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Solatorobo/Characters: Difference between revisions

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== Main Trio ==
=== Red Savarin ===
[[File:solatorobo_redsavarinTVT_4594solatorobo redsavarinTVT 4594.jpg|frame|left]]
The upbeat, determined hero of the game. Red is a Hunter, which is ''ostensibly'' short for "bounty hunter" but probably better described as "the guy who does odd jobs". His robo, DAHAK, is the main source of income for both himself and his [[Happily Adopted|adopted]] little sister, Chocolat. Has a tendency to [[Open Mouth, Insert Foot|say things that get him in trouble]] or [[Innocently Insensitive|accidentally offend others]], but he's a good guy at heart.
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* {{spoiler|[[Half-Human Hybrid]]}}
* [[Happily Adopted]]: Brother-sister example in Red and Chocolat. Considering she's only 13, he may actually have legal custody of her, despite the fact that [[Closer to Earth|she deals with day-to-day issues like money]] much better than he does.
** [[Heartwarming Orphan]]: Red and Chocolat are what happens when [[Heartwarming Orphan|Heartwarming Orphans]]s grow up and [[Happily Adopted|adopt each other]].
* {{spoiler|[[Henshin Hero]]}}: Red's Trance. {{spoiler|In fact, ''trance'' may actually be a mis-transliteration of ''trans''form, since both would be spelled ''toransu'' in Japanese.}}
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: After {{spoiler|learning he's a Hybrid, Red goes into a bit of a funk angsting over the fact that the two Hybrids he just met are [[Omnicidal Maniac|Omnicidal Maniacs]]s and he just might share their [[Ax Crazy]] inclinations}}. Chocolat snaps him out of it by dragging him to Basset to play with the orphans and remind him [[Upbringing Makes the Hero|that he's still the same good person she grew up with]].
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: Red usually acts before he thinks.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]: Elh outright calls Red 'hot-headed' during the post {{spoiler|Part 2}} credits sequence. He only solves ''one'' of the three riddles for the {{spoiler|Flute}}, settling the first two with violence. Frequently charges in without thinking, and says some pretty cheesy things with a straight face.
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=== Chocolat Gelato ===
[[File:solatorobo_chocolatgelatoTVT_3450solatorobo chocolatgelatoTVT 3450.jpg|frame|left]]
Red's little sister. She [[Wrench Wench|loves all things mechanical]], and so spends a lot of time fixing up DAHAK or the Asmodeus, their home airship.
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* [[Goggles Do Nothing]]: She flies the Asmodeus from inside a protected cockpit and never ventures outside, so she has no need of her goggles (which she never wears, either).
* [[Happily Adopted]]: Brother-sister example in Red and Chocolat. Considering she's only 13, he may actually have legal custody of her, despite the fact that [[Closer to Earth|she deals with day-to-day issues like money]] much better than he does.
** [[Heartwarming Orphan]]: Red and Chocolat are what happens when [[Heartwarming Orphan|Heartwarming Orphans]]s grow up and [[Happily Adopted|adopt each other]].
* [[Improbable Piloting Skills]]: For a 13 year-old, Chocolat pilots the Asmodeus exceptionally. Scratch that, Chocolat pilots the Asmodeus exceptionally, ''period''.
* [[Leave the Two Lovebirds Alone]]: To Cyan, Princess Theria, {{spoiler|and Opéra, when Red and Elh make up after he got fangirled to death by Theria, Alicia, and Toffee}} after winning the Prairie Kingdom Cup.
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* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]
* [[Teen Genius]]: Chocolat Gelato. 13 years old and an engineer that not only manages to pilot her own home airship, but also manages the financial issues between her and her brother.
* [[Teens Are Short]]: She's 13 and only 120cm120 cm/3'11". You ''could'' justify this as her just being a Pomeranian, except for the fact that Russian blue cat Opéra is 170cm170 cm/5'7" and should realistically be about the same size if breed determines height.
* [[Three Amigos]]: With Red and Elh, by the end of the story. {{spoiler|Subverted in that both sidekicks are female.}}
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: The girly-girl counterpoint to {{spoiler|Elh, once everyone learns she's female.}}
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=== Elh Melizée ===
[[File:solatorobo_elhmelizeeTVT_2670solatorobo elhmelizeeTVT 2670.jpg|frame|left]] A young Felineko rescued from the Hindenburg by Red, who offers him an exorbitant amount of money in exchange for helping with an ancient ritual to [[Sealed Evil in a Can|seal the monster Lares]]. Elh is blunt, taciturn, private...and [[Everyone Can See It|not-so-secretly]] falling for Red.
* [[Anger Born of Worry]]: After Red takes on Nero and Blanck for the first time, he barely escapes with his life. Once he wakes up and everyone is sure he's okay, Elh socks him a few times for being such an idiot. [[Slap Slap Kiss|Then they comment on how it's good to see each other again after several months.]]
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** [[Awesome but Impractical]]: Blocking a [[Macross Missile Massacre]]? Awesome. Fainting when Red's not around to protect you? Not so awesome.
* [[Cats Are Magic]]: Elh's [[Mana|Nono]] also reacts to certain artifacts with [[Power Glows|glowing]] [[Facial Markings]] and allows use of a [[Barrier Warrior|barrier spell]].
* [[Cat Smile]]: Does one once or twice. Being a Felineko, this is kind of a given, though not all of Elh's smiles are [[Cat Smile|Cat Smiles]]s.
* {{spoiler|[[Conflicting Loyalty]]}}: {{spoiler|Elh choosing between the loyalty to her duty to seal Lares (which requires the sacrifice of Red) and her loyalty to her friend.}}
* [[Cute Little Fangs]]
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* [[Screams Like a Little Girl]]: When confronted with [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|bugs]]. {{spoiler|Of course, given that she ''is'' a girl, it's more understandable, but Red didn't know that at the time.}} And again when {{spoiler|Bruno attempts to sacrifice Red in the Rite of Feasting}}.
* [[Ship Tease]]: With Red.
* [[Shower of Awkward]]: Done ''twice''. [[Modesty Towel|Modesty Towels]]s prevented those moments from being even more awkward.
* [[Skirt Over Slacks]]
* [[Sugar and Ice Personality]]: Elh, normally calm and distant, occasionally shows a softer side ([[Defrosting Ice Queen|it gets shown more often as the story progresses]]).
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== The Kuvasz/Kurvaz ==
=== Bruno Dondurma ===
[[File:solatorobo_brunoTVT_6561solatorobo brunoTVT 6561.jpg|frame|left]]
The leader of the Kurvaz, currently the largest Hunter Guild in Shepherd. A rather arrogant sort whose newest ambition is to [[Take Over the World]] without losing his [[100% Heroism Rating]].
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=== Opéra Kranz ===
[[File:solatorobo_operaTVT_6796solatorobo operaTVT 6796.jpg|frame|left]]
The leader of the Kurvaz special ops unit. A little bit snotty but no less dangerous, she feels indebted to Bruno and works for him despite his increasingly aggressive orders.
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* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: While not as interested in trying to [[Take Over the World]] as Bruno, she feels indebted to him for things he did in the past and is willing to go along with his antagonistic ways.
* [[Spikes of Villainy]]: Her suit includes lines of spines along her [[Fan Service|breasts and hips]] as well as on her arms.
* [[Statuesque Stunner]]: Opéra is quite tall compared to most of them, being 170cm170 cm/5'7".
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: The recipient of Gren and Calua's [[Undying Loyalty]].
* [[Villains Out Shopping]]: One of the special collectible photos you can acquire is a photo of the current Kuvasz special operative unit [http://www.deviantart.com/download/198944377/troubles_by_grimgor09-d3ag2gp.jpg running away from Bruno after Calua broke his vase], and another shows [http://www.deviantart.com/download/198941016/hug_for_officiers_by_grimgor09-d3afzvc.jpg Opéra hugging her two officers] and [[Marshmallow Hell|introducing them to her two girls]].
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=== Gren Sacher and Calua Napage ===
[[File:solatorobo_grenTVT_9641solatorobo grenTVT 9641.jpg|frame|left|Gren]]
[[File:solatorobo_caluaTVT_2115solatorobo caluaTVT 2115.jpg|frame|Calua]]
Opéra's two servants. Gren is the more serious underling, while Calua is goofy, fun-loving, and doesn't take things too seriously. Gren's straight-laced nature can sometimes put him at odds with Calua, but they agree in their [[Undying Loyalty]] to Lady Opéra.
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=== Merveille Million ===
[[File:solatorobo_merveilleTVT_6306solatorobo merveilleTVT 6306.jpg|frame|left]]
The Kurvaz's Development Chief and Bruno's personal secretary, though she's not at all fond of him since he began trying to [[Take Over the World]]. A genius at [[Mini-Mecha]] design, she's personally responsible for many of the mechanical innovations in the guild.
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* [[Ship Tease]]: With Béluga. They are mostly seen together in the main quest and in the DLC quests {{spoiler|Béluga gives a field of flowers hologram for Merveille and tries to impress her in an arena fight.}}
* [[Spock Speak]]: Merveille lapses into this at times.
* [[Statuesque Stunner]]: At 180cm180 cm/5'11", Merveille is the second-tallest character with a given height, towering over most other characters.
** [[Huge Girl Tiny Guy]]: If she and Béluga ever make it official.
=== Béluga Damiens ===
[[File:solatorobo_belugadamiensTVT_9212solatorobo belugadamiensTVT 9212.jpg|frame|left]]
A solitary and somewhat mysterious Felineko Hunter who has been aiding the Kurvaz lately for his own reasons. He and Elh have a history {{spoiler|as the last two Paladins, an ancient clan tasked with performing the Rite of Forfeit in order to seal Lares}}.
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* [[The Gunslinger]]: Béluga and his mech, Salamander. His outfit even includes [[Cowboy|gratuitous spurs]].
* [[Geeky Turn On]]: When Merveille is presented with a hologram of a field of flowers, she's just as taken with the technology as she is with the beauty of the image. Béluga likes this aspect of her and finds it one of her most charming points, so would that be a Geeky Turn On Turn On?
* [[Huge Girl Tiny Guy]]: If he and Merveille ever officially get together; he's only 160cm160 cm/5'3"!
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: [[Ship Tease|Teased]] with Merveille.
* {{spoiler|[[Last of His Kind]]}}: {{spoiler|He's one of the last two Paladins}} along with Elh, due to {{spoiler|Baion burning their home Ragdoll to the ground.}}
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== Other Important Characters ==
=== Baion ===
[[File:solatorobo_baionTVT_3953solatorobo baionTVT 3953.jpg|frame|left]]
A new villain who rises not long after Bruno's defeat, Baion appears human and has a much simpler goal: instead of trying to [[Take Over the World]], he just wants to [[Kill'Em All]] and cleanse the planet of its defective furry population.
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=== Nero and Blanck ===
[[File:solatorobo_neroTVT_1040solatorobo neroTVT 1040.jpg|frame|left|Nero]]
[[File:solatorobo_blanckTVT_8403solatorobo blanckTVT 8403.jpg|frame|Blanck]]
A pair of Hybrids [[Creating Life|created by]] {{spoiler|Merveille}}. They believe it is their right to kill and destroy the Caninu and Felineko.
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== Continuity Cameos ==
=== Waffle Ryebread and Panta ===
[[File:solatorobo_waffleTVT_7098solatorobo waffleTVT 7098.jpg|frame|Waffle]]
[[File:solatorobo_pantaTVT_6419solatorobo pantaTVT 6419.jpg|frame|left|Panta]]
The hero and his sidekick from ''[[Tail Concerto]]''. Waffle is often encountered on patrol, as he's trying to keep the Pris sisters from causing too much trouble.
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=== Alicia, Stair, and Flare Priss ===
[[File:/solatorobo_aliciaTVT_6463solatorobo aliciaTVT 6463.jpg|frame|left|Alicia]]
[[File:solatorobo_stairTVT_8039solatorobo stairTVT 8039.jpg|frame|Stair]]
[[File:solatorobo_flareTVT_9453solatorobo flareTVT 9453.jpg|frame|left|Flare]]
The three Priss sisters from ''[[Tail Concerto]]''. They're on vacation in Shepherd, but of course they can't resist causing some mischief - or at least Alicia can't, as it gets Waffle's attention; Stair and Flare seem quite content to just sight-see, but follow her lead anyway.
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=== Mamoru and his father ===
[[File:solatorobo_mamoruTVT_9028solatorobo mamoruTVT 9028.jpg|frame|left|Mamoru]]
[[File:solatorobo_otousanTVT_6484solatorobo otousanTVT 6484.jpg|frame|Mamoru's father]]
From the children's safety and disaster preparedness game ''Mamoru-kun''.
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Any other minor characters who are of [[Nominal Importance]] or who otherwise make a difference in the story, in alphabetical order (as many are found only in [[Sidequest|Side Quests]] and thus players may encounter them in different chronological orders). Catalog that [[Cast of Snowflakes]]!
=== Abricot: ===
* [[Serious Business]]: She takes quizzes ''extremely'' seriously. You face her off in a light-hearted casual quiz competition in Pharaoh.
=== Alman ===
[[File:solatorobo_almanTVT_5741solatorobo almanTVT 5741.jpg|frame|left]]
One of your first quest givers in Airedale. He disturbs Red quite a bit.
* [[Camp Gay]]: He keeps hitting on Red, wears dresses, and uses copious amounts of cosmetics.
=== Amélie and Frito ===
[[File:solatorobo_amelieTVT_6382solatorobo amelieTVT 6382.jpg|frame|left|Amélie]]
Amélie is the granddaughter of the mayor of Spinon. Frito is her best friend.
* [[Bratty Half-Pint]]: In one quest, Amélie tries to "help" with a burglary investigation and ends up involving random pedestrians just because she recently read a mystery story.
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=== Barry ===
[[File:solatorobo_barryTVT_8967solatorobo barryTVT 8967.jpg|frame|left]]
* [[Cannot Talk to Women]]: He's too shy to speak to girls directly.
** [[Poor Communication Kills]]: This causes problems when {{spoiler|Cocona believes him to be stalking her because he follows her around but doesn't say anything. He actually just wants to return the watch she dropped}}.
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=== Cocona ===
[[File:solatorobo_coconaTVT_153solatorobo coconaTVT 153.jpg|frame|left]]
Her song "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuGWfW82Zfg Sparkling Shooting Star]" was included on the OST.
* {{spoiler|[[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]}}: Sometimes
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=== Collie ===
[[File:solatorobo_collieTVT_3580solatorobo collieTVT 3580.jpg|frame|left]]
The old fisherman of Basset.
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=== Flo ===
[[File:solatorobo_floTVT_9042solatorobo floTVT 9042.jpg|frame|left]]
The Quest Broker.
* [[Graceful Ladies Like Purple]]
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=== Iggy ===
[[File:solatorobo_iggyTVT_6040solatorobo iggyTVT 6040.jpg|frame|left]]
* [[New Age Retro Hippie]]
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=== Louis ===
[[File:solatorobo_louisTVT_7416solatorobo louisTVT 7416.jpg|frame|left]]
Son of the mayor of Shetland.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
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=== Navara ===
[[File:solatorobo_navaraTVT_1758solatorobo navaraTVT 1758.jpg|frame|left]]
Leader of the Howler [[Sky Pirates]].
* [[Poor Communication Kills]]: He sends a message to [[Idol Singer|Cocona]] that he will pay her a visit soon, and she naturally takes it as a kidnapping warning. {{spoiler|He really just wanted an autograph.}}
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=== Ozir, Steven, and Chuck ===
[[File:solatorobo_ozirTVT_9035solatorobo ozirTVT 9035.jpg|frame|left|Ozir]]
Three Felineko living at the Training Grounds in Mau. Ozir is their teacher.
* [[Grumpy Old Man]]: Ozir, in varying shades. Béluga [[No Social Skills|completely rubs him the wrong way]], but when Red shows interest in training Ozir is quite pleased.
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=== Québec ===
[[File:solatorobo_quebecTVT_5671solatorobo quebecTVT 5671.jpg|frame|left]]
An old Hunter who gives Red his first quest to fetch a file on the Hindenburg.
* [[BFS]]: Québec's can become nearly as big as his mech. Maybe Gren took a few tips from him.
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=== Quentin ===
[[File:solatorobo_quentinTVT_1556solatorobo quentinTVT 1556.jpg|frame|left]]
The master of the Duel Ship who offers Red a chance to compete for money.
* [[Eyes Always Shut]]
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=== Quynne ===
[[File:solatorobo_quynneTVT_4469solatorobo quynneTVT 4469.jpg|frame|left]]
The mysterious man who claims to be constantly watching Red and who gives him the library which unlocks as you play the game.
=== Suzette ===
[[File:solatorobo_suzetteTVT_6702solatorobo suzetteTVT 6702.jpg|frame|left]]
The parts shop owner in Airedale.
* [[Mini-Mecha]]: Pilots one. She likes to customize it.
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