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You Know I'm Black, Right?: Difference between revisions

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== Live Action TV ==
* On one of Judge Miliani's cases in ''Court TV'', the plaintiff informed the judge that the defendents were - ''ugh'' - lawyers! ...It turns out, so are all judges.
* ''30 Rock'': Taken [[Up to Eleven]], to the point of parody. Jack proudly announces to a room full of old, white, rich, conservative business executives that he has a liberal girlfriend. Cue the other men coming out with all sorts of other "confessions"--their—their children went to public school, they listen to NPR, and . . .
{{quote|Black guy: I'm black!}}
* Subverted in the ''[[Chappelle's Show]]'' skit ''Black White Supremacist''. A blind black man grows up under the impression he is white. He becomes a prominent white supremacist writer until {{spoiler|he finds out he is black}}.
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'''Tali:''' "[[I'm Standing Right Here|I'm standing right here!]] }}
* In ''[[The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police|Sam and Max Freelance Police]] Season 2 Episode 1'', Bosco makes a comment that paranoia is 'what separates us from the animals'. Sam looks offended and caustically responds that the saying 'plays better with the [[Funny Animal|non-dog-and-rabbit crowd]]'.
* This can happen in ''[[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim]]'' as a side effect of [[Welcome to Corneria]]. In the [[Fantastic Racism|Fantastically Segregated]] city of Windhelm, [[NPC|NPCs]]s are known to mutter about "damn Dark Elves" and "damn Argonians", even if the [[Player Character|Dovahkiin]] happens to be one. Borders on [[Too Dumb to Live]] if a player is trigger-happy.
* Can happen in ''[[Dragon Age II]]'' if you're playing a mage Hawke and you choose the right set of responses when talking to Cullen after a quest. He'll say that "mages aren't people like you and me," even if you're wearing obvious robes, carrying a staff, and ''he's seen you casting spells in front of him during an earlier fight''.
** What's even funnier is that Hawke (yes, even Mage-Hawke) can agree with him. In front of your mage party members.


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