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* Ryu Hyabusa from ''[[Ninja Gaiden]]'' started with the ability to cling to walls but not climb (except through triple jumps and a tricky form of boomerang jumping). Later games gave him the full ability to climb up and down most walls he grabbed onto.
* ''[[Lemmings]]''
** The ability to climb walls is one talent you can assign to one of your marching horde of Lemmings. It can then climb vertical surfaces, though a ledge will make it fall. Also, no Lemming can climb ''down'' even with this ability (meaning they'll just splat if reaching a sheer drop).<br />** In ''Lemmings 2'', you can also give magnetic boots to a Lemming, especially with the Space tribe. They allow it to walk on any surface, even upside-down, though slower than usual.
* You can buy a pair of gloves in ''[[Thief]]: Deadly Shadows'' that enables you to scale certain surfaces.
* ''[[BioShock (series)]]'': The Spider Splicers use this in maximum freakiness.
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