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* [[That One Level]]: Assimilated, in which you and your crew must work your way through a Borg cube absolutely crawling with huge numbers of drones, searching through hazards and occasional ambushes for a randomly-placed transporter... and then achieve a series of objectives in [[Oh Crap|a room stuffed with a good fifty or sixty Borg.]] If you fight through it you will probably die. But even if you switch your bridge officers to passive, one ambush in the wrong place can lead to a [[Zerg Rush]]. Suffice it to say this mission drew a lot of screaming on the forums from people running it for the first time.
* [[The Scrappy]]: The ''Miranda'' class ship in all of Star Trek in general gets no love. The only reason most players would ever use it is because you HAVE to when you start the game.
** Of course, the damn thing can wind up sitting in your roster taking up a ship slot forever [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap|because you got attached to it]]. Which is why, if you're smart, you'll immediately switch to one of the purchasable Tier 1 ships the first chance you get.
* [[The Unfavorite]]: The KDF in general. They have less than a quarter of the content of the Federation, an even smaller proportion of the game's famed character and ship customization, and a good chunk of the content they do have is copy/pasted from the Federation version to the point that it's not unheard of for the mission journal to list the objective "Hail Starfleet." They're also locked out of completing the accolades for the new Borg invasion because the Federation can access the Klingons' home sector but not vice versa, and tucked away in the free-to-play announcement was the minor note that fully half of the levels would be removed for KDF play in the future. Cryptic has also been remastering lower-level Federation missions with cinematics and voice acting while the KDF still has a whopping eight missions across thirty levels that aren't copy-pasted. Every once in a while Cryptic tosses KDF players a bone, but otherwise Klingon players are the game's resident [[Butt Monkey|Butt Monkeys]].
** This is no longer true, as with the addition of Michael Dorn to the voice cast, the Klingons were entirely revamped and are no longer just "the PVP faction", and haven't been in years. They have almost as many ships as the Federation, a full storyline, have just as many important NPCs in inter-faction storylines, and have actually gotten a lot of [[Character Development]] to provide a glimpse of what life is like in the Empire. [[Unpleasable Fanbase|Of course, Klingon players still bitch on the forums]], because that's what MMO players and ''Star Trek'' fans '''do'''. And, of course, now they're in competition with Romulan faction players for who supposedly gets neglected more.
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