being put in charge of the invasion of {{spoiler|Pargon Island}}.
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* [[There Are No Therapists]]: Just ''try'' and count the number of times {{spoiler|Zawu, Ethan, or Flynn}} say something along the lines of "Castor needs help."
* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]}}: {{spoiler|When he realizes he's weaker than the main characters.}}
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: A [[Blade on a Stick|glaive]]. Notable for being one of the few characters to have the corresponding personality -- thepersonality—the only others are Zawu, Felgorn, Helio and Lorenza.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: If you go by his character portrait, though his normal sprite is [[Blond Guys Are Evil|blond]].
* [[Would Not Shoot a Civilian|Would Not Hurt a Civilian]]: And ''really'' doesn't like people who do. {{spoiler|Makes sense, considering his entire hometown was razed by the Imperial army with no provocation.}}
== Helio ==
[[File:Helio2_1189Helio2 1189.png|frame]]
The always-smiling Number Two of the Kingdom's Omega Team, Helio, along with his teammates, answers directly to Castor. He is in charge of the Biorite Facility.
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== Earp ==
[[File:Earp2_6326Earp2 6326.png|frame]]
The Number Three of the Omega Team. Earp is a pretty chill guy with wicked facial hair and a cool eyepatch. There's not much more to say about him.
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== Flynn ==
[[File:Flynn2_2828Flynn2 2828.png|frame]]
The Number One of the Omega Team, Flynn is the last of the group to make an appearance. In accordance with her number, she's also the strongest.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: She's [[Punch Clock Villain|just doing her job]] and worries about Castor when his behavior starts getting erratic, to the point where she's heavily implied to be the one who {{spoiler|sent a letter asking Hilbert for help}}. And after {{spoiler|Hilbert and company invade the capital of the Kingdom}}, she'll even play Hex with you.
* [[Cool Sword|Cool Swords]]s
** [[Dual-Wielding]]
* [[Nice Hat]]
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== King Alfred III ==
[[File:Alfred2_8047Alfred2 8047.png|frame]]
The ruler of the Rosehart Kingdom. He does almost as little as Emperor Leopold.
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== Lt. Colonel Alison ==
[[File:Alison2_4854Alison2 4854.png|frame]]
A soldier in the Rosehart army, and {{spoiler|one of Ethan's former subordinates}}. Alison is loyal and level-headed, and after learning that Ethan is alive, agrees to aid the party just once.
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== Havali ==
== Ortas ==
[[File:Ortas2_59Ortas2 59.png|frame]]
Ortas is the Grandmaster of the Havali, and has more or less taken the position of their ruler. As the plot unfolds, [[The Man Behind the Man|he seems to be behind everything that happens]], though his motives remain unclear.
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== Barasur ==
[[File:Barasur2_288Barasur2 288.png|frame]]
The Elder of the Havali, and Lorenza's grandfather, Barasur has very little influence over his people despite his position. He considers himself a coward for {{spoiler|fleeing the Havali capital during the war 300 years ago.}} He also bears the burden of {{spoiler|allowing Tiamat, formerly his love Esmerelda, to live rather than be executed, which backfired horribly.}}
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== Tiamat ==
[[File:Tiamat2_8867Tiamat2 8867.png|frame]]
A mysterious Havali woman found trapped in Biorite below the Empire, all that is known about Tiamat is that she's very powerful... and [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|not exactly sane]].
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== Everyone Else ==
== Zawu ==
[[File:Zawu2_5790Zawu2 5790.png|frame]]
Zawu is a [[Mysterious Informant|mysterious robed woman]] who guides Hilbert after telling him that he is the descendant of the hero Alexander. She reveals little that is not essential, only saying that Hilbert must become a hero in order to lead mankind against the soon-to-awaken demons.
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== Phantom/{{spoiler|Alexander}} ==
[[File:Phantom2_4449Phantom2 4449.png|frame]]
A mysterious old man with amnesia, very little is known about Phantom. First seen inexplicably wandering around a Republic base, it turns out he also helped Ethan to escape from the facility he was being kept at.
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== Moritz ==
[[File:Moritz2_1032Moritz2 1032.png|frame]]
Moritz is the captain of the Brunhild, the [[Cool Boat]] given to the party by {{spoiler|the Empire}}, and a very good captain at that. He remains calm and goes with the flow even when insane things are going on around him.
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== Joanna ==
[[File:Joanna2_2548Joanna2 2548.png|frame]]
Hilbert's older sister, Joanna has done her best to lead a normal life and take care of her brother after the death of their parents. Unfortunately for her, being the sister of the main character has [[Damsel in Distress|consequences]].
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== Valentin ==
[[File:Valentin2_4232Valentin2 4232.png|frame]]
Valentin is Matilda's husband of fourteen years. In contrast to his wife, he's calm and relaxed, and aside from Matilda rarely spending time at home, they seem to be a happy couple. Valentin's status as an ordinary civilian does occasionally put him in a position to be rescued, however.
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== Saraswati ==
[[File:Saraswati2_1448Saraswati2 1448.png|frame]]
An avid [[Mini Game|Hex]] player, Saraswati is considered the best in the world at the game. She travels constantly in an attempt to discover some sort of 'secret' about the game and the tiles used to play it. {{spoiler|It turns out she's playing right into the hands of an evil sorceress who preserved her soul in the tiles; luckily, the party saves her.}}
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== Wolfram ==
[[File:Wolfram2_6553Wolfram2 6553.png|frame]]
{{spoiler|Randolph}}'s son, who died in the Kingdom-Empire war fourteen years ago. {{spoiler|Thorve}} blames himself for his death. To make matters even more complicated, {{spoiler|Ethan}} is the one who killed him.
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[[Category:Last Scenario]]


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