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'''And tying everyone together:'''
* Enoch Root, also known as [[Color-Coded Wizardry|Enoch the Red]]: [[Immortality|Immortal]] [[Alchemy|alchemist]] and the only character from ''[[Cryptonomicon]]'' to personally appear in ''[['''The Baroque Cycle]]'''''. Straddles the line between [[Deus Ex Machina]] and [[Deus Exit Machina]]: he often [[Mr. Exposition|tips off the protagonists to vital information]] they couldn't have known otherwise (but he doesn't tell them ''too'' much), and he quickly makes himself scarce so the protagonists can act on that information by themselves.
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** Also Isaac Newton, as per history
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]] - Hooke, anyone?
** Newton much moreso than Hooke. Hooke was just a bit...off-putting. Newton was off in his own world much of the time ([[Real Life]] corroborates this...look up his stint in Parliament for proof<ref> notoriously, his one "speech" during his time there was something along the lines of "Mr. Speaker, it's rather stuffy in here; I crave that the House open a window or something"</ref>), most obviously in college, but he was like this in his adult life too.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander's Minder]]: Daniel is this to Isaac when they are students.
* [[Cool Boat]] - ''Minerva''.
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* [[Japanese Christian]] - Gabriel Goto
* [[Karmic Death]] - Bob suggests this as an epitaph for {{spoiler|[[Complete Monster|the Earl of Upnor]]}}: "finest swordsman in England, beaten to death with a stick by an Irishman", which is [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|exactly how he died]].
* [[Killed Off for Real]] - Quite a lot of people. Of course, when you're writing [[Historical Fiction]], [[Historical Domain Character|Historical Domain Characters]]s [[Justified Trope|have to die when they're supposed to]].
* [[Large and In Charge]] - Peter of Russia - effect underlined by the fact that he apparentely surrounds himself with midgets.
* [[Little Miss Badass|Little Master Badass]] - Johann von Hackleheber. {{spoiler|At the rough age of three, he shoots a man attempting to harpoon his adopted father to death. In the eye. With a toy bow and arrow. Doing so saved his father's life.}} [[Badass|He only grew from there.]]
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* [[Single-Target Sexuality]] - Jack for Eliza, since Eliza is literally the only person who is able to sexually satisfy Jack (it has to do with Jack's [[Unusual Euphemism|disability]] and the things Eliza learned from "books of India" while in slavery.)
* [[The Spanish Inquisition]] - The members of the Cabal get an up-close-and-personal look at the Inquisiton when they arrive in Mexico in ''The Confusion''. And, yes, there was a [[Monty Python]] reference in ''The System of the World''.
* [[Spanner in the Works]] - One of Jack's nicknames, "L'Emmerdeur ,<ref>French for "he who covers everything in shit"</ref>," specifically references his tendency to be this.
* [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]] - Daniel [[Discussed Trope|discusses this trope]] when he notes that some people can easily be replaced by [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute|Suspiciously Similar Substitutes]]s (e.g. Thomas More Anglesey replacing John Comstock), while others aren't so easily replaceable.
* [[Thanatos Gambit]] - [[Subverted]] in the finale. Just before {{spoiler|Jack}} is about to be half-hanged, drawn, and quartered (a ''really'' slow and painful execution), he receives an expensive suit and lots of money with which to bribe the executioner to make his death quick and painless. [[Thanatos Gambit]], check. Now for the subversion: after the executioner jumps for joy over what he'll be receiving, {{spoiler|Jack}} tosses it all to the Mobb watching the execution, so the executioner resolves to make his death even slower and more painful than usual. With {{spoiler|Jack}} already being a popular figure among the Mobb, his generosity pushes them over the edge; with ''plenty'' of time to act now that the executioner is determined to take his time, the Mobb {{spoiler|storms the gallows after Jack starts hanging and carries him to safety}}, which was all part of {{spoiler|Jack}}'s [[Batman Gambit|plan]].
** Furthermore, Newton and the various officials who ordered the execution were too far away to see all this drama, so they assumed that the executioner has given Jack a long drop and a fast death, and so do not bother to look for him.


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