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Pokémon Diamond and Pearl/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Riley counts because he's a [[Bishounen|pretty boy]] with [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|blue hair]] and a [[Badass Longcoat|trenchcoat.]] Just see how much fanart he gets compared to the other trainers you end up teaming up with.
** Gliscor became a staple in competitive teams this generation thanks to it's useful typing and solid defensive stats. It's badass design also helps a lot.
** Despite being two common Pokémon that can be obtained pretty damn early, both the Shinx and Starly lines are very popular Pokémon that you tend to see on many people's in-game teams. The Starly line becomes ''beastly'' upon evolution, as Staravia gets the Intimidate ability and Staraptor learns ludicrously powerful moves like Close Combat and Brave Bird. Shinx isn't ''quite'' as good, but still able to hold it's own in fights, and is very popular design wise for being adorable, while it's final evolution Luxray gets love for looking [[Badass.]].
* [[Evil Is Cool]]: Cyrus may have be a lost cause, but that didn't change the fact that he was badass.
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: Pretty much all the Team Galactic members (with the exception of Charon) are really hot. Cyrus is an unusual case because he isn't ''especially'' good-looking, yet he still manages to be very attractive in other ways.
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* [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]]: Commander Mars's impossible-at-that-level Purugly comes to mind. Also, is it just me or does Roark's Cranidos only ever use Pursuit if you're switching something out that turn?
* [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]]: In the European Platinum versions, you can't play the slot machines in the game corner, instead you can gather some coins from them once a day. This also means the only way to get the Explosion TM without trading or cheating is to hope the attendant randomly decides to give you one.
* [[Stoic Woobie]]: Cyrus was apparently one in his backstory.
** [[Jerkass Woobie]]: Volkner and maybe Cyrus.
** [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]: Definitely Cyrus.
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