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== Advertising ==
* There's a beer commercial where a rock-climber, horrified that his buddy's gear draws attention to said buddy's nethers, politely makes up something about "Ocular Trauma" to get out of going with him. The old dudes watching the exchange break into a [[Slow Clap]]. <!-- Wiser brand? I couldn't find any videos, but it game up with a few Google hits when combined with "Ocular Trauma" Possibly aired during the 2010 Grey Cup. http://www.vancouversun.com/story_print.html?id=3896849 -->
== Comic Books ==
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== Live Action TV ==
* Ronald D. Moore's reboot of ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]]'' loves this to death. The [[Slow Clap]] is out in full force in the miniseries, and used again and again, completely unironically, in the series itself. It's actually become a sort of in-joke when not pulled off successfully -- assuccessfully—as when Gaius Baltar completely ''fails'' to start a [[Slow Clap]] in CIC when Cmdr. Adama returns after recovering from his gunshot wounds and heart surgery.
* Spoofed on ''[[Even Stevens]]'', where after having a talk with his father, Louis decides not to let being a class clown consume him and perform a regular high dive. He does just that, and proclaims to his surprised peers that he is not a clown. Unfortunately his swim trunks came off anyway during the dive. Nevertheless, his father is impressed with his son's actions and applauds him, which no one else joins in.
{{quote|'''Steve:''' What? No [[Slow Clap]]? ...Okay. ''(sits back down)''}}
* Parodied on ''[[The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]]''. Uncle Phil's rival while running for judge drops dead while Will is berating him. At the funeral, while the mourners are all going on about what an asshole he was, Will makes a speech about how while he wasn't a perfect person, yes, he was a person, and he deserves better. When asked who he thinks he is, Will responds with "I'm the dude that killed him". The slow clap then begins.
* On an episode of ''[[Just Shoot Me]]'', Finch got a slow clap standing ovation from a crowd of men after valiantly trying (but failing) to set up a tryst between Maya and [[Yuri Fanboy|another woman]].
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== Anime ==
* Occurs in ''[[Code Geass]]'' when Suzaku is knighted, though in this instance the quiet isn't due to hesitation but hatred: most of the audience, being biased to say the least, is greatly opposed to a Japanese becoming a knight. Even after the [[Slow Clap]] starts (begun by Lloyd, then picked up by Darlton), the on-lookers still looks resentful as they clap.
** Everyone clearly avoids joining in with Lloyd (he's apparently unpopular with the rest of the nobility) and only join in with Darlton (who happens to be the highest ranking general in the Area).
* A variant regularly occurs in ''[[Nodame Cantabile]]'', where silence almost always greets a performance by any of the characters. One member of the audience will then inevitably stand up and shout "Bravo!" at which point the applause explodes.
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== Western Animation ==
* Subverted on ''[[Family Guy]]'' after Brian wins his freedom. One man salutes his bravery by starting a [[Slow Clap]] -- andClap—and remains completely alone.
* Mocked in ''[[American Dad]]'' episode "The Magnificent Steven". Stan is standing trial, and Toshi gives a condemning speech in Japanese asking for his severe punishment. A [[Slow Clap]] begins and Stan is acquitted by the judge - apparently everyone inexplicably misinterpreted it as a moving account of what he learned from Stan.
* [[Subverted]] at the end of one ''[[Camp Lazlo]]'' episode. Lazlo, who has "borrowed" everyone's stuff and is being chased by an angry mob, gives a speech about how he has learned that borrowing without permission is no different from stealing. One guy in the mob starts clapping slowly, and sappy music plays. The guy next to him elbows him and says to knock it off. Everyone walks off grumbling.
* In an episode of ''[[The Simpsons]]'', Lisa ends with a very brief speech, simply stating that Jeremiah Springfield was great. The response is this trope.
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* Also happens in ''[[Danny Phantom]]'' during the [[Grand Finale]]. Danny delivers a plan to save the world and the first person to clap is his father, followed his mother, teacher, and so forth. No lampshading, but Mr. Lancer does complain no one gave that much enthusiastic effort with their school work.
* ''[[Hey Arnold!]]'': when singer Dino Spumoni and his bandmate Don get in a fight- at the end of the episode, Dino gives a speech and Don is the first one to start clapping.
* Played straight in an episode of ''[[The Batman]]''. After saving Gotham City from [[Villain Team-Up|Mr. Freeze and Firefly]], Batman is suddenly caught in the spotlight of the police -- ledpolice—led by Chief Rojas, who has been gunning for his arrest his whole career. After a pause, one of the officers begins to clap. Over Rojas' protests, the rest follow suit. Never mind that [[Fridge Logic|someone probably got fired over that]], it ''works''.
* ''[[Duckman]]'': Duckman gets one of these at the end of the episode "Das Sub"; the clappers follow him home, and he finally has to call the police in to disperse them.
* In ''[[The Venture Brothers]]'', Hank gives a speech to SPHINX about why he's qualified to join them. At the end, one of the SPHINX goons starts to slow clap, at which point Hunter Gathers knocks the goon out with a phone.
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== Radio ==
* The Christian radio drama ''[[Adventures in Odyssey]]'' used a variation, but the sentiment was very much there: When Connie graduates as class valedictorian, she is expected to offer a prayer in her graduation speech (a fifty-year tradition at her school), but is caught between her offered prayer being rejected as potentially offensive to non-Christians, and a bland, practically meaningless pre-written prayer. When the moment comes, she explains the situation and [[Take a Third Option|takes a third option]] by not choosing not to pray at all. There is a silence that seems to be the setup for a [[Slow Clap]], only for someone in the audience to start singing "Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow". More join in line by line. Appropriately, her final lines are [[Tear Jerker|delivered through tears]].
== Real Life ==
* When Billie Holliday first sang ''Strange Fruit'', the result was silence... then a [[Slow Clap]].
* Some songs naturally encourage the Slow Clap, especially in church. The spiritual "Soon and Very Soon" is one such song, perhaps because of its evenly paced rhythm or its buildup in emotional intensity throughout every verse, or perhaps just because it originated in black churches (but now is fairly common throughout all branches of Christianity). It seems that whenever "Soon and Very Soon" is played at the end of a church service, at least some people in the congregation will begin clapping rhythmically; among more conservative (that is, "conservative" in the sense of how the parishioners behave, not their political preference) denominations such as Roman Catholics and Anglicans, the clapping may be quite scattered and very slow indeed.


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