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{{quote|''Style, sophistication, the ability to launch napalm into oncoming traffic. If these are the things you look for in an automobile, it's time you test drive ''Twisted Metal''.''|Commercial for ''Twisted Metal 2''}}
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* [[Bonus Feature Failure]]: The hidden characters of ''Black'' except for Yellow Jacket are missing introduction movies and character bios; ''all'' of them are missing mid-game cutscenes to follow the boss fight against Minion; and the FMVs they ''do'' have are very cheap-looking compared to those of the normal drivers.
** The Boss Characters in ''4'' don't have specific ending FMVs either, it's the generic one also used when playing with a custom car.
* [[Boss in Mooks Clothing]]: Juggernaut in the reboot certainly counts if you're fighting against it in the campaign. [[Mighty Glacier|An already tough vehicle]] which can dish out tremendous damage by just [[Car Fu|ramming you]], it also always has it's trigun and quad cannon activated (both capable of spamming TONS of [[More Dakka|bullets]] and [[Macross Missile Massacre|swarmers]]) and is bound to be a [[Mook Maker]]. If that wasn't bad enough, it's weakpoints are pretty hard to hit; it's trailer doors open for a brief moment when releasing [[Mook|mooksmook]]s and trying to attack it head-on is usually near suicide.
* [[Bowdlerise]]: Due to their ''very'' graphic and unsettling nature, the PAL version of the game saw the removal of character FMVs.
** Also the story behind the "Lost Endings" for ''Twisted Metal 1'', with the higher ups objecting against them due to the violence and [[Stripperific]] chicks appearing in them.
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** [[Recurring Character]]: Calypso, Needles Kane and Mr. Grimm are in all games, though Grimm is a different character in ''Black'' and the upcoming PS3 game. Axel, Marcus Kane, Preacher Jebediah, the Roberts siblings, Bruce Cochrane, Minion, Captain Rogers, Krista Sparks and Simon Whittlebone appear in more than one game.
* [[Ring of Power]]: ''Twisted Metal 4'' sets up the premise that Sweet Tooth managed to steal a magical ring from Calypso that gave him all his powers to grant wishes.
* [[Road Cone]]: While no two characters' endings could technically occur (since, by the nature of the contest, you kill all the other drivers), several endings from ''Twisted Metal 2'' are treated as happened in ''Head-On'': Axel, Outlaw 2, Twister, Mr. Slamm and Grasshopper (sorta). Though Axel's story is written in a way that suggest his previous ending happened as a result of having survived rather than because he won, and the others may be [[Hand Wave|Hand Waved]]d by the fact there are 2 years between the games, and the tournament has always been annual.
** On the other hand, Outlaw's ending in the first ''Twisted Metal'' is pretty much the ending that happened, as its the only one brought up ''twice'': it's the focus of Outlaw-2's story in ''Twisted Metal 2'' and is referenced again in ''Head-On''.
** ''Twisted Metal: Lost'', the mini-game found in the [[PlayStation 2]] port of ''Head-On'' which serves as a "sequel" to ''Black'', treats ''EVERY'' ending from Black as having happened, even if they included objects/events impossible to come by any other way. Maybe Calypso got nicer and granted everyone's wishes after the tournament?


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