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Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale/Shout-Out: Difference between revisions

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* This game is full of good one liners.
{{quote|'''Recette''': Given how "[[Lost]]" you seem to be, I hope the [[Epileptic Trees|trees don't start shaking...]].<br />
'''Recette''': (Reading a quest posting) "Drive away the God of Destruction. [[Holy Invasion of Privacy Badman|Beware pickaxes.]]"<br />
'''Recette''': (Reading a quest posting) [[Dragon Quest I|"Slay the lord of Dragons for all of us!"]]<br />
'''Recette''': (Reading a quest posting) [[Persona 4|"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking Overgod. He torments me! Please help!"]]<br />
'''Recette''': (Upon being surprised by Griff) [[Dwarf Fortress|"Oh Carp!"]]<br />
'''Tear''': "We automatically refuse to place [[The Godfather|horse heads]] in anyone's bed."<br />
'''Euria''': [[Final Fantasy VI|"Son of a SUBMARINER!"]] }}
* When Tear is explaining Recette's [[Disappeared Dad|father's disappearance]], she shows a photo of man ontop of a volcano fighting a dragon, a reference to Ortega from ''[[Dragon Quest III]]''.
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