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Character Derailment/Live-Action TV: Difference between revisions

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(The person who organized the graduating class was Xander, not Buffy.)
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* Joey from ''[[Friends]]'' started the show out as a [[Deadpan Snarker]] who was around the same level of intelligence as everyone else in the gang. In the middle of the series he became a little [[Book Dumb]] but still fairly competent - note one episode where the knob on the radiator breaks and causes the apartment to overheat, and it's Joey who thinks to turn it off from underneath. By the end of the series he is completely stupid, not being able to learn French properly, can't understand simple maths, believes any outrageous story one of the gang makes up and even becomes a [[Man Child]] who refuses to share food and has to sleep with a stuffed penguin every night.
** Likewise Monica was the most sensible and rational member of the group at the start of the series. She eventually became highly neurotic, scarily obsessed with cleanliness, overly shrill and competitive (to the point where she was in competition with ''herself'').
** Phoebe started out as [[The Ditz]], basically a stereotypical "There's weird people in New York City" character. She developed into a somewhat childlike character as the season went on, but it was largely in an attempt to make her more endearing and less of a one-note character. Then they apparently decided the bits where she was snotty and mean to the other characters were funny, and she rather suddenly became a vicious bitch. The change was so total and so sudden that you'd think her [[Evil Twin]] Ursula had killed the real Phoebe, hidden the body, and assumed her identity.
* Phoebe from ''[[Charmed]]'' was a little scatty but good natured for most of the series, most importantly she was the most forgiving of all the sisters. She ended her relationship with Cole at the end of season 4 and tried to let him down gently. Fast forward to season 5 where all of a sudden she blames Cole for everything that has gone wrong in her life and is willing to try and kill him simply from a bad dream she had. On top of that she suddenly becomes obsessed with finding a husband and getting pregnant to the degree where she uses her premonitions on the first date to see if the relationship is going anywhere. In season 8 her characterisation finally gets fixed and she's a lot closer to how she was in the beginning with a good bit of [[Character Development]] thrown in.
** Paige started out as a together and sensible enough young woman who had a social workers job. In seasons 5 and 6 she suddenly becomes a huge ditz and is seen with a [[Really Gets Around|different guy every episode]] (her actress even complained about this in various interviews). Plus she spends season 6 going through a whole stream of different temp jobs completely forgetting that she has a law degree. Like Phoebe she gets fixed in later seasons.
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