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[[Robin McKinley]]'s second retelling of ''[[Beauty and The Beast]]'' has much of the same elements of the [[Beauty a Retelling of Beauty And The Beast|first one from almost twenty years earlier]]: a merchant fallen on hard times has three daughters, the youngest one named Beauty, who move to the country and pick up the ways of life there, only to get into a sticky situation with a rose-loving Beast. This retelling, however, places a greater focus on the roses and the magic that surrounds the Beast's castle and ends up with a different feel (and ending, although it's still a [[Happily Ever After]] one) than the previous one.
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The Beast tells him that he will spare his life if Beauty comes to live in his castle, so Beauty does. She learns that the Beast's rose garden is dying and resolves to bring it back to life; along the way, she meets many creatures, both seemingly ordinary and magical, and gets to know the Beast as more than a terrifying monster - but will it be enough to restore the rose garden? And what of the magic and back story that surrounds and even haunts the Beast?
=== This work contains examples of the following tropes: ===
* [[Bizarrchitecture]]: The Beast's castle has a constantly changing floor plan. Even the decorations and shape of tables keep on changing every time Beauty passes through the rooms.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: {{spoiler|Beauty plants two rose cuttings from the rose her father gave her. This turns out to be a ''very'' good thing later on.}}
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