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At the end of "Victory of the Daleks", the Daleks escape into the future. This means the surviving Dalek ship can travel through time unhindered, and could return to capture Davros and Dalek Caan before they build the New Dalek Empire, averting the creation of the half-human Doctor clone and the genocide of the Dalek race. They would do this in order to enlist Davros' aid in building the new Dalek race, and to make use of Caan's precognition. The Doctor remembers the invasion for the same reason he remembers the Master's enslavement of the Earth. With the events surrounding the stolen planets never happening in the new timeline, Donna Noble is no longer half-Time Lord but has clearly parted with the Doctor for some other reason at some point between the altered events and present (as she is not present currently). However, as the Doctor is seemingly unaffected by changes in the timeline, he still remembers events as they should have been instead of how they now turned out. Therefore, he still believes Donna would die if she remembered him, and did not realise something was wrong with the timeline until Amy informs him that she does not remember the Dalek invasion.
* Well, since the Cracks erased the Dalek Invasion, as well as the [[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S4S30/E14 The Next Doctor|Cyberking incident]], I would consider it '''''confirmed'''''.
== The events of ''Blink'' were a giant [[Xanatos Gambit]] on the part of the Angels. ==
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== Since the events of ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S4S30/E12 The Stolen Earth|The Stolen Earth]]'' and ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S4S30/E13 Journeys End|Journey's End]]'' have been seemingly erased, some of ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S4S30/E17 E18 The End of Time|The End Of Time]]'' must have been as well. ==
Since Amy cannot remember the Daleks stealing the Earth despite it having been a completely worldwide event that was unescapable, then everyone else (except The Doctor) probably also doesn't remember. Besides the great continuity issues this raises (Donna, The 10th Doctor's clone, Davros, etc...), since Wilfred clearly remembered what happened before during ''The End Of Time'' this means that whatever happened to cause the erasures must have started after that. This means that part or nearly all of that episode may have also been wiped from existence, which probably doesn't mean good things to come for The Doctor, especially if the [[Fan Nickname|Dalek Rangers]] are involved.
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