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Protagonist-Centered Morality: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]''. Many people seem to forget that the heroes are actually eco-terrorists who blow up a magical power plant, thereby causing thousands of Gil worth of property damage and killing just about every [[Mook]] inside. Let's not forget, either, that Cloud explicitly says he ''doesn't care'' about the Planet. He just wants his paycheck. [[Character Development|They get better]], though.
** Cait Sith doesn't forget, though, and calls Barret out on it later on. Barret tries to justify it with a "its a war, there are casualties" line, but even he isn't totally convinced by his own yarn.
** Also, the heroes do at least attack the power plant in the middle of the night, and there's a mention that most of the defenses are automated. They're clearly trying to minimize casualties, at least.
* This trope was used and addressed by the developers of ''[[Brink]]'', with the biggest example being a mission where, as [[La Résistance|the Resistance]], you're trying to safeguard a vaccine from capture by [[The Empire|Security forces]]. The same mission, played from the [[Cowboys and Indians|Security side]], is attempting to wrest a lethal bio-weapon from [[Western Terrorists|the Resistance]]. After all, to develop a vaccine, you first need a sample of the virus... Plenty of other examples are given throughout playing both campaigns, which was an intentional design.
* This gets ridiculous in ''[[Sands of Destruction]]'', where you're trying to destroy the world, which is perfectly acceptable. The ferals, [[Fantastic Racism|most of whom treat humans poorly]], are the bad guys, occasionally trying to stop you when you do something they don't like, such as killing their kid and stealing from them.
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