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It is well known that the second act of any story is one of the most important parts and one of the hardest to get down right. So to keep everyone enthralled during this period you come up with [['''The Centerpiece Spectacular]]'''.
[['''The Centerpiece Spectacular]]''' is a point in a story that is certainly not the climax, but it is situated during the middle of the story or sometimes even the beginning to really get their attention. You can usually identify it as being the sequence ''everyone'' is talking about, and that is usually because this sequence is the work's [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]].
Now, there can often be a downside to this. It isn't a bad thing to make the centerpiece the high point of the story, but if the climax doesn't even come close to approaching it then it can end up being a let down. And if the running time of the story has too great a distance between the centerpiece and the climax, you can run into [[Ending Fatigue]].
The placing of [['''The Centerpiece Spectacular]]''' can vary wildly, though it is never the climax. If this sequence happens towards the beginning of the story, it can overlap with an [[Establishing Character Moment]]. In early Act 2 it is intended to get the plot flowing fast. In late Act 2 it is a set-up for the climax.
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* The original ''[[Planet of the Apes]]'' had the [[Reveal]] of the apes. They felt they had to do it again (and top themselves) for ''Beneath the Planet of the Apes'' so they wrote the part with the reveal of the mutated humans.
* The [[Chase Fight]] on the freeway in ''[[The Matrix Reloaded]]''.
* Zero hour hits in ''[[2012]]'', and we follow John Cusack and family drive and fly out of Los Angeles as the ground crumbles and opens up, buildings collapse and debris -- carsdebris—cars, trains, freeways, people -- flypeople—fly all about them.
* ''[[The Lord of the Rings (film)|The Fellowship of the Ring]]'' had the fight against the goblins and the cave troll (especially the cave troll) in the ruins of Balin's Tomb.
** ''The Return of the King'' had the Battle of Pelennor Fields, which comes about three-quarters of the way through the film and is easily the biggest and longest fight of the whole trilogy.
* ''[[Captain America: The First Avenger|Captain America the First Avenger]]'' has Captain America's first mission -- hismission—his attack on the HYDRA base, rescuing Bucky and the Howling Commandos and meeting the [[Big Bad|Red Skull]] for the first time.
== Theatre ==


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