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[[File:WWETheNexusLogo_9902WWETheNexusLogo 9902.png|frame|You're either Nexus, or you're against us!]]
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The first "season" saw NXT Rookies [[Wade Barrett]], Michael Tarver, David Otunga, Skip Sheffield, Darren Young, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, and - last but not least - [[Bryan Danielson|Daniel Bryan]] fighting against each other and the Pros in matches, competing in different challenges (including a promo contest), and generally attempting to get themselves over with the crowd. About halfway through the first "season", Rookies started getting eliminated...but some rookies returned to NXT to speak out against the eliminations and the Pros, saying the Pros had offered little help in the competition. Eventually, Wade Barrett won the competition. And then six days later...'''''all hell broke loose.'''''
During a main event match between [[CM Punk]] and [[John Cena]] on the June 7, 2010 edition of ''[[WWE Raw|Raw]]'', [[Wade Barrett]] started making his way down to the ring; this was not altogether curious, since it's a longstanding pro wrestling tradition for heels with a title shot on their hands to "scout" the competition. The observant fan may have noticed the yellow armband he was wearing with a black "N" printed on it.
Then Michael Tarver showed up in the crowd, decked out in his ring gear and wearing a bandana over his face that made him look [[Nightmare Fuel|frightening]]. A few moments later, Tarver and the other six NXT Rookies jumped the barricade, all wearing the same armband as Wade Barrett. And then the group that would later be known as '''The Nexus''' started laying waste to anything and anyone in their path: the Straight Edge Society, ringside workers, announcers, and - especially - John Cena (''[[Invincible Hero|the top guy in the industry]]''), who received one of the most one-sided, brutal, viciously beautiful beatdowns in his career at the hands of ''every'' member of the group.
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Then at Wrestlemania, they lost in 30 seconds to [[The Big Show]]'s team. Shortly after, Ezekiel Jackson was kicked out of the group for being his own man. Jackson responded by eventually taking Barrett's IC Title. Barrett began leaving Gabriel and Slater to fight his battles for him during this time, which led to them ditching him to form a separate tag team, leaving Barrett on his own and ending the Corre. Tropes used in The Corre follow this section.
=== Tropes associated with The Nexus before they divided into New Nexus and Corre include: ===
== The Nexus ==
=== Tropes associated with The Nexus before they divided into New Nexus and Corre include: ===
* [[Anticlimax]] / [[Invincible Hero]]: The end of the Team WWE vs. Team Nexus match at ''SummerSlam'' 2010. Thanks to PPV time constraints, we get an extremely awkward finish to this particular match. Wade Barrett hits a DDT on John Cena on the exposed concrete on the floor and throws him back into the ring. He tags in Gabriel so he can finish Cena with the 450 Splash...only for Cena to move out of the way and pin Gabriel. Then Barrett comes in and immediately gets caught in the STF and taps out. All of that happened in about a two minute span, so it came off as though Cena just shrugged off a DDT on concrete to make the two most talented members of Nexus look like total tools.
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* [[Hijacked by Ganon]]: Averted - In their third week, [[Vince McMahon]] ''tried'' to take credit for the Nexus, after they attacked Raw GM [[Bret Hart]] & forced him to leave his posistion as GM. The Nexus promptly attacked him, too.
** [[CM Punk]] would take over leadership of the Nexus after ''TLC 2010''.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: Averted by Wade Barrett; After his match at Survivor Series and firing [[John Cena]], he gets a WWE title shot the very next night on RAW. He even had [[The Nexus]] attack current WWE Champion [[Randy Orton]] [[In the Back|from behind]], for a little reassurance that he would win. But unfortunately for him, [[Laser-Guided Karma]] kicked in and [[John Cena]] jumped the barricade mid-match [[The Dog Bites Back|to hit him with an Attitude Adjustment]], allowing Orton to pick up the victory. [[Your Princess Is in Another Castle|And then]]...[[The Miz|AAAAAAAAAAAAAWESOOOOOOME.]]
** Later played straight, when [[The Undertaker]] returned on the 02-21-11 episode of ''[[Raw]]'', and didn't even so much as ''look'' at the men who helped [[Wrestler/Kane|Kane]] bury him alive several months earlier.
*** It should be noted that Undertaker's return occured after the New Nexus/Corre split, and with the exception of Otunga, The New Nexus weren't involved. However, The Corre were also at the show to defend the newly won Tag Team titles.
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* [[Social Semi-Circle]]: One of those that applies to all three groups. More often than not, all members will be facing in the same direction while conversing with each other, ''Last Supper'' style. Sometimes they justify this by having them watch something on a monitor, but just as often they're simply standing there, talking to someone over their shoulder.
* [[The Starscream]]: David Otunga, ever since ''Hell in the Cell 2010''.
** Made abundantly clear on the November 5, 2010 episode of ''SmackDown'', where he led The Nexus (minus Wade Barrett and John Cena) in an assault on the Blue Brand's roster - this was confirmed to be without Barrett's knowledge on the following episode of Raw.
*** Barrett's also aware of Otunga's desire to replace him as the leader, as even after Barrett decided to punish Otunga for the trip to SmackDown by having him face Cena, he ''still'' tried to get the rest of the group to be ringside for him, only for Barrett to immediately order them backstage with a [[Smug Snake|smirk on his face]].
** Otunga's been looking to usurp Barrett's leadership since the ''Raw'' after ''Summerslam'' when he was very clear that Wade had to win his match with Jericho to stay in Nexus since the rest had to win theirs to stay in the group.
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== The New Nexus ==
=== Tropes associated with the New Nexus include: ===
* [[Arc Words]]: "Faith".
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** Speaking of Otunga, his show name was "Punk" in ''[[I Love New York]]''.
* [[Cult]]: ''Hoo boy.'' The [[Hijacked by Ganon|New Nexus]] was already showing signs of this from the jump...but once Punk launched into one of his [[Fauxlosophic Narration|monologues]] on the 1-17-11 ''[[WWE Raw|RAW]]''…
* [[Darker and Edgier]]: When CM Punk joined the Nexus, he introduced whippings, group beatdowns (on fellow Nexus members), mock suicides, cultish sermons, and serious biblical overtones to the group. Imagine what Punk [[I Control My Minions Through...|would have done]] [[Nightmare Fuel|to Cena ]] if he had been the leader of the Nexus at the time Cena was forced to join the group. It's safe to assume [[Being Tortured Makes You Evil|Cena would have been a bit more cooperative under Punk's rule]] than he was under Barrett's.
* [[Don't Try This At Home]]: After CM Punk's brutal initiation rituals for New Nexus, every week, Jerry Lawler has been giving what amounts to an anti-hazing PSA whenever Nexus is brought up.
* [[Dropped a Bridge on Him]]: The feud with Randy Orton has basically obliterated the entire group except CM Punk.
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== The Corre ==
=== Tropes associated with The Corre include: ===
* [[Arch Enemy]]: Theirs seems to be [[The Big Show]]... [[Fridge Brilliance|which makes sense]], since Big Show was the biggest enemy of the Original Nexus on the ''Smackdown'' side of WWE.
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*** And in ''another'' bizarre coincidence, all three representatives of said colonies broke away from the Brit Barrett.
* [[My Friends and Zoidberg]]: Essentially, the group can be described as the three most talented members of the original Nexus, and [[Scary Black Man|Ezekiel]] [[The Juggernaut|Jackson]].
* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain|Nice Job Fixing It, Villains]]s: Attack [[The Big Show]] four-on-one? Okay, maybe that works. Antagonizing [[Wrestler/Kane|Kane]] to the point where he and Show team up? It didn't prove to be one of their better ideas, and it seems like things have been going wrong for the Corre ever since that happened.
* [[Not Me This Time|Not Us This Time]]: The Corre were adamant that they weren't the ones to attack ''[[Smack Down]]'' GM Theodore Long, despite doing ''that exact thing'' to then ''[[Raw]]'' GM [[Bret Hart]] several months earlier - Hell, Long's assault even occured roughly the same amount of time after the Corre's formation, that the assualt on Hart did following the formation of the Nexus. [[Cassandra Truth|Turns out they weren't lying]].
* [[Not So Different]]: The Corre & New Nexus aren't as different as they claim - The Corre retained the [[True Companions]]/[[Fire-Forged Friends]] aspects of the Nexus that were abandoned by the New Nexus; and both the Corre & New Nexus shared similar modus operendi with their repeated gang attacks. [[Fridge Brilliance|This even applies to their names both referring to the relationships of each group's members]].


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