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First rule of Hollywood: ''Everything'' explodes.
Let's face it: [[Everythings Better With X|Everything's better with explosions.]] A good shot of [['''Stuff Blowing Up]]''' will save having to write many pages of character development and inventive language. Television scripts are short. Shortcuts are taken.
There is a pretty good chance the audience has already seen something blow up at least once during a typical day of television.
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== Anime and Manga ==
* Three key phrases can be used to succinctly sum up ''[[Blame]]''!: [[Walking the Earth]], [[Bizarrchitecture|Amazing Architecture]] and '''[[Stuff Blowing Up]]'''.
* The final episode of ''[[Excel Saga (anime)|Excel Saga]]'' features Nabeshin espousing the philosophy that "Explosions fix ''everything''!", then giving a graphic demonstration: a [[Biological Mashup|fused]] Excel and Hyatt are returned to their original bodies when he dynamites the room they're standing in.
* In ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'', this is Nanoha's solution to practically ''everything''. [[Humongous Mecha]] [[Cosmic Horror]] on a rampage? [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|Blow it up]]. Student not following orders? [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!|Blow her up.]] [[Dark Magical Girl|Need to make friends]]? [[Defeat Means Friendship|Blow them up]]. [[Mama Bear|Need to save daughter]]? Blow her up. [[Too Fast to Stop|Some people forgot to equip brakes]]? Active Guard with Holding Net. There are some things Full Power Total Destruction can't solve, but [[Memetic Mutation/Advertising|for everything else, there's]] [[Wave Motion Gun|Starlight Breaker]].
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* In ''[[Ranma ½]]'', [[Lethal Chef|Akane]] tries to get some hard-boiled eggs by popping a tray of about a dozen or so in the microwave. It explodes spectacularly, blasting its own door off its hinges with such force, the shockwave knocks Ranma (a powerful martial artist) off his feet and the door itself breaks through the plumbing, flooding the kitchen.
** This could be [[Truth in Television]], as when you put eggs in microwaves, they do actually explode. Violently. Seriously kids, [[Don't Try This At Home]].
** Earlier, in the [[OAV]] version of the same story, Kasumi reminisces about her childhood and how she couldn't cook anything either --upeither—up to, and including, setting a pot of ''boiling water'' ablaze.
* At the end of [[The Movie]] of ''[[Space Runaway Ideon]]'', {{spoiler|the Ideon explodes so hard it takes down a galaxy with it}}.
* In ''[[Super Dimension Fortress Macross]]'' (and a few of its sequels,) the first part of the Daedalus Attack consists of [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|the title mecha punching into an enemy ship]]. The second part consists of deploying lots and lots of [[Humongous Mecha]] from the "fist" to deliver a [[Macross Missile Massacre]] within the ship's interior, causing it to explode spectacularly.
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"Don't be silly," I said airily. "There's no such thing as too much explosives." Granted, explosive tags were usually fairly expensive and most ninja never used more than one or two per fight. But since I made my own, that didn't matter to me.
"Just what are you planning to blow up?" he asked. "Because I need to know when to make sure I have an alibi." }}
* Frequently happens to [[Bungling Inventor|Bungling Inventors]]s [[The Smart Guy|Sherman]] and [[Mad Scientist|Dr. Brainstorm]] in ''[[Calvin and Hobbes: The Series|Calvin and Hobbes The Series]]''.
* In ''[[Point of Succession]]'' when [[Death Note|Light and Matt]] invade [[Big Bad|Beyond Birthday's]] villain lair-as expected it's booby-trapped... with explosives. A ''lot'' of explosives.
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*** The second Death Star was unfinished at the time.
*** The novel ''Death Star'' explained the colossal explosion: hypermatter reactors of a size large enough to power the Death Star superlaser are experimental technology. The ''Battle Lance'' hypermatter testbed ship, with an unusually large one as a trial run for the Death Star's weapon, had an unknown screwup with its reactor, and suddenly and permanently ''ceased existing''.
** The ''[[X Wing Series|X-Wing]]'' [[Expanded Universe]] books like to describe exactly how each TIE fighter that's shot down explodes, in exquisite detail. Other stuff blows up quite frequently also. [[Lampshade|Lampshaded]]d by this quote:
{{quote|Donos: "Pretty. What do we blow up first?"
Wedge: "Write that down. That ought to be the Wraith Squadron motto." }}
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** In his work on the ''[[Transformers (film)|Transformers]]'' movies, he's strived to outdo himself: the rendering of a giant robot caused a computer to overheat and catch fire! Although it didn't explode. ''Yet''.
* ''[[James Bond]]'' has the usual exploding vehicles, villain lairs and [[It's Going Down|general buildings]] of any action movie. And [[Gadgeteer Genius|Q]] usually arms him with mines or some sort of exploding gadget (such as exploding toothpaste and a pen-grenade).
** Don't forget the video game, ''[[GoldenEye 007 (1997 video game)|Golden Eye: 007]]'', where--shotwhere—shot enough times--''everything'' explodes.
** At the climax of ''[[Live and Let Die (film)|Live and Let Die]]'', the '''villain''' -- rapidly pumped full of high-pressure CO2 -- explodesCO2—explodes.
* In ''[[Independence Day]]'', the aliens apparently have firestorm cannons that [[Monumental Damage|blow up]] [[Landmark of Lore|famous landmarks]].
* The climax of the movie version of [[Stephen King]]'s ''Firestarter'' fits this trope quite well.
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* ''[[Der Clown]]'''s love for spectacular explosions is continued in the movie ''Payday'' which features {{spoiler|an Autobahn being blown up over its entire width with hand grenades, sending police cars [[Slo-Mo Big Air|flying]],}} and {{spoiler|an aircraft bombed with gold bars so it [[Impressive Pyrotechnics|turns into one big giant fireball]].}}
* ''[[Swordfish]]'' begins [[In Medias Res]] with a bank full of booby-trapped hostages. The police, being [[Too Dumb to Live]], attempt to "rescue" one, despite her terrified resistance. The resulting explosion takes out dozens of cars and cops in ''[[Bullet Time]]''.
* About half of ''[[XXX]]'' is made of [[Stuff Blowing Up]]. Lots of it.
* The whole premise of [[Steven Spielberg]]'s ''[[1941]]''.
* About half of ''The Marine'' is made of [[Stuff Blowing Up]]. Lots of it.
* The [[Star Trek (film)|Star Trek reboot]] features things exploding. Many things exploding. Explodily. Which were produced by [[Industrial Light and Magic]]. And it was ''awesome''.
* The ''[[Die Hard]]'' film series is notable for having bigger and bigger explosions in each installment. Summing it up: the first has a floor of a building. The fourth has ''an entire building''.
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== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[Monty Python's Flying Circus]]'' blew lots of things up just for the fun of it. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP8Kah6vXsQ "The Exploding Version of the 'Blue Danube'"] [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|speaks for itself]]. No less explosive is the ever-popular "[http://youtube.com/watch?v=zekiZYSVdeQ How Not To Be Seen]" sketch, which ends in an orgy of [[Stock Footage]] explosions. Episode 16 has a [[Running Gag]] of random exploding animals, including [[That Poor Cat]] (offscreen). Other exploding things in the series include a penguin on a television set and Mrs. Niggerbaiter, whose friend's son says after she spontaneously explodes, "Don't be so sentimental. Things explode every day."
* The ''[[Myth Busters]]'' usually go out of their way to make sure something gets blown up, set on fire, or otherwise destroyed at least once an episode. Routinely [[Lampshade|lampshadedlampshade]]d to the point where, for one season, host Jamie Hyneman's introductory credit clip was of him declaring "Jamie want big boom!"
** Possibly the most extreme example is when they blew up a spare, nearly unsalvageable cement mixer with a ridiculous amount of explosives, which required the FBI's assistance, and that everything within a mile of the blast zone be shut down (including a portion of a nearby highway). They openly admitted it had nothing to do with the myth they were testing (whether you could use dynamite to clean the slag from the interior of a cement mixer), and was just a big boom.
*** That was also the scariest explosion they'd ever done. They were standing more than a mile away, but realized they may have miscalculated when pieces of the truck were still landing behind them.
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** One of the show's stated goals is to destroy as many caravans as possible (until recently, it shared a presenter with ''[[Top Gear]]'').
* ''[[Castle]]'' blew up Kate's apartment. {{spoiler|She survives.}}
* ''[[Farscape]]'' delivers many explosions, probably the most impressive being when they ignited an inhabited moon's atmosphere. Inverted in one two-parter, where their plan is to cause Scorpius' Commander Carrier to slowly implode by {{spoiler|Talyn [[Heroic Sacrifice|sacrificing himself]] by Starbursting inside}}. They opt for this instead of the explody route because this means that most of the Command Carrier's crew will have a chance to escape. But this still causes a lot of burst pipes and other [[Stuff Blowing Up]], which leads to some [[Nightmare Fuel]] when something explodes in a character's face, instantly burning off most of their skin and hair. Oof.
* ''[[Lost]]'' has blown up, to date: {{spoiler|some of the airplane wreckage, Danielle's cabin, Arzt, the Swan station, Michael's raft, the Flame station, the submarine, a bunch of Others, one of the mercenaries, and an entire freighter.}} Good thing there's so much dynamite and C-4 on the island!
** Kate blew up her drunken abusive father after putting him to sleep.
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* On ''[[The Daily Show]]'', voting is so awesome, it '''[http://www.thedailyshow.com/video/index.jhtml?videoId=209508&title=Indecision-2008:-America%27s-Choice---Stephen%27s-Distractions explodes.]'''
* ''"[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy|[...] Their songs are, on the whole, very simple and usually follow the familiar theme of boy-being meets girl-being beneath a silvery moon which then explodes for no adequately explored reason.]]"''
* [[Hilarious in Hindsight|Years before]] Spike TV came out, ''[[Saturday Night Live]]'' featured a sketch called "The Man Channel" which contained nothing but clips of [[Stuff Blowing Up]] (mostly [[Every Car Is a Pinto|cars]] driving off cliffs) in [[Slo Mo]].
** When Linda Hamilton hosted, she had a monologue stating she wasn't [[Terminator|Sarah Connor]]. It mostly goes "here's my school... * kaboom* I bought this house after ''[[Beauty and the Beast (TV series)|Beauty and The Beast]]''... * kaboom* ". Exception is a [[Man On Fire]] ("oh, my first boyfriend").
* The opening scene of the season 2 premiere of ''Shark'' ended with a bus containing a witness to a mob hit exploding just outside of the courthouse. It wasn't hugely relevant to the plot, but it was lovingly replayed in slow motion several times throughout the episode, both before and after commercial breaks. Well, it ''was'' quite a lovely explosion.
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== Tabletop Games ==
* If something doesn't go kaboom at some point in ''[[Feng Shui]]'', you're doing things wrong. The Jammers even have it as their battle cry: "BLOW THINGS UP! BLOW THINGS UP!"
* Similarly, the Death Leopard society in ''[[Paranoia]]'' has "blow shit up and have fun" as its entire policy. Also tends to happen when: the Troubleshooters use grenades, the Troubleshooters have grenades used on them, something overloads, something that's intentionally explosive explodes, someone [[Logic Bomb|Logic Bombs]]s Friend Computer and causes a reactor overload, a T-Shooter [[Too Dumb to Live|pyrokinetically sets off a grenade in someone else's bag while both are in a small room]],<ref>true story</ref>, someone fires too many shots before changing laser barrels, or the GM is getting bored and wants to get the session over with.
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* With the name ''[[Blast Corps]]'', you [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|can't go wrong with the title]].
** Ironically, your job in the game is to ''prevent'' something from going boom: An out-of-control radioactive materials carrier that was en-route for disposal. It is now very unstable, and will explode if it hits anything. You stop it from exploding by destroying anything in it's way.
* The ''[[Bomberman]]'' franchise is all ''about'' [[Stuff Blowing Up]]. It's even in the name.
* Same with ''[[Missile Command]]''. Shoot things that blow up out of the sky with other things that blow up.
* [[Made of Explodium|Anything and everything explodes]] in ''[[Worms]]'', up to and including the worms themselves.
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* The ''[[Command & Conquer]]'' series of course, everything explodes there, sometimes even infantry! from simple grenade explosion and RPG attacks to continental conflagrations capable to send energy signatures to alien civilizations and global altering missiles, trust me, you will enjoy it, in fact, is rated the reason number 1 in the TOP TEN of the series according to this [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joEpiz8trBI video].
** Don't forget in Generals: Zero Hour, where there is a general dedicated to everything in his army blowing up in one way or another. To illustrate: This general can get an upgrade where all of his buildings and units [[Made of Explodium|explode on command]].
* Half the appeal of ''[[Ratchet and Clank]]'' is getting to blow up hordes of enemies with progressively larger and more explosion-inducing [[BFG|BFGs]]s. On top of that, practically ''every'' enemy in the game explodes when defeated. Even if you just beat them up with a wrench.
* ''[[Supreme Commander]]'' and to a lesser extent its spiritual source ''[[Total Annihilation]]'', have all units and buildings explode on death, many of which do little damage, though some late game resources generators explode like a [[Slap-On-The-Wrist Nuke|Nuke]], and all air units do damage when crashing.
* ''[[Lemmings]]''. There's just something therapeutic about clicking the Nuke button after you fouled up a stage and watching your green-haired critters cutely explode en masse. There are also stages where you only get Bombers.
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** To quote Bilgewater vendors: "Goblin products are built to blast!"
** Meet [http://www.wowpedia.org/Fargo_Flintlocke Fargo Flintlocke], a dwarf who can give Goblins a real run for their money. One of his greetings is most telling, "Ah, scrap th' plan! Just blow somethin up!" He refuses to leave Stormwind unless he has explosives with him, he decides to shorten a plane flight by [[Explosive Propulsion|lighting all his fuel at once]], and his method of downing a Horde zeppelin is [[Human Cannonball|firing the player out of a cannon onto it]], then blowing it up.
* ''[[GoldenEye 007 (1997 video game)|GoldenEye]]'' and ''[[Perfect Dark]]'' for the Nintendo 64 feature consoles, chairs, tables, plants -- basicallyplants—basically anything you can find from Office Depot -- thatDepot—that blow up real good. In PD, a floating crate that explodes is an important plot element. Fortunately, if it is lost, you can use one of the EXPLODING GUNS to make it through the important point. Yes, one of the guns explodes.
* This is practically the ''goal'' of ''[[Just Cause (video game)|Just Cause 2]]''. You're overthrowing a corrupt island government using chaos, and the easiest way to make chaos is by [[Stuff Blowing Up]]. So '''''lots''''' of stuff will blow up.
* The Demoman and the Soldier from ''[[Team Fortress 2]]''. The former is armed with a grenade launcher and a ''sticky'' grenade launcher. The latter is armed with what can only be described as a semi-automatic rocket launcher.
** The Engineer has some explosions as well. His sentry gun, when upgraded to level three, fires clusters of four rockets in addition to its dual chainguns. The sentry and his other buildings always explode when destroyed, even if by blunt force. This is just a visual effect, however.
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* The [[Super Smash Bros.]] games naturally ''love'' stuff going boom, with many character attacks using explosions ([[Metal Gear Solid|Snake's]] whole repertoire of moves is made up of C4, rocket launchers, landmines, and grenades), and several items that create pretty big bangs as well, such as [[Super Mario Bros.|Bomb-Ombs]], [[Star Fox (series)|Smart Bombs]], motion-detecting mines, [[Pokémon|Electrodes]], and exploding crates and barrels.
* ''[[Touhou]]'' has this in spades, [[Bullet Hell|for good reason, considering the genre]]. Marisa, in particular, uses her [[Power of Love|Love Sign]]: [[Kamehame Hadoken|Master Spark]] to solve all her problems, whether it be [[Kleptomaniac Hero|finding new spellbooks from other magic users]], [[Defeat Means Friendship|making new friends]], or [[Dungeon Bypass|finding the real path through an illusionary maze]].
* A homebrew game for the Nintendo DS called ''Brix DS'' features sticks of dynamite grouped together as a single stick, set atop several grey and black bricks. The object of the game is to remove the grey bricks and to not let the dynamite fall onto the ground; the player must land it on the black bricks. The physics of the game are programmed well, and they become a huge factor after the first two level sets. Where does [[Stuff Blowing Up]] come in, then? If the dynamite touches the ground, it explodes, sending any remaining bricks flying off the screen. This can result in some amazingly laugh-out-loud losses. After level set five, bricks that explode on removal show up, which only ups the ante for the humor in losses, despite the increased difficulty.
* The cannonball in ''[[Backyard Sports|Backyard Soccer]]'', which explodes in the goal.
* ''[[In the Hunt]]'' is a [[Shoot'Em Up]] where your character is a submarine that only uses explosive torpedoes, [[Superior Firepower Surface to Air Missiles]] and depth charges as its attacks. The [[Mecha-Mooks|enemies are mostly machines]] that use stuff like bombs and missiles on you. The only things that don't go boom are the three organic enemies in the game and environmental terrain.
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== Web Animation ==
* Nearly every scene in the aptly named Flash cartoon ''The Demented Cartoon Movie'' ends with [[Stuff Blowing Up]]. The [[Earthshattering Kaboom|planet Earth]] gets blown up a total of ten times, and over 40 "nuclear explosions" happen, many of them thanks to the words "Zeeky Boogy Doog." '''* BOOM* '''
* You CAN'T sing in the ''Charlie the Unicorn'' toons. Kinda lampshaded in the second video.
* [[Ranma ½: The Abridged Chronicles|"Curse you, random explosions!"]]
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== Western Animation ==
* The vast majority of episodes set within the [[DCAU]] end with the villain's [[Collapsing Lair|hideout exploding]], for reasons ranging from self-destruct devices to joy buzzers falling into loose wiring. On one of the ''[[Batman Beyond]]'' commentaries, the creators admitted that whenever they couldn't figure out how to end an episode, they'd just have a building blow up.
** One noteable example took place nearing the end of Bruce's reunion with Ra's al Ghul, who at this point should have racked up quite a bit of [[Genre Savvy]] and was smart enough to install automated fire extingishers into his lair. Unfortunately, once the fires are put out, Ra makes the critical mistake of pronouncing, "[[Tempting Fate|It's safe]]." Sure enough, one loose electrical wire strikes the Lazarus pit, resulting in... [[Stuff Blowing Up|well, you know]].
** [[Mad Bomber|Mad Stan]] from ''[[Batman Beyond]]'' embodies this, and became [[Memetic Mutation|an Internet meme]] involving him popping out of somewhere, followed by everything blowing up.
{{quote|Mad Stan: You think this is a joke? Look around, Batman! Society's crumbling! And do you know why? Information overload, man! As a society we're drowning in a quagmire of vid-clips, e-mail, and sound bytes! We can't absorb it all! There's only one sane solution: ''BLOW IT UP!''}}
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** In the golf videogame, ''[[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|Zombie Ninja Pro-Am]]'', not only do most opponents explode when you hit them with [[Chainsaw Good|a chainsaw]] or [[Musical Assassin|guitar chord them to death]], but the golf ball you hit occasionally in between killing <s> people</s> Carl, robotic turkeys from the future, and machine-gun packing tulips? That golf ball will explode if it goes out of bounds, and detonate spectacularly when you finally get it in the hole, presumably a) because the shape of the hole focuses the blast or something but more likely b) [[Rule of Cool]].
* In ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'', [[Magnificent Bastard|Azula]] manages this. ''With a volleyball.'' [[I Know Karate|They do know Kung Fu]], and they use it to it's full extent of What Do You Mean, It's Not Awesome?~.
** Avatar has also blown up a dam, Zuko's ship on multiple occasions, an abandoned Earth Kingdom city, anything with Combustion Man, anything involving the Day of Black Sun, and Zuko himself (when he practiced lighting bending). All of which just goes to show that you CAN, in fact, combine [[Stuff Blowing Up]] and a good plot in the same cartoon, and still come up with a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] for your animation studio [[Visual Effects of Awesome|with an extra-special dose of WIN.]]
* ''[[Beast Wars]]'' [along with most of the Transformers cartoons] has a lot of explosions. At least one of the Transformers will be blown up in every episode.
** Not counting [[Chew Toy|Waspinator]], of course, who gets blown to bits in nearly every episode regardless.
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