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Avatar: The Last Airbender/WMG/Just for Fun: Difference between revisions

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== Prince Zuko is the reincarnation of Rufio. ==
When Rufio died, he wished to have a father like Peter. However, it should be noted that while Peter did genuinely love his children, he was never exactly easy on Jack. To Rufio's credit, he and Jack are never seen talking or anything, so he probably didn't know this. To Rufio, Peter was the model of a great father because of loyalty and bravery in battle.
He was reincarnated as Zuko, who had a very harsh father, but also a loving mother and uncle, as per his wishes as well as karma for his noble death. He was born into a royal family because of Rufio's apparent thirst for power. Everything bad that happened to Zuko was karma for the wrong he'd done to Peter as Rufio, and Zuko's ultimate happy ending was because despite his demeanor, he was essentially a good soul.
Both boys appear to be deputy leaders for their respective groups, with Rufio taking the lead when Peter left, and Zuko doing the same in the final in Aang's absence. Both boys are rebellious and are the 'act now think later if I survive' type. Both also are hotheaded, born warriors, and proud to the point of arrogance. Most noticeably, they fill similar roles in their respective show/movie, as they start out being somewhat antagonistic, though never really villeins, but later become valuable allies to the hero.
Might be something of an inside joke that they are portrayed by the same actor.
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== The Avatar world is the [[Pokémon]] world in the distant past. ==
* Everyone's Asian, there are various animal species with elemental powers (like the badgermoles and sky bison), and "regular" animals are known of but extremely rare. Give it a couple of thousand years and the high levels of mutation and metamorphosis Pokemon are so famous for, and for the populace to largely forget about the bending teachings, and you'll have the Pokemon world.
** Related theory: Ash is the current "modern-day" Avatar, although nobody is aware of this.
** So Pikachu is related to Appa and Momo? Well, Momo might be. But there are other examples, like the Hog Monkeys/Mankey, Komodo/Rhydon, Pentapus/Octillery, Unagi/Gyarados, etc.
*** The only ones that didn't forget were the psyshics, that, somehow or another, have soulbending techniques... Sort of.
*** Obviously, the [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/avatar/images/thumb/8/89/Serpent.png/250px-Serpent.png creature from the Serpent's Pass] is [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/ssb/images/e/e8/Rayquaza.jpg Rayquaza].
*** [http://queenofthecute.deviantart.com/favourites/#/d16qtwx It would explain a whole lot]
*** It would definitely explain the giant magicarp that live near Kyoshi Island...
*** I think Red is a much better equivalent for the Avatar. He catches all the Pokemon and is a Pokemon master, and actually defeats and disbands team Rocket.
== Alternatively, the Avatar World is the [[Naruto]] world in the distant past. ==
Perhaps Bending is basically a primordial version of Hand-Seals, and redirecting chakra in a more general manner than the over-specialized Seals.
** Let's take this further. At one point after the events of ''[[Naruto]]'', a nuclear war devastated the world, leading to ''[[Fist of the North Star]]''. Kenshiro and various others use knowledge of chakras and pressure points to kill their enemies with a few well-placed jabs. The radiation caused massive mutation, leading to all the [[Mix-and-Match Critters]] and weird animals seen in ''Avatar''. Ty Lee practises a martial art descended from that used by Kenshiro, but either she prefers to use non-lethal attacks, or knowledge of ''hokuto shin ken'' has been lost.
** The Uchiha clan are the descendants of Aang. Previous generations, unique in their ability to manipulate the air, took the symbol of a fan (''uchiwa'') as their family emblem and name.
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** {{spoiler|Whenever I think of fusing the settings I place Naruto's Japan as a forgotten tributary of the Earth Kingdom where the people who would become the ninja were driven to due to practicing heretical arts. With the reveal of the Finale they are justified and could be there but that doesn't, entirely, negate the distrust for the jutsumethods which disturb the spirit world and souls of their practicioners and is induced by drugs as to just a natural extension of birth and odd reversal of kekkai genkai prejudice.}}.
*** Have you seen Naruto's map? It looks nothing like Japan, has several dozen countries, islands and so forth on it. Short of the Avatar world being a Dyson Sphere, there's no way to add one to the other without some weird justification.
*** The avatar world could be millions of year in the past of the naruto one. Continental drift is always an option.
== It's far clearer that the Avatar world takes place somewhere in the galaxy of [[Macross]]. ==
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** Please don't say that... the thought of Firebender Zentraedi is just too awesome and terrifying for mortal minds to handle.
== Alternately, [[Jade Empire]] is the future of Avatar. ==
The Jade Empire is a successful Fire Nation some years after it conquered the world. The main character is the reincarnated Avatar: he/she can learn a number of magical styles that are directly linked to the elements, and is responsible for restoring balance to the world. Note that the protagonist of the game is working with the Water Dragon, and that in general Jade Empire follows a lot of the same character archetypes as Avatar does.
* Or Avatar is the future. Jade Empire is set at the tail end of the transition between spirit bending and element bending mentioned by the Lion Turtle, with elements just beginning to come to the fore. Over the next few hundred years, the Jade Empire conquers the world, its culture washing away all others. However, elemental segregation eventually grows so strong that the Jade Empire splits into four elemental nations.
* ''Warren Peace from [[Sky High]] is descended from Firebenders, possibly even the royal house of the Fire Nation.'' He's not ethnically Asian but speaks at least some Cantonese, his powers seem to work identically to firebending, and he sort of looks like Zuko.
** If we follow that logic, then that would mean that Terra from ''[[Teen Titans (animation)|Teen Titans]]'' is a descendant from the Earthbenders.
** And that the Loch Ness Monster is really an eelhound.
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== There will be a sequel OVA movie, it will be [[Darker and Edgier]] to appeal to the now-more-aged fans, and will involve Aang as the [[Big Bad]] ==
Here is the setup: Some ten years after the end of the series, and things haven't gotten much better. Think about it - you have a hundred years of war and genocide primarily between the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom, though the Water Tribes and Air Nomads are obviously not exempt. Realistically, Zuko and Aang will have to deal with reparations to the Earth Kingdom and the removal of millions of Fire Nation colonists from the Earth Kingdom's borders, all while many Fire Nation rebels from the former Ozai-loyal ranks will want to usurp power from Zuko and either re-establish Ozai or themselves to power, and many Earth Kingdom civilians and much of the military will want the ruin/destruction of the Fire Nation and its colonies for its trespasses over the past one-hundred years.
Aang will have gotten a rude awakening that his defeating Fire Lord Ozai didn't do jack shit to actually fix things, especially not immediately. At the same time, while he and Katara will have probably had a few kids, all will be Waterbenders like their mother. Again, reality starts to hit the now disillusioned Avatar that, while he isn't the LAST Avatar, the cycle will end with the next Waterbender Avatar, since there will no longer be an Airbender to reincarnate into, and the cycle will end. After that, who's to say that something like the Fire Nation War will not happen again, and this time no-one can help? He finally bemoans his fate, and believes that there would be no problems like these if people could only think like the Airbenders did, free of their earthly problems.
Aang attempts to intervene in a battle between Earth Kingdom discontents who are trying to drive out/destroy members of a Fire Nation colony, while the Colonists refuse to leave their home of generations. They do not listen to his pleas, and even after he mass Energybends several of the front lines to try and stop them, they only momentarily stop, then pick up whatever weapons they can find and continue attacking. Finally, in a fit of rage and frustration, Aang enters the Avatar State and Energybends both armies, knocking many of them out.
When Aang's reinforcements arrive, they cart off the ranks two armies, but Aang notices something: as one of the prisoners thrashes about, he sees a bucket filled with water start to shake for no reason, and finally, the water splashes out of the bucket. Seeing this, Aang rushes back to the Fire Nation. There, he goes to Ozai, saying he will still find a way for Ozai to benefit the world. Ordering the guards away, Aang begins to Energybend Ozai, apparently somewhat painfully.
This all leads to Aang finally perfecting his Elementbending technique, becomes a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]], and begins to handle the rebellions, insurgeancies, and guerilla wars by forcefully turning the combatants into Airbenders - both to stop the wars and to ensure the existance of future Avatars, since Aang still staunchly refuses to kill. Of course, word gets back to Zuko, Katara, Toph (now the Earth Queen since Bumi has passed on and no one had the cahones to tell her "no"), and Sokka (the new chieftan of the Water Tribe), as well as the remaining White Lotus members about Aang's crimes.
They corner him in a battle and confront him about this, but can't convince him to stop. In the same moment, an Earth Kingdom insurgeant who Aang had Elementbended into an Airbender spots Zuko and, thirsty for revenge, shoots him with an arrow. Seeing his friend fall, apparently dead, Aang goes full [[One-Winged Angel]], and the Gaang's only option is to take him down. This ultimately ends with Katara Bloodbending Aang to stop him, but he doesn't release from the Avatar state. After trying everything, and as she's losing her grip on him, she tearfully embraces him and gently Bloodbends his heart to a stop.
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* The reason they don't age is because the entire series takes place over the course of less than a year. The first season takes place during Winter, the second during Spring, and the third during Summer.
** Ten months, according to [[Word of God]].
* They do age, it's just subtle, and not in your face. Katara's hair slowly grows, and in the epsiode "Tales of Ba Sing Se," we see Sokka shaving his thinly growing moustache.
* But Captain Hook's ugly!
** Tell that to [[Peter Pan (film)|Jason Isaacs]].
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== Avatar is set in the [[Warcraft Expanded Universe]]. ==
Bending is just another form of shamanistic magic, and both the Avatar Cycle and the Guardian of Tirisfal are mechanisms set in motion by the Makers to ensure the protection and balance of each of their respective worlds. Since arcane or shadow magic isn't really practiced in the Avatar world (maybe Energybending and/or Bloodbending qualify as these), the world where Avatar takes place hasn't been noticed by the Burning Legion...yet.
== The Avatar world is a Alternate version of [[Exalted|Creation]] ==
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== Winnie The Pooh and Tigger, Etc are Koh's children ==
You're welcome.
* Yes, that baseless, unsupported, and poorly capitalized idea is ''terrifying''.
** ... [[Invader Zim|I LIKE]] [[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant|YOU!!]]
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== Kohl's is run by koh, and in, say 2 years, he will use the mirrors in the store to steal our faces. ==
The worlds face will soon be his. * shudders*
== Toph wasn't born blind. As a result, she has a certain knack at playing pinball. ==
When Toph was old enough to walk around, she stumbled into her parents' bedroom while they were "having fun". The Beifongs, being the overprotective parents they are, ordered her to forget this ever happened. The incident [[Freud Was Right|traumatized Toph so much]] that her brain deactivated her sense of sight to prevent Toph from seeing anything like that in the future. The Beifongs realized that the whole "shock your kid blind" thing would reflect poorly on their parenting, and so started telling other people that the child was born blind.
The evidence for this case may seem tenuous, but there is one item that verifies this WMG: [[The Who|the Who's]] rock opera, Tommy. Because the Who are just that awesome, they foresaw the plot of ATLA in the late 60's, and wrote an opera about the show's premier badass. Prepare to be amazed at the similarities between the story of Toph and Tommmy:
* The names "Toph" and "Tommy" are similar. We can attribute any difference to two factors. First, it is likely Pete Townshend made an error translating the Chinese character for Toph to English. It is likely he ended up with Tom instead. This leads into the second point, which is that Tom was modified to Tommy for musical purposes, e.g. fitting the meter of a song.
* The lyrical contents of the song "Amazing Journey", a track on ''Tommy'' correlate to Toph's story of how she learned to Earthbend. In short, Tommy, though his senses are impaired, begins to experience events in is life as music, and is lead on his life story by a tall stranger in glittery robes. Replace "music" with earthbending and "tall stranger in glittery robes" with hideous mole creature, and you have Toph's orignal story. Either one of the above points, translation errors or an artistic license, can account for the discrepancies.
* The last point is more speculative than the previous two, but possible. In all the scams Toph and friends ran on Fire Nation citizens in Season 3, it is likely that one of them was playing pinball for cash. Toph simply had to earth/metalbend the pinball and she could reach an unbeatable score. It just makes sense.
The only event prophesied by ''Tommy'' yet to occur in the ATLA universe is for a cult of personality to build around "the Pinball Wizard", aka "the Blind Bandit". Perhaps the upcoming sequel series will shine a light onto this matter... unless the prophecy is really all about Tom-Tom!
** This is supported by the fact that in the chibi-ized short, ''Bending Battle'', Toph turned a cliff into a pinball machine and used Sokka as the ball.
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Bending and crafting are just different ways of doing the same thing; bending is simply a different way to harness and control furies - probably less taxing on the body but wih less powerful manifestations. Woodbending is possible, but no one has found an animal/spirit to teach them how to woodbend. The powers of the High Lords and Citizens who can control more than one fury discipline is due to some sort of genetic ability that gives them something similar to the Avatar's power. Of course, this means that at some point the Avatar world is [[Fridge Horror|going to have to deal with the Vord....]]
* Building on this, the Moon and the Ocean spirits are Great Furies - note that in ''Captain's Fury'' Isana says that the ocean is all one vast fury. Since all waterbenders draw their power from the Moon, they're all crafting from one vast fury. The Sun is probably another fury, and Sozin's Comet is another that the Fire Nation has learned the harness and claim.
* Well this explains why no one ever tries to sail from the Earth Kingdom's east coast to the Fire Nation's west coast or vice versa by going around the planet. Every attempt ran into blood bending wolfmen or animal bending neanderthals and never returned to tell anyone about them.
* It might be less than nobody was taught about wood- and metalbending, and more that none of them are using their full powers so they think they're just very good sword/knife-users or archers. The swamp-dwelling woodbender and Toph have basically made [[Achievements in Ignorance]].
** The Yu-Yan Archers get their [[Improbable Aiming Skills]] from being woodbenders. Piandao is a metalbender. And by extension...''Sokka is a metalbender too!'' Toph is quite clearly a High Lord-tier crafter, being able to bend metal and earth, and Zuko, being a master swordsman, may also be a High Lord-tier metal and firecrafter.
* Another connection. {{spoiler|Alera the fury}} is an artificial version of the Avatar Spirit. {{spoiler|Alera}} was created by gathering pieces from every corner of the continent in one place, creating a new Avatar Spirit specifically for that continent. {{spoiler|Alera}} gives the current First Lord access to extreme power, but with drawbacks attached like the Avatar State.
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== The first airbender wasn't human. ==
It was a spirit-wizard.
== Azula is reincarnated as [[A Song of Ice and Fire|Joffrey]]. ==
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