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The easiest way to recognize this character is by what he manages to accomplish. If he doesn't take over two or three countries (at least) in the course of the story, he's not The Conqueror.
Most Conquerors are by nature [[Magnificent Bastard|Magnificent Bastards]]s. Some even dip into [[Omnicidal Maniac]] territory. They are also their own [[Trope Namer|Trope Namers]]s. Quite often, these characters appear in the [[Backstory]] of a setting, and all that is left of their conquests is a [[Vestigial Empire]].
[[Conqueror From the Future]] is a [[Sub-Trope]] of this when the Conqueror in question has, in fact, actually managed to conquer something. [[Galactic Conqueror]] and [[Young Conqueror]] are specific variants. [[Multiversal Conqueror]] is this trope taken to its logical extreme.
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== [[Comic Books]] ==
* [[Marvel Comics]] has Kang the Conqueror, Rama Tut, the Scarlet Centurion and Immortus. The catch is that these are all actually the same guy: He's traveled through time so often, and created so many [[Alternate Timeline|Alternate Timelines]]s, that there is now an entire [[Legion of Doom]] called the Council of Kangs made up entirely of his own iterations. Immortus, it seems, is the original Kang, who is now a [[Boxed Crook]]: forced to spend eternity undoing the Continuity Snarl that is the Marvel universe thanks largely to him.
* In the ''[[DC One Million]]'' story arc, is it revealed that Vandal Savage, an immortal, evil [[Julius Beethoven Da Vinci]] who has been alive since 50,000 B.C., has finally managed to [[Take Over the World]]. And he hates it.
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* Part of the irony in Percy Bysshe Shelley's ''Ozymandias'' is that the empire of the Great Conqueror Ozymandias is now nothing more than sand and ruins. The message being that all things pass away, even Empires.
* Aegon the First, also called The Conqueror, in ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]''.
* Kieron in Steven Brust's ''[[Dragaera]]''. In addition, Sethra the Younger is a wannabe [[The Conqueror]], though she has not succeeded (yet).
* [[Robert Aspirin]]'s ''Myth Conceptions'' introduces Big Julie, the general in charge of one of the largest armies anyone has ever seen. He's conquered a fair bit of the entire world by the time he's stopped by the heroes. Of course, he's a [[Captain Ersatz]] of Julius Caesar.
* In the [[Backstory]] to the first ''[[Gor]]'' book, Marlenus, the Ubar of Ar, has captured the Home Stones of about a hundred other city-states, which in practical terms means those city-states are vassal to Ar. It is Tarl's assignment to steal Ar's Home Stone, thereby breaking their power.


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