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* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain]]: Between Type I and Type II.}}
* [[Arch Enemy]]: To Gwen.
* [[Bastard Understudy]]/[[Deceptive Disciple]]
* [[Black Magician Girl]]: "I don't respect ANYONE!"
* [[Broken Bird]]: {{spoiler|As of "Enemy of My Frenemy", even more broken than before.}}
* [[Cloud Cuckoolanded]]: Comes off this way in ''Omniverse'', {{spoiler: but she actually isn't.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Cry Cute]]: Happens frequently in ''Ultimate Alien''.}}
* [[Daddy's Little Villain|Uncle's Little Villain]]
* [[Dark Magical Girl]]: Was always a play on this trope, and became even moreso in ''Ultimate Alien''.
* {{spoiler|[[Deal with the Devil]]: And that devil was DIAGON!}}
* [[Defeat Means Friendship]]: Gwen's prediction for her at the end of ''Omniverse''.
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: In "Where the Magic Happens", she becomes slightly more friendly to Gwen as the episode progresses. {{spoiler|Sadly undone by "Enemy of my Frenemy", which makes her more of a [[Broken Bird]] than before.}}
* [[Denser and Wackier]]: Her personality in ''Omniverse''.
* {{spoiler|[[Dimension Lord]]: She becomes the ruler of Ledger Domain after defeating Adwaita.}}
* [[Do with Him as You Will]]: {{spoiler|In "Couples Retreat", after finding out Dark Star was just using her for her power, she takes it all away from him and leaves him at the mercy of the heroes.}}
* [[Enemy Mine]]: Gwen convinces her to help them retrieve a piece of the Map of Infinity from her home before Aggregor does. {{spoiler|They fail.}}
** Teams up with Ben and Rook against Z'Skayr in her first full ''Omniverse'' appearance, and helps Ben again in her last one.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Gwen.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: She was raised by her uncle, who is shown to regularly threaten her if she doesn't obey him. Gee, is it any wonder she turned out bad?
** {{spoiler|The fact that every other human from her home was killed, including her father, doesn't help any either.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Revolving Door]]: In ''Ultimate Alien''. She's bad, then good, then worse, then neutral. In ''Omniverse'', she's still neutral, but workingthen bad again, but then neutral again with a previous implication towardof becominggoing good.}}
* [[Hot Witch]]
* {{spoiler|[[I Choose to Stay]]: Takes the trio back home, but stays to fight for hers, aware that she'll be trapped.}}
* [[Kari Wahlgren]]
* [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: She betrayed her uncle for her own evil goal, but Hex definately had it coming.
** {{spoiler|Sucking out AdwagiaAdwatia's soul for her [[Deal with the Devil]]. While her other victims were innocent and didn't deserve it, he certainly did.}}
** The end of "Couples Retreat". Charmcaster is good with this trope.
** The end of "Mystery Incorporeal" as well, once more with Darkstar as her victim.
* [[Little Miss Badass]]: In the original series.
* [[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]: Though it wouldn't seem like it given many of her past performances, {{spoiler|she manages to rack up a body count only the Highbreed and Vilgax have managed to exceed, and they have entire armies. She even killed the heroes, something no other villain has managed. The body count was only temporary, as all her victims get brought back from the dead shortly afterward, but that hardly detracts from the fact that she pulled it off.}}
* [[Perky Goth]]: Well, sort of gothish anyway...
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]: Her goals in ''Omniverse'' are to be the best at magic and to take vengeance on those who have wronged her, very immature goals that she acts childish about.
* [[The Rival]]: To Gwen and, to a lesser extent, to Rojo in the Negative 10.
* {{spoiler|[[He Who Fights Monsters|She Who Fights Monsters]]: Became even worse than Adwagia to try and revive her father, something he calls her out on, resulting in a [[My God, What Have I Done?]] [[Villainous BSOD]]. Thankfully, she seems to have gotten better in the next episode, trying to be a better ruler and person (though [[Took a Level In Dumbass|not exactly a smarter one...)]]}}
* [[The Starscream]]: To Hex in her first appearance.
* [[Took a Level In Dumbass]]: In ''Ultimate Alien'' and continuing in ''Omniverse''.
* [[Took a Level In Dumbass]]: Seems to have happened to her as of ''Ultimate Alien.' In "Couple's Retreat", she's acting like [[The Ditz]]. {{spoiler|Granted, she does have the motive of wanting to fill her now-empty life with ANYTHING, even a giddy, girlish love for Darkstar, but still....}}
* [[Took a Level in Jerkass]]: She wasn't nice in the original, but she's much bitchier in ''Alien Force'', especially to her golem minions. Takes a temporary but more severe one in "Enemy of My Frenemy" in ''Ultimate Alien''.
* [[Took a Level In Kindness]]: In "Where the Magic Happens" (and again in "Couples Retreat", following an [[Took a Level in Jerkass|extreme reset.]])
* {{spoiler|1=[[Villainous BSOD]]/[[Heel Realization]]/[[My God, What Have I Done?]]: After she makes a [[Deal with the Devil]] to revive her father by sacrificing all the souls in her home world, he tells her she's become [[She Who Fights Monsters]] and he doesn't ''want'' to be revived at the cost of some many other lives, which makes her cry as she realizes he's right. He breaks the deal, undoing everything, leaving Charmcaster completely crushed, the one thing she'd spent her entire life trying to obtain now forever out of her reach.}}
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