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The most powerful and important of the Daedra are the Daedric Princes. They typically inhabit various planes of Oblivion, though they are known to journey to Mundus from time to time. Mortals who gain their favor become their champions, and are gifted with one of their artifacts, a unique and enchanted item. There are 17 known Daedric Princes following the events of ''Shivering Isles''. 16 appear in ''[[Daggerfall]]'', 7 appear in ''[[Morrowind]]'', all 17 appear in ''[[Oblivion]]'', but only 16 of them are appear in [[Skyrim]]. Note that while they may appear as male or female, Daedric Princes are beyond any such qualification.
=== Tropes applicable to all Daedric Princes: ===
* [[A Form You Are Comfortable With]]: All of them to some extent, except perhaps for Hermaeus Mora. Because of this, it is speculated that [[You Cannot Grasp the True Form]].
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* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Her response to the Tribunal's very existence? Curse the whole species to have dark skin and red eyes. {{spoiler|And then raise up a reincarnation of Nerevar to kill the Tribunal and proudly display her symbols on a special ring.}}
** She may not actually have cursed the Dunmer, just pointed out the whole dark skin/red eyes thing (which, when you get down to it, isn't really a horrific curse, either). That said, she did knew that the thing in the spoiler would lead to bad consequences for Morrowind, like a small moon falling down on a city and triggering a massive volcanic eruption.
** This being the Elder Scrolls, there is an alternate theory: she showed up to curse the leaders<ref>With the events of ''Morrowind''</ref> and pointed out the Chimer had turned ashen-faced while she was at it. The fact that no explanation for why or how they were transformed was included meant she got the blame.<ref>the alternate explanation for why noting that messing around with the Heart had just shown a clear ability to change an ''entire'' race despite the actual action being done by a single individual</ref>. Even then, the trope still applies: the thing we ''know'' she did back then led directly and with her foreknowledge to the devastation of Morrowind.
* [[Eldritch Location]]: The realm of Moonshadow, said to be so extremely beautiful that the viewer is half-blinded by it, and where Azura resides in a Rose Palace in a city made of silver.
* [[Evil Pays Better]]: The ([[Blue and Orange Morality|mostly]]) good end of her ''[[Skyrim]]'' questline is to {{spoiler|purify Azura's Star, receiving it as a reusable white Soul Gem and gaining Aranea Ienith as a potential follower. On the other hand you can complete the corruption and transform it into the Black Star which can hold all types of soul including human -- keep in mind Black Soul Gems are rather rare and humans souls are the best for enchanting}}.
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=== Jyggalag ===
[[File:jyggalag_969jyggalag 969.png|frame]]
{{quote|Sphere: Order}}
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=== Mehrunes Dagon ===
[[File:mehrunes_dagon_9293mehrunes dagon 9293.png|frame]]
{{quote|Sphere: Destruction, Change, Revolution, Energy, and Ambition
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=== Nocturnal ===
[[File:nocturnal_8869nocturnal 8869.png|frame]]
{{quote|Sphere: Night, Darkness, Thieves{{spoiler|, Luck}}
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=== Sanguine ===
[[File:sanguine_6008sanguine 6008.png|frame]]
{{quote|Sphere Debauchery, Hedonism
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* [[Cruel and Unusual Death]]: He was cut into eight pieces by the Ayleids to mock the Eight Divines.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Essentially committed genocide on the Ayleids. They were [[Asshole Victim|assholes]] who had enslaved Cyrodiil, but that's ''still'' an entire culture wiped from the face of Tamriel. The legends about him even use the word "pogroms" to describe what he had done.
** He also killed many Khajiit, ''simply because they didn't look human''. Granted, he stopped after he learned that they weren't from Aldmeris,<ref>The continent the Ayleids came from.</ref>, but still.
* [[Flaming Sword]]: His sword was enchanted to inflict fire damage.
* [[Go Mad From the Revelation]]: Probably goes with being a potential time traveller - he was aware the nonlinear part of the universe as well as Akatosh's dual nature, and even realized that he was a sort of indirect creator of his arch-nemesis Umaril (since if it were not for Pelinal's deeds then Umaril would not be famous).
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* [[Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?]]: Convinced Vivec that he knew the "pankratosword" technique and was willing to use it, in order to get Vivec to cough up a valuable treasure.
* [[Not in This For Your Revolution]]: Came back to Hammerfell to find his missing sister, but wound up starting and leading their rebellion.
* [[The Trickster]]: Unusually for Tamriel, Cyrus is a [[Badass Normal|completely normal]] swordsman .<ref>usually - he may have been the Hoon Ding during his fight with Richton, the Redguard "Make Way" god</ref>. Therefore, to take down the various sorcerers and dragons and monsters he faces, he has to use his mind.
* [[Walking the Earth]]: Would have been named King by the Redguards, but he turned them down to do this.
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