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** Two of the Valentines given out during the Valentine's Day '09 event have characters holding hot dogs, clearly about to engage in this trope.
** Even the back-to-school event is not exempt from this. Behold, the discussion about bullying and humiliation.
{{quote|'''Gino Gambino:''' I went to a private boarding school, so we all had to change into our pajamas in the dormitories. All the other boys used to make fun of my sunken chest. One time they held me down and took turns eating soup out of it. How did I deal with it? [[The Woobie|Oh, mostly by crying, I guess.]]<br />
'''Various fangirls:''' ... [[Fetish Fuel|That's kind of kinky.]] }}
** The Von Helson sisters participated in the Pie Hard pie-eating contest event. The image used for successfully feeding the twins pie was an obvious manip of the twins' seduction from '07, with the addition of... suggestive splatters of pie filling.
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* ''[[The Simpsons]]'':
** Parodied when Grampa and Beatrice flirt by consuming ''pills'' in a suggestive manner. Which in itself is a parody of the famous scene in ''[[Tom Jones]]''.
** Also on the episode where Selma tries to find a man as per her Aunt Gladys's last request, during a date video taping, Selma chews on a (lit) cigarette and sticks out her tongue where the cigarette is now tied in knots (the only reason she can do that without feeling pain is revealed on season three's "Black Widower" where she told Sideshow Bob that [[spoiler:a childhood accident where a bottle rocket went up her nose permanently destroyed her sense of taste and sense of smell.<br /><br />Then again, so does smoking for a long time, which also happened to Selma when she was a kid, according to the season two episode "Three Men and a Comic Book" in which Patty and Selma take up smoking after telling Marge that she can do their chores for them so she can raise money for an Easy Bake Oven]].
:Then again, so does smoking for a long time, which also happened to Selma when she was a kid, according to the season two episode "Three Men and a Comic Book" in which Patty and Selma take up smoking after telling Marge that she can do their chores for them so she can raise money for an Easy Bake Oven]].
** And inverted into [[Fan Disservice]] on the Treehouse of Horror episode "Homer^3" (the one where Homer is stuck in a 3D world after trying to hide from Patty and Selma). Patty and Selma find out that they can suck the many-days-dead conches and hermit crabs out of their shells to clean their seashell collection.
** After eating dinner, Marge and Ned Flanders both eat strawberries dipped in whipped cream more erotically in "The Devil Wears Nada". Even the promotional artwork for the episode shows this.
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