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** A lot of the SOF, the anti-supernatural government commandoes, turn out to be hidden partbloods in a conspiracy to save the world from vampires so a) it won't be conquered by evil and b) humans will hate demons less once vampires aren't around to freak them out by preying on them.
** And the crowner: Strong human magic and strong demon magic inherited by the same person gives a 90% chance of superpowered psychotic killer. These persons are known as 'bad magic crosses.' Sunshine spends a lot of the middle of the book worried she's this, since she has weird magic, has an alliance with a vampire against other vampires, and her father was suspected of being a sorcerer.
* ''[[The Autobiography Of An Ex Colored Man]]'' by James Weldon Johnson ([[Literary Agent Hypothesis|actually a novel]]) tells the story of a man (he remains unnamed) who is 1/4 or 1/8 black and can thus pass for white fairly easily. Raised in the North sometime after the Civil War among upper-class blacks and mostly-benevolent whites, he learns and excels at classical piano. He eventually ends up living in Atlanta and then Harlem, where he acclimates easily enough to both upper- and working-class black life, at first teaching and then performing piano. He picks up [[Ragtime]], combines it with his Classical chops, and gets quite a reputation--evenreputation—even touring turn-of-the-century Europe as a black man as part of the entourage of a businessman. And then he has a [[Eureka Moment]] regarding music, goes to the [[Deep South]] to connect to his black roots...and then sees a lynching. He quickly returns to New York, takes a job at an office, and marries and has children with a white woman, never telling wife or children about his heritage, and feeling awful about it. Hence the title.
== Live Action TV ==
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'': Depending on the campaign and the individual in question, [[Half-Human Hybrid|half-races]] in D&D are either shunned by both sides of their heritage or they end up becoming liasons between the two.
** The two most common half-races--Halfraces—Half-Elves and Half-Orcs--respectivelyOrcs—respectively play up the positive and negative aspects of being mixed. In general, Half-Elves are seen as beautiful and socially accepted by both sides (if a little condescended by full elves), while Half-Orcs are considered brutes by humans and weaklings by full orcs...and are often products of [[Child by Rape|war atrocities]].
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* The character Robert in Langston Hughes 1927 play ''The Mulatto''.
* The character Zoey in the Dion Boucicault 1859 play ''The Octoroon''.
* In ''[[Miss Saigon]]'', one of many reasons Kim is so determine to reunite with Chris and forge a better life for her son is to prevent her son from becoming this--shethis—she knows he will be shunned as the half-Vietnamese, half-white, illegitimate son of an American GI--indeedGI—indeed, her cousin tries to KILL HIM to avoid the shame that will be brought upon the family because of this.
** Even the Engineer could be an example of this. One wonders if he might have become more than a pimp were it not for the fact he himself is the illegitimate son of a prostitute and her European customer.


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