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** Before anything else, you're going to have to actually watch the movie instead of just sitting in the room fuming while it's on the screen. The point of the asthma was so that when he panicked at the alien's presence, his lungs would close and no poison would get in, ''not'' to cure him of the asthma. If you didn't even pay attention there's no point answering your questions.
* When the Reverend Graham and Merill are boarding up Bo's bedroom, look closly. The door goes inwards and there is a cab caused by the frame of the door between said door and the boards. And the wer'nt. even that many boards. In conclution, the aliens would still be able to get in through that door.
** The boarding up of the house is not a calm, rational process where they have all the time in the world. It's being done in a near-panic, thinking that they might be attacked at any moment, with Merill desperately holding on to his courage and Graham halfheartedly holding on to his sanity. It makes sense that they'd make mistakes during it and not be thinking clearly... that's how the attic door winds up ignored.
* What exactly were the military and police forces doing during this time? The movie makes only one mention of them the entire time, during the final newscast in which it is mentioned that ground forces are being mobilized across the globe. Yet, later, Merrill states that "a lot of people died". How, exactly? The aliens/demons really weren't that impressive. I've heard theories that perhaps they used very large amounts of their poison on population centers, but there's no mention of it. And again, where was the military?
** Military forces don't just appear where bad things happen. They have to be moved. And it seems likely they were moved in response to a potential threat before the threat materialized.... making it fairly easy for the aliens to attack where the military weren't.
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