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''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5282769/1/The_World_Without The World Without]'', by Lunaludus Scribex
* Recommended by [[User:Comartemis]], Cherry_Lover, [[Tropers/Caellach Tiger Eye|Caellach Tiger Eye]]
* ''Synopsis:'' Follows Bad End #1. Shirou is as good as dead, but the war will go on without him. Unwilling to give up her chance at the Grail just yet, Saber seeks out the remnants of the Makiri family hoping to find a new master and finds herself enlisted by Zouken as a back-up Servant and bodyguard for Sakura.
* ''Comments:'' Only five chapters long and it's already a highly entertaining read. Shirou fans should be warned that several scenes go into rather graphic detail of what exactly Ilya is doing to [[And I Must Scream|his severed head]] (hint: power tools are involved), and Ilya fans should be noted that the psycho moeblob is ''not'' being portrayed very sympathetically. On the other hand, ''Sakura'' fans should note that the series seems to be headed in the direction of making her Shirou's stand-in as main character and Grail War Hero(ine). Everyone else should note that this is ''not'' a [[Dark Fic]] despite Shirou being dead; while Sakura being one of the main characters means significant amounts of angst are involved, there are also flashes of humor here and there and the author has done a bang-up job of recreating the overall feel of the series.
** Elf: Finally, after months of pimping this fic it's getting the recognition that it deserves. Also, the author writes one of the best Lancers I've seen, and what he's hinting at with Archer has me curious as well.
** [[Tropers/Caellach Tiger Eye|Caellach Tiger Eye]]: It's well-written, but for me impossible to enjoy thanks to the aforementioned characterisation of Illya - I honestly couldn't move past the first chapter knowing what would come next with her, particularly since she's my favourite character. I understand that perspective, but as an Illya fan I cannot help fundamentally protesting to her being portrayed without [[Jerkass Woobie|the slightest sympathy, particularly given the base behind her character]]. I'd rather read a [[Dark Fic]] version of this with Illya redeeming herself much later on, possibly as [[The Atoner]], as opposed to ... well, as opposed to what we actually ''get'' here. That's just me giving what I feel is a ''much-needed'' thumbs-down, but perhaps others will feel differently, so don't let my opinion tarnish your free will.
*** It is an ''accurate'' characterisation of Ilya, though, given the situation. And, there's nothing anywhere which says she ''can't'' redeem herself at a later date, especially given that {{spoiler|Shirou seems to be waking up}}. Also, I don't think Ilya is being portrayed "without sympathy", the writer is just assuming we've already played the game (or, at least, seen the anime) and thus ''know'' what she's really like. It's hard to write her as sympathetic from that scenario without basically rehashing the backstory we've already been given by the game.
*** You're jumping the gun, Tiger. The story is one that favors the slow burn, and the latest chapter seems like it might finally be edging toward giving Illya a [[Heel Realization]]. In fact, the story appears to be heading down the path you described, so why don't you give it some time before you start complaining?
*** [[Tropers/Caellach Tiger Eye|C.T.E.]]: Well, I can admit when I'm wrong about something. Having looked at the recent chapters, I must take ''back'' my hesitation regarding this fic (which I've started now to read and enjoy very much. I will, however, state that calling Ilya's depiction "unsympathetic" isn't exactly accurate, especially Chapter 11 (where {{spoiler|Shirou}} learns of her past and is horrified); so my gripe wasn't so much with the story, but with the original "Recommender" having ''mis-advertised'' it's depiction of Ilya (I'd ''assumed'' she was being given the [[Ron the Death Eater]] treatment, and after the first chapter [[Justified Trope|can you blame me for complaining]]?) Also note that the story, while hopeful, ''does'' get ''[[Darker and Edgier|dark]]'' at times (it's the first story I've seen which {{spoiler|kills of Taiga}}). But overall, I've come to deeply respect this story - among other things, it has ''the'' most satisfying [[Karmic Death]] of [[Smug Snake|Shinji Matou]] that ''I've'' ever seen.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4294953/1/Fate_Once_Again Fate Once Again]'' by Ayleris
* Recommended by [[User:Comartemis]], [[User:Ten Four]], Walktalk
* ''Synopsis:'' Seeking to free Archer from his deal with the world, Shirou and Rin return to Fuyuki City ten years after the UBW True End to take part in the Sixth Grail War.
* ''Comments:'' What may well be one of the best ''FSN'' fics in the fandom, Ayleris knows his Type-Moon lore and isn't the least bit afraid to make references to the rest of Nasu's extended universe, particularly ''Fate/Zero'' and ''Tsukihime'' (which it is sort of a crossover with; be on the lookout for curry monsters with very large guns). Of special interest are the developments in the rest of the ''FSN'' canon cast; Saber and Taiga are the same as always, but ''Sakura''... well... see for yourself.
** Alyeris: O.o While I am grateful for the undeserved praise my first foray into fanfiction gathered, I'm afraid that this is one project I will NOT be finishing. The storyline from chapter 14 onwards became too loose for me to accept and if I ever do get back to this I will be collating the last 5 chapters into 2 or 3. Again this is unlikely due to time constraints. Sorry to anyone out there who's been hoping for a continuation.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4634128/1/Endless_Dream Endless Dream]'' by Pata Hikari
* Recommended by [[User:Universalperson]], [[User:Op Megs]], [[User:Ten Four]], nitewind
* ''Synopsis'': When Sakura makes her Servant, she gets a Caster-type. One with a [[Peggy Sue|special connection to her.]] Note: Original fic has been scrapped, is being rewritten.
** The new version can be now found [http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/700-Fate-Stay-Night-Fanfic-Endless-Dream-%28Rewrite%29?highlight=endless+dream here.]
* ''Comments'': In a sense, this premise has been done before {{spoiler|in canon}} but it works extremely well, and is also (more importantly) well written. Highlights include: Caster's plans backfiring, a subtle subversion of the "You Lost Me" [[Memetic Mutation|meme]] and Rider and Sakura as [[Sentai]].
** [[User:Pata Hikari]]: Holy crap. :O Also, what subtle subversion of the "You lost me" meme.
*** [[User:Universalperson]]: What can I say, it's a good fic. Although admittedly, I thought of posting it here after I saw your name. The subtle subversion, I assumed, was in Chapter 13. The first part.
** swtrooper42: This is hilarous and well written. I liked the whole [[Go-Karting with Bowser]] part with Lancer, Saber, and Archer eating pizza.
** Coker: Lancer bemoaning the fact that both archer and caster use swords despite not being saber made nearly die laughing
{{quote|"..." Lancer lowered his lance. "Oh God Damn it! You use a sword too? For the love of.... why the hell aren't you and Archer Saber!?"
"...you sound offended." Caster commented.
"Of course I am! I'm Lancer." He held up his weapon, "Note the fact that I use a Lance." }}
** [[User:Jisu]]: Love it, love it, love it. It's been a while since I've read something this good.
** [[User:Neo Crimson]]: It is indeed very well written, the only flaw is that Caster is a total [[Fixer Sue]], but at least the author realizes this and makes fun of him/herself for it.
*** [[User:Guessmyname]]: And at least her plans do {{spoiler|go horribly wrong, like unintentionally alienating ''Rin'' (ie Caster's past self) into joining Gilgamesh}} on at least one occasion.
** [[User:Op Megs]]: This one is unique in that I found it to make Gilgamesh more understandable in motives than the actual ''canon''. His {{spoiler|saving Archer and Rin from Berserker out of appreciation for their determination and skill}} makes his comments on wanting to "elevate humanity back to what it was" seem more sensical and Gil himself less of an [[Omnicidal Maniac]].
** [[User:Sneebs]] I'd probably enjoy this a lot more if the writer could learn how to edit properly. Using a symbol like "..." should not be the way to say the scene has changes. Damnabbit, I might actually be enjoying this if I knew the difference between a scene change and a character being dumbfounded by the comic relief.
*** [[User:Pata Hikari]]: There ''used'' to be lines for scene changes, it seems that Fanfiction.net removed them.
*** @/awakenDeepBlue: I'll have to agree with Sneebs, the formatting is terrible. Also, IMHO, I don't really find this fic to be well written.
*** You did read the part where it says that the fic is being rewritten right?
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4693582/1/Cooled_Ambition Cooled Ambition]'' by Kratoserving
* Recommended by [[User:Comartemis]], [[User:Op Megs]], [[User:Ten Four]], Cherry_Lover
* ''Synopsis'': Another take on the "Rin as Counter Guardian" plotline.
* ''Comments'': Superficially it seems like a copy off of ''Endless Dream'', with so many similarities in the early plot that one is tempted to sound the plagiarism alarm. However the story is different enough to stand on its' own, and recent chapters have been diverging farther and farther away from ''Endless Dream''. It helps that Kratoserving has a much smoother writing style than PH does and he's willing to do some very interesting things with the characters, like {{spoiler|[[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap|redeeming Shinji]] and matching him up with ''Lancer'' of all Servants, or making sure Caster's plans never completely succeed because of her horrible luck.}} Suffice it to say that if you liked ''Endless Dream'' you'll probably like ''Cooled Ambition''.
** [[User:Guessmyname]]: Eh, personally, I find ''Endless Dream'' has a better writing style. Kratoserving is too long winded and tells more than he shows. But that's just me...
** Solopy567: One of the funniest parts of this story that I found was {{spoiler|Caster(Rin) having sex with Lancer............For a good reason though.}}
** Zephaoreos: Up to chapter five so far, and if it doesn't change soon I can't recommend it. Archer is portrayed as an even denser version of Shirou, despite being one of the cleverer characters in canon. I don't mind fanfiction where personalities are tweaked, but an EX-level idiot ball doesn't make for an enjoyable change. Apparently projected weapons are super easy to explode, despite Medea (a better mage than a future Tohsaka would be) not realising this. What makes this even more grating is that the combination of drawing unlimited magic from alternate realities and the ability to store mana for later in gems would make for a logical method of making Caster overpowered without plot hole inducing asspulls.
''Heaven's Failure, aka "The Emilya Saga"'' by Limit Break
[http://blstorage.manga-sketchbook.org/Doujinshi/Aortic/Fate/Emilya%20Saga/ Original Webcomics and first volume]
[http://www.doujintoshokan.com/series/Fate-Stay-Night-dj-Heavens-Failure Volumes 1-5]
* Recommended by [[User:Andyzero]]
* ''Synopsis'': An alternate take on the happy ending of "Heaven's Feel", since Shirou's body is full of holes, and Ilya doesn't need hers anymore, she gives him her body. (Not like that.) Thus, Emilya is born
* ''Comments'': Non-H Doujinshi.. Mostly whacky hijinks as everyone adjusts, but there is one heartwarming scene.
** A rather interesting and funny [[What If]]. It takes place after Heaven's Feel True End and despite some characters being OOC (Sakura for example and Rin to some extent), it IS a good read. {{spoiler|Plus, the first two books (the remaining three ones are in the Fate/hollow ataraxia timeline) can be qualified as [[Canon]], since Rin DID mention that Shirou came back different and they managed to get him back to normal}}.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5204307/1/Fuyuki_High_Class_Reunion/ Fuyuki High Class Reunion]'' by sasahara17
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''[http://blstorage.manga-sketchbook.org/Doujinshi/Childcare%20is%20war%20-%20Compilation%201-2-3/ Childcare is War]'' by St. Parasu, part 4 is [http://g.e-hentai.org/g/89985/86daa55cd6/ here (rest of site is NSFW)] and [http://blstorage.manga-sketchbook.org/Doujinshi/Childcare%20is%20war%204/ here (SFW)].
* Recommended by [[User:Andyzero]], [[User:Universalperson]], [[User:Ten Four]], Cherry_Lover
* ''Synopsis'': Counter-Guardians are not affected by Time Paradox. When Archer is summoned by the child versions of Rin and Sakura; he discovers there's something more Gar than being a hero and more altering than the Holy Grail itself. A loving father.
* ''Comments'': Non-H Doujinshi. There is a fanfic continuation on the author's [http://stparusu.net/ase/main/ website]. However, it is entirely in Japanese. The pictures, however, more or less say it all.
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* ''Synopsis:'' Presumably following the events of the Anime, Shiro and Rin attempt to return to a somewhat normal life, only to find themselves being caught up fighting with and against Heroes in a battle across time, to try and stop the damaged Holy Grail from destroying all history.
* ''Comments:'' Many likable characters, old and new, return. Meshes combat, mythology, and humor very evenly, providing you with some utterly bizarre and awesome combinations that may need to be read to believe. {{spoiler|Robin Hood as the ''[[Super Sentai|Power Rangers]]''.}}
** [[User:Comartemis]]: It also flips the bird at Nasuverse canon and many things which were detailed in the game. Caradryan seems to be working with just what information the anime provided and working from there, so those who've played the game should expect a lot of conflicts with their knowledge base. That said (and having read only the first chapter so far), the writing is pretty solid save for the occasional spelling and grammar glitches.
** [[User:Caradryan]]: You guys have got to be kidding me...Now I can die happy - I mean, I can write more! Although, ''Precept of Destiny'' is currently on indefinite hiatus, so I'm not sure if it's appropriate as a Fanfic Rec. Perhaps someone could consider its follow-up, ''Fortune's Providence'' once I have a few more chapters of it up?
''[http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/137-Shattered-Heaven Shattered-Heaven]'' by tesculpture
* Recommended by [[User:Narvi]], [[User:Rivenscryr]], DaRandomUser.
* ''Synopsis:'' Basically ''[[Fate/stay night]]'': The Mirror Universe. Archer is caught up in one of Rin's magical detonations, and is sent to a universe where he should (by all standards) have a goatee.
* ''Comments'': Hilarious, if only for uncertain emo [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Shinji-esqu]] Gilgamesh crushing on Archer, a crazy tyrannical Saber who has no taste in food yet remains a [[Big Eater]], the delinquent Issei who keeps trying to burn the school down, and a {{spoiler|[[Tsundere]] red-headed Sakura who now has ''no sex drive'' whatsoever.}} Also has bastard Shirou as an antagonist, who is about as evil and clever as good Shirou is nice and dim.
** [[User:Comartemis]]: Didn't care for the plot all that much (it's pretty well-written, the concept just isn't really my cup of tea), but it was worth reading anyways just to see what inverting everyone's personalities does to Zouken.
** [[User:Rivenscryr]]: Certainly a good many moments of amusement to be had, as well as more serious moments resulting from the inversions of ''almost'' every character in canon (and not in the [[Tsukihime|Nanaya or Tohno]] style), but I find its the more subtle shifts later on that really caught my attention, with one example being our dear Einzbern homunculus).
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4557244/1/Nine_Ways_Archers_Plans_Went_Horribly_Wrong Nine Ways Archer's Plan Went Horribly Wrong]'', by Mini Nephthys
* Recommended by [[User:Sparkysharps]], [[User:Ten Four]], [[User:Animenutcase]]
* ''Synopsis'': Nine short scenarios in which Archer's plan to erase himself from existence falls completely on its ass before it even starts.
* ''Comments'': Simple, short, and bloody hilarious—as well as rather heartwarming in the final scenario.
** [[User:Mini Nephthys]]: According to the rules of the rec page, I should mention that it has more than a fair bit of Archer/Rin. Also, I'm flattered beyond belief.
** [[User:Animenutcase]] would also like to warn you that there are a couple blink-and-you'll-miss-it slash hints.
''[http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/235-FF-Phantoms-%28by-Burnout%29?p=15874&viewfull=1#post15874 Phantoms]'' by Burnout
* Recommended by iridium248, StevetheCornMuffin
* Now has a [[Fate/Phantoms|Trope Page.]]
* ''Synopsis'': Thirty years after the Fifth War of the Holy Grail, Ichiro Tanaka, protege of Emiya Shirou and Master of Assassin, participates in the Sixth. A Psuedo-crossover with ''Phantom of Inferno''.
* ''Comments'': Fate as film noir. Intriguing callbacks to both Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Hollow Ataraxia. Seems to be a Spiritual Successor to Fate/Zero in mood and tone, with an interesting lead character.
** Strong characterization, but depressingly bleak and oppressive, keeping in line with the tone of the source materials.
* New link up above to replace the old one.
** The recent chapters...Holy shit, the recent chapters are incredibly, incredibly brutal, verging on mean-spirited. Worth a read just for the clash with the Shadow.
** This story is definitely meant to appeal to hardcore fans of Zero and Nitro+, what with the dark, violent tones. However, those aren't the only selling points, since the storytelling itself is also a superb example. In addition, no prior knowledge of Phantom is required to enjoy this one, but it does help to understand Ichiro's Assassin's backstory.
*** Quiksilver: Well-written but nihilistic, with intense grit and gore. A good read if you like Darker and Edgier stories, but occasionally rather disturbing.
''[http://nrvnqsr.us.to/showthread.php?162-Dear-Tohsaka Dear] [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7036433/1/Dear_Tohsaka Tohsaka]'' by tobias ([[The Letter Series|TV Tropes page]])
* Recommended by [[User:xm 0123]], Cherry_Lover, [[User:Ten Four]], Ximsol182
* ''Synopsis'': Set after the UBW True End, Sakura writes a letter to Rin detailing her life and feelings.
* ''Comments'': One chapter long, but incredibly powerful. By the end, I wanted to give Sakura a hug. This is definitely a tearjerker, but well worth the read for anyone who's played the visual novel. {{spoiler|And Tsukihime as well, since a character from that features in this.}} Also has a sequel, ''[http://nrvnqsr.us.to/showthread.php?163-Dear-Emiya Dear] [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7036441/1/Dear_Emiya Emiya]'', which is also powerful.
** Seconded. This fic is very powerful and it ''might'' make you cry even if you're not a Sakura fan (Sakura fans on the other hand need to get those tissues prepared.....). It's extremely emotional and amazingly well done, particularly since the writer is not actually overly fond of Sakura in general.
*** And be sure to read ''[http://nrvnqsr.us.to/showthread.php?164-Dear-Matou Dear] [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7036451/1/Dear_Matou Matou]'', the conclusion to the "Letters" series. The quality seen in the first two letters carries through just as well. If you have played the visual novel, do yourself a favor and devote some time to reading these stirring, emotionally powerful stories. You will not be disappointed.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6372400/1/Chaos_Theory Chaos Theory]'' by Moczo
* Recommended by J the Drafter
* Recommended by J the Drafter, [[User:Comartemis]], [[User:Unclouded TJ]], Cherry_Lover, Darkholme, nitewind, [[Tropers/Caellach Tiger Eye|Caellach Tiger Eye]]
** Now with it's own [[Chaos Theory (fanfic)|Trope Page]]!
* ''Synopsis'': A random act of kindness on the first night of the Grail War alters the course of the entire conflict when Shirou makes nice with Ilya.
* ''Comments'': First of all the writing is excellent. It's thoughtful, it conveys information without getting bogged down in it, and it's spiced with some occasional humor. The idea is clever, for its simplicity and its shear plausibility. As of October 14, 2010 there are five chapters.
** Please note that those three chapters and the prologue were written in under a week's time while the average fanfic is updated about once a month and additionally this one has a combined (as of October 10) word count of over 16,000 words. Suffice to say that Moczo writes fast.
** [[User:Moczo]]: ''Wow''. While I really appreciate the rec, please do keep in mind that I'm totally rushing on that 'new fic' buzz; don't expect three-chapter-a-week updates to last forever, or I'll end up really disappointing you. Still, glad you liked it enough to put it here!
** Comartemis: I was disappointed that what appears to be an Ilya route doesn't feature an appearance by [[Future Badass|Archerko]], but as a new spin on the source material this is a very entertaining AU. ''Chaos Theory'' combines elements of the Fate and Heaven's Feel routes but also isn't afraid to do something completely original, like breaking up the Tohsaka/Emiya alliance. Definitely one to put on your watchlist.
** [[User:Unclouded TJ]]: Would have otherwise passed it up, but I saw the recommendation and found the story to my liking. Excellent characterization and a very open future.
** There isn't enough love for the homunculus in the world of fanfiction, so I'm quite pleased with the story so far. Looking forward to updates from this one, and so should you.
** [[User:silvercover]]: I like the sweet parts between Shirou and Ilya here. The story is really great and makes excellent sense on what might happen with a random act of kindness.
** Kazeto: I also recommend this story - it's rather well done and has some funny and heart-warming moments. It seems to "follow" the Heaven's Feel route, or rather - what would be of this route if its main heroine was Ilyasviel, and it is written in a way that is pleasant to read.
** [[Tropers/Caellach Tiger Eye|Caellach Tiger Eye]]: If I knew how to create [[TV Tropes]] pages for [[Fan Fics]], I would make one for this fic. From the [[Crowning Moment of Funny|humourous scenes]] to the [[Tear Jerker|sad ones]], from the [[Slice of Life|character development]] to the [[Nightmare Fuel|horror]] & [[Cerebus Syndrome|darkness]], from the [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|battle scenes]] to the [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|sweet interactions between Ilya and Shirou]], every moment ''Chaos Theory'' is a moment well spent. A true gem.
** awakenDeepBlue: I also like this fic, this is what a Ilya route would be like.
''[http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/766-Teach-us-Gil-sensei! Teach Us, Gil Sensei!]'' by Verg Avesta
* Recommended by [[User:Pata Hikari]], Darkholme
* ''Synopsis'': After one to many indignities at the hand of Kotomine, the King of Heroes moves out on his own. After a bit of searching, he ends up as a PE teacher. [[Hilarity Ensues]]
* ''Comments'':An utterly hilarious work. The story is told from Gilgamesh's point of view, which means that we get to see how his pride and idiocy get him into so much trouble.
** [[User:T-bone 61]]: This fic. It is ''golden.'' Otaku!Gil alone is beyond words. Definitely worth your time.
*** Link is now fixed. Enjoy the mayhem.
*** Bar none definitely one of the better comedy fics out there.
''[http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/333-Fate-Stay-Night-Prismatic-Chaos F/SN - Prismatic Chaos]'' by Ayleris [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6895017/1/FateStay_Night_Prismatic_Chaos Now on Fanfiction.net!]
* Recommended by Chaosjunction, Darkholme, DaRandomUser, silvercover, nitewind
* ''Synopsis'': After a incident involving the Kaleidostick 5 years before the start of Fate/Stay Night, Emiya Shirou has become the female Emiya Kirika. Fast forward 5 years, and the Holy Grail War begins. Archer is summoned, along with 2 Sabers. Wait, what!?
* ''Comments'': Another fic from the mind of Ayleris, the same person who gave us Fate Once Again, F/SN-Prismatic Chaos, though young yet, is already a fic that deserves to be recommeneded here. Not only are the relationships of Female! Shirou hilarious: {{spoiler|Makidera, from Fate/Hollow Ataraxia is her rival, and Issei has a crush on her}}, not to mention her relationship with Rin... This fic is definitely one worth reading.
** Darkholme: I'll admit, the premise turned me off at first. But then I gave this fic a chance. And boy, I'm glad I did. An adorable little story that will have you tickled the whole way through.
** [[User:silvercover]]: I also recommend this one. Kirika behaves like the original Shirou but also behaves like a girl due to being exposed to Rin's influence. I'm also interested in how the pairings might end up with.
''[http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/799-Verg-Avesta-Christmas-Special The Twelve Days of Carenmas]'' by Verg Avesta
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* ''Synopsis'': A Christmas fic that consists of a series of different chapters written in varying styles for maximum effect. Good, no, perfect for your Type-MOON holiday fix.
* ''Comments'': Also contains the excellently written bonus Mind of Steel short-story "Faker" and a preview of the upcoming fanfic "Fate/End" also written with comparable quality. {{spoiler|Avenger x Illyavenger}}. The fic as a whole contains a solid mix of comedy, drama, and is recommended to any Nasuverse fan looking for a good holiday story.
** Ever since the fall of the old Lair, the original shorts were lost, leaving only the final three segments, including Faker and Fate/End. Still a nice holiday read regardless.
** Has a spiritual successor in the form of [http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/1426-Twelve-Days-of-Saturnalia The Twelve Days of Saturnalia], which features Gilgamesh and Nero hosting a Christmas special and culminates in this little beauty [http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/1490-Verg-Avesta-Christmas-Special right here].
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5029337/1/Fate_Retold Fate Retold]'' by Kent Vonce
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''[http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/146-The-Loli-Grail-War The Loli Grail War]'' by Twelveseal
* Recommended by StevetheCornMuffin, [[User:silvercover]], DaRandomUsername, nitewind
* ''Synopsis'': Ten years after the previous Holy Grail War, it is once again time for the new round of mortal combat for the eldritch artifact known as the Holy Grail to resume once more. But something is...amiss. Why are there so many Servants this time? Why are they all so nightmarishly powerful? And why are they all prepubescent young girls???
* ''Comments'': Not only does Twelveseal have a good writing style, but the story also packs a strong mixture of action, comedy, drama, {{spoiler|[[Fan Service]]}}, and even {{spoiler|[[Nightmare Fuel]]}}. The story consists of individual snippets that take place anachronlogically - which is initially rather confusing for new readers - but begins making a lot more sense as the story goes on. Also notable for making use of background characters and raiding the Nasuverse for lore and information. Surprises are around every corner, which makes this one a pleasantly surprising good read.
** [[User:silvercover]]: It can get pretty confusing but is quite entertaining. I love how every Servant is a Badass in their own way and also their relationship with their Masters. I'm interested to see what would happen when [[Future Badass|Archer]] and [[Little Miss Badass|Archerko]] meet, along with the other Servants and Masters.
** Steve the Corn Muffin: This is definitely some serious epicness that Twelveseal has going on here, although do be forewarned that there are NSFW lemons, with more on the way. Just as a heads-up for y'all.
** Grant: Some of the best character development in fanfiction period. As evidence it is actually managing to make {{spoiler|''Shinji'' almost likable}}. However, at the time of this writing<ref>taking the character extras and the main fic together on Microsoft Word</ref> the fic is [[Doorstopper|roughly 450 pages long with about 183,000 words]] and ''still'' [[Serial Escalation|not even close to being finished.]] This is not something you can read in just one sitting.
** As of 06/04/12, the link for the story is broken, I only get an error 404 when ever I hit it. If someone who can access the story and/or site provide another link to where the story is accessible, it would be much appreciated.
** Link is now (hopefully as this is my first edit) fixed. Enjoy people!
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6859461/ I Put On My Robe And Wizard Hat]'' by Ol'Velsper
([[I Put On My Robe and Wizard Hat|Trope Page]])
* Recommended by [[User:Comartemis]], [[User:Unclouded TJ]], nitewind
* ''Synopsis'': The Great Fuyuki Fire never happened, and Shirou was never orphaned. But ten years later, Grail War 5 happens anyways and sure enough, Shirou's got his Command Seals. But life as a modern teenager has given Shirou something potentially more valuable than Kiritsugu's ideals: exposure to 4chan, and the ability to successfully troll ''everyone'' and ''everything''.
{{quote|'''Shirou:''' ''Fuck my life!''}}
* ''Comments:'' Epic crackfic. Uses a lot of 4chan memes and internet humor for comedy, but uses them ''magnificently'', particularly Archer's use of the Old Spice routine and Rin's first exposure to the internet. Also features a Shirou/Ilya pairing by way of strategic use of [[She's All Grown Up|Teen!Ilya]]. {{spoiler|Also has some onesided Shirou/Saber on Saber's behalf.}}
Complete. The sequel, ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7083560/1/Apostles_in_bLeather_b_bPants_b Apostles in Leather Pants]'' is up, focusing on the plot of [[Tsukihime]].
** To classify this as ''just'' a crackfic does Wizard Hat a great injustice. The story grew beyond the simple premise of mere crack into something that is truly enjoyable and action packed filled to the brim with humor and Crowning Moments of Awesome throughout on behalf of all the cast.
''[http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/85-Magical-Vanguard-Shirou Magical Vanguard Shirou]'' by Erlkonig
* Recommended by DaRandomUsername, Steve the Corn Muffin, nitewind
* ''Synopsis:'' The Holy Grail becomes contaminated from the very get-go, and Angra Mainyu tries to birth itself into the world. How do the original founding families deal with the Divine Spirit? By adding a little twist to the Grail System in order to combat All the Evils of the World, that's how. Now, fast forward to the 5th Holy Grail War...
* ''Comments:'' What happens when you take Fate/stay night and throw in elements of super-sentai, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, a hint of Role-Playing games, toss in some delightfully enjoyable harem antics, mind rape and juice it up with a whole mess of hot-blooded action? You get Magical Vanguard Shirou. GAR-ness inbound.
** Unfortunately, the author hasn't updated since April 22 so... T.T
*** I would like to say that the fic isn't discontinued, but the Author hasn't been able to post due to Writer's Block. However, lack of updates does not mean there will be no updates in the future- All it means is that you can forget about it for a while, and if you keep browsing fanfics, sooner or later it'll surface again.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7038096/1/Fate_ReNight Fate ReNight]'' by [http://www.fanfiction.net/~hopelessromanticist Hopeless Romanticist]
* Recommended by [[Tropers/Caellach Tiger Eye|Caellach Tiger Eye]], [[User:Electroninja]], nitewind
* ''Synopsis'': "It turns out a single Excalibur is not enough to completely destroy the Grail, and Shirou's unwitting comment 'to go back' is interpreted by it as a wish to "go back" in time to the start of Fate." Shirou/Saber pairing.
* ''Comments'': [[Peggy Sue]] fanfics in the ''[[Fate/stay night]]'' universe - at least, those with Shirou going back to the start of the 5th War - are a rare breed, and P.S. fics which are actually ''good'' are proportionately rarer. Which makes this fic stand out even better, as a result, mostly because despite the intended ending being a [[Foregone Conclusion]], Shirou simply going back in time does ''not'' equal pwnage, particularly since he's coming back from the "Fate" route and doesn't know as much about events as he might think (though he ''is'' more skilled and [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap|has ditched his infamous sexism and (most of) his bullheaded stupidity]]). Also, his hastiness (and approach) to changing things is flawed: not only does {{spoiler|the first fight with Berserker end with Shirou in ''worse'' condition than before}}, but {{spoiler|Rin becomes ''wary'' of him, because his reactions & claims regarding the War don't match up}}. Chapter 6 proves that the author is ''not'' handing out happy endings on a silver platter, making it that much easier to care about what happens to the cast.
** Electroninja: Agreed. One of the best ''[[Fate/stay night]]'' fanfics I've read in a while. I love the fact that while Shiro is far smarter than his Fate Route self, he still makes a lot of stupid, though reasonable, mistakes.
** awakenDeepBlue: I agree as well. Even though he has previous knowledge of war, he only has knowledge of the fate route. Also, that knowledge does not prevent him from making mistakes.
** And now, Shirou's changes (both accidental, such as having to stay home from school during the day, and well-intentioned, such as inviting Sakura to stay with him until Shinji's Masterdom "blows over") seem to have pushed the story onto the [[Darker and Edgier|Heaven's Feel]] storyline, with the most recent chapter introducing {{spoiler|[[Complete Monster|Zouken]]}} to the cast.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7207791/1/From_Fake_Dreams From Fake Dreams]'' by [http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1983129/Third_Fang Third Fang] ([[From Fake Dreams|TVTropesTropes page]])
* Recommended by EXpERieNCed, nitewind
** ''Synopsis'': Emiya KitsiruguKiritsugu was happy living the rest of his short days. He had put his past behind him... until he began to dream of futures that had yet to be. Let it be known that the Magus Killer was not dangerous simply because he was dying and would not fight.
** ''Comments'': One of the few FSN fics that can be considered one of the fics out there. It shows what would happen if Kiritsugu train Shirou properly with his magecraft as well as telling him not to become a superhero. It's quite a serious fic but has some quite funny moments as well (to mention that Third Fang is quite famous for his Naruto fic which has more than a million words, which is both serious and wacky the same time).
** awakenDeepBlue: I agree that this is one of the best fics that I know of.
** Xynth: YMMV. I find it a fairly weakly explained Dues Ex Machina mechanic that has resulted in Shirou becoming a Gary Stu, rather than simply giving him a leg up.
''[http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/788-Escaping-Fate Escaping Fate]'' by Arashi Leonheart
* Recomended by [[User:Pata Hikari]], nitewind
** ''Synopsis'': Shirou saves a young girl from a magi's experiment. With nowhere for her to go, he adopts her.
** ''Comments'': A brilliant take on a Post-Fate Shirou. Best read on Beast's Lair because the author includes links to music to help set the mood of each scene.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7331568/1/Tainted_Ideals Tainted Ideals]'' by Stormedge ([[Tainted Ideals|TVTropesTropes page]])
* Recommended by animeorbust
* Recomended by animeorbust, miragecoordinator, StevetheCornMuffin, DaRandomUser, nitewind
* ''Synopsis'': In the fire that ravaged Fuyuki city, it was not Emiya Kiritsugu who saved the life of a young Shirou, but the tainted grail itself, and is then taken in by Kotomine Kirei as his adopted son. Ten years later, the Holy Grail War is about to begin, and Kotomine Shirou summons forth a kindred spirit as his Servant.
* ''Comments'': An interesting take on a Shirou that seems to be different and yet the same. Tsundere Rin is a nice bonus too.
** miragecoordinator: Seconding. This fic in particular needs a lot more attention; it takes a concept that's mildly popular in the Japanese fandom but mostly remains in fanart, and executes in a completley different yet brilliant and fascinating way. Shirou is, as mentioned, incredibly different in an understandable way—yet still the same. The author definitely knows what they're doing, and put a lot of thought into the story and the Servants in this alternate take of the events of the Fifth Grail War. Not to mention, besides the aforementioned Tsundere Rin bonus, it contains a truly epic [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] in which Shirou trolls Gilgamesh. With ''video game spoilers''. It needs to be seen to be believed. For that matter, Shirou's altered dynamics with many of the characters, Gilgamesh included, are just as fascinating and interesting and fun to read.
** Let's not forget the action-packed combat scenes. And to further mix things up for all the better, the Master/Servant teams are also totally different from what they were in the source material too, courtesy of the [[For Want of a Nail]] moment that happened at the start of the story. Notable pairs include Bazett/Lancer as it was meant to be in the original canon, the gut-busting epic teamup of [[Oh Crap|Illya/Saber]] with Illya adopting a viewpoint of justice that is even more hilariously distorted than canon Shirou's, and Shirou's own Servant - a certain character from Fate/Apocrypha who's interpretation in ''Tainted Ideals'' has her [[:Category:Yandere|very attached to him]] .
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4801159/1/Fate_Spiral_Time Fate:Spiral Time]'' by ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1692553/Z_N_Singer Z.N. Singer]''
* Recommended by Trooper1023, Shinji117
* ''Synopsis'': There are many theories about time. Some call it a circle, every repeating; others a line, never looking back. But the wisest call it a spiral, and say the future contains echoes of the past. But...if that is so...then do we all get second chances?
* ''Comments'': A wonderful continuation of the FSN anime, and the many liberties taken with the Nasuverse don't detract from the quality of the story one bit. YMMV, however, depending on how much of a canon-nut the reader is. Has a significant side of shipping (every one of the core characters with somebody), but really, this story is about the REALLY happy ending that Nasu never gave his characters in canon.
** While I do recommend this, there is at least one flaw in the story that made me hesitate before typing this rec: The author has an...unfortunate tendency to alter the Nasuverse as he please. One of the strangest examples probably in chapter 5, where Gae Bolg suffers a ridiculous [[Nerf]] from a [[Reality Warper|Reality Warping]] [[One-Hit Kill|instant-kill]] Noble Phantasm into something that can be totally blocked by any paranoid, highish level modern day magus. The author then tries to explain it by saying that Gae Bolg was overpowered in [[Fate/stay night|the original story]]. The problem is it was ''meant'' to be overpowered, and if the author had wanted, he could have simply chosen a different NP (such as Durandal or Houtengeki, if a spear was really necessary) to avoid this situation arising. Similar situations arise a few more times during the fic. Summing up, those who want a nicelly written and quite inventive story should be able to enjoy this, but those who also want a story where the author tries to stay as true as possible to the original facts and characters should probably look elsewhere.
* Z.N. Singer: Well, in all fairness, I was an anime watcher operating at a time when there was precious little Nasuverse info out there - the expansive wiki section we know today was a bare bones joke at the time, and for various reasons I will never play the VN, or any other VN in fact. Still, that doesn't change the fact that the above warning is largely fair and true. However, every VN player who has reviewed positively has cited my characterization and handling of emotion as the reason, so if that's what you're worried about, you should really try it for yourself and see. Just don't review me about how and why things are wrong if you do, PLEASE. I get a lot of those, but there's just no point in it - I'm writing my own novel now, which is probably for the best anyway. Nothing's going to change anymore. Oh, and I AM thrilled to be on this list, hearty thanks to those who recommended me.
* This story can also be read at my site, and I strongly recommend it: not only is it just a more pleasant experience (Fanfiction.com has changed their formatting several times and not all the resulting scrambling has been rectified), but because it's so much easier for me to make changes there, that version is much smoother and has seen more post-posting attention to detail. Commenting is open to all. [http://www.thewordpile.com/?p=167 Fate:Spiral Time]
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6421384/1/Last_Forge# Last Forge]'' by [http://www.fanfiction.net/u/185048/R_Controversy Ricky Controversy]
* Recommended by [[User:Moczo]]
* ''Synopsis'':A Sixth Holy Grail War looms, and with it the promise of tests far more dire than any that have come before. Set seven years after Unlimited Blade Works True .
* ''Comments'': A re-write of an earlier work by the same author, this fic is still in the prologue but already has a lot of promise. The writing style is smooth, polished, and professional, and the plot (such as been revealed so far) has a great deal of potential. One of the only works I've seen that actually ''looks'' at the aftermath of this particular ending, it looks to be an interesting experience.
Line 253 ⟶ 160:
* ''Comments'': An AU Fate/stay night fanfic in a Noir-style Detective story, with Lancer taking the role as a Private Eye and the main character of the story. This one mystery story here is very well-written that the author deserve a round of applause. Let's not forget how this story contains a lot of surprising twists, and even has characters appeared and/or mentioned from other Type-Moon's works such as other Fate series, ''[[Kara no Kyoukai:|Kara no Kyoukai]]'', etc. This is a kind of fanfic that I highly recommended to fans of Fate/stay night, including those who have passion for a detective story.
** Now that the fanfic is finally complete, the author made a Spin-Off that's connected to this is called ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7313726/1/Saligia Saligia]'': Seven tales from the city of sins that show life through the eyes of its residents. From Pride to Wrath to Envy, seven one-shots that unveil what lurks beneath the surface- the truth behind all the facades...
** Seconding this. Hard. If you like gritty, unforgiving film-noir styled work set in the Nasuverse, then look no further.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7325426/1/FateRe_Trace Fate/Re:Trace]'' by [http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2081932/Aladar Aladar] ([http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/953-Fate-Re-Trace Beast's Lair version]) ([[Fate/Re:Trace|TVTropesTropes page]])
* Recommended by The World of Fantasy
* ''Synopsis'': A whole world away from Fuyuki, in a city of mages, a new War threatens to break out. Seven new Masters are chosen and enter a life-changing battle, unknowingly becoming part of a War in which there are more players than the eyes can see...
* ''Comments'': From the author that brought you ''A Stolen Heart'' (look above), comes another well-written Sixth Grail War FSN fanfic that I also highly recommended. With best chracterization, plot and setting, and so much more that it must be read.
** He even made this updated "guide" of this fanfic called ''[http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/973-Wise-up!-Fate-Re-Trace-Limited-Special-Collector�s-Ultimate-Edition Wise up! Fate/Re:Trace- Limited Special Collector's Ultimate Edition]'', that contains character profiles (Masters, Servants, etc) and the settings of the fictional city Hartcroft.
** Again, I second this review. This story needs more love. The Saber-class Servant is awesome in this one.
''[http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/176-The-Hound-and-the-Blacksmith/ The Hound and the Blacksmith]'' by [http://nrvnqsr.us.to/member.php?15-Elf Elf]. (The beginning is also available on [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6884089/1/The_Hound_and_the_Blacksmith_The_First_Case FF.net])
* Recommended by Zaneal, Hymn of Ragnarok, nitewind
* ''Pairings'': Archer/Rin, Lancer/Ayako, with a side of Shirou/Sakura and unrequited Rider/Ayako
* ''Synopsis'': One's a Celtic demi-god with a lust for battle and the ladies, the other is a former Counter Guardian who's body is made of swords. Together they fight the forces of evil. Or something.
* ''Comments'': The synopsis does not do it justice, this is another excellently engaging fanfic by Elf that captures the characters perfectly, and includes Lancer/Ayako
** A throwback to [[Buddy Cop Show]]s from the 80's, this story is an [[Urban Fantasy]] with snark, action, and romance. What's not to love? It's got a [[The Hound and The Blacksmith|Trope Page too!]]
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7879859/1/Remember Remember]'' by Golden Lark
* Recommended by: Mirage, nitewind
* ''Synopsis'': When Rin Tohsaka's dad proves that he is her father by wearing the Family pendant bringing CG Emiya into the 4th holy grail war.
* ''Comments'': Another Archer gets summoned to the 4th holy grail war, except this one is much longer than the others. Archer then proceeds to troll the participants and mess with everyone in general. A very good Fate/zero Fate/stay cross.
Line 277 ⟶ 178:
* Recommended by: Rivenscryr
* ''Synopsis'': In the history of the Holy Grail Wars, one family has been desperate to win - more than any other. This is the story of that their successor, of the search for the catalyst of the strongest Hero. This is the story of a young girl, uncertain of her destiny. A simple tale carried to extremes - it is but a tale of ''humanity.''
* ''Comments'': Set in the Balkans, Njeri is a deeply...human story (indeed, the title is Albanian for "human"), with Illyasviel von Einzbern and her homunculi companions setting out on a journey to a warzone to seek the catalyst for the strongest of heroes. But physical danger is the least of their concerns, as ghosts of the past dog them at every turn, and few things in the Nasuverse are quite what they seem to be. Refreshing for the uniqueness of the premise, the atmospheric quality of the author's work, and its look on Illya. The tension and confusion of a warzone, of the journey, were obvious, and the atmosphere...remarkable. This is an author to watch.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7412923/1/Lancer_Gets_Serious Lancer Gets Serious]'' by Bloble
* Recommended by: spacemonkey37, nitewind
* ''Synopsis'': Essentially, a version of ''[[Fate/stay night]]'' where Kotomine lets Lancer off the leash and he gets to show just how awesome he really is. For anyone who likes Lancer, this is an absolute must read.
** The story soon gets FAR more complicated than this.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6323061/1/Fate_indubitanter Fate Indubitanter]'' by Lacks Gravitas
* Recommended by: [[User:Omega NITRO]]
* ''Synopsis'': Shirou and Rin from UBW True End use a time travel spell to return to the past. They end up at the beginning of the War... except it's not their version of it.
* ''Comments'': Extremely well written, the characterization is top notch, and the writer really knows his/her stuff. Any liberties taken with canon fit rather naturally, and the writer tries to retain the same kind of tone used in the visual novel while storytelling. It's on indefinite hiatus, but the beginning that is there is definitely worth a read.
Line 292 ⟶ 191:
* Recommended by: lowsoman
* ''Synopsis'': In which: The final Fifth Holy Grail War is Fought, Every Servant summoned is a titled King, Iskander has no Master, Shirou's wish is Granted, and everyone is Well and Truly Fucked.
* ''Comments'': Damn well written (haven't caught a single grammar mistake / plot hole yet), the story is more intriguing than a barrel of scientist monkeys performing an autopsy. The concepts of Akasha, Gai, the Throne of Heroes, and screwing with the Space/Time continium is spectacular. Definitely worth the read.
** [[User:The Road]]: Holy crap, my week == made. lowsoman, you absolutely rock!
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6852335/1/What_if_Almost_Everybody_was_Shirous_Servant What If (Almost) Everybody Was Shirou's Servant]'' by [http://www.fanfiction.net/u/217666/Mereo_Flere Mereo Flere]
* Recommended by: [[Tropers/Electroninja|Electroninja]]
* ''Synnopsis'': At the very start of the Holy Grail War, Shirou is attacked by Ilya and Berserker before ever summoning Saber. Somehow in his panicked attempt to escape, he summons all six other Servants.
* ''Comments'': Easily the funniest Type Moon fic I've ever read. It starts out interesting and mildly dramatic, but quickly becomes a hilarious [[Crack Fic]] of epic proportions. Especially funny is the ways all of Shirou's Servants interact with each other.
Line 304 ⟶ 201:
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7004039/1/Fate_Nightmare_Apatheia Fate: Nightmare Apatheia]'' by [http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2924476/Heavy_Valor HeavyValor]
* Recommended by [[User:The Philosopher King]], crazyeater, nitewind
* ''Synopsis'': Welcome to Fate/Nightmare Apatheia. Welcome to the war. A deceptively simple crossover between [[Code Geass]] and [[Fate/stay night]]. The Holy Grail War becomes the deciding element in Charless {{spoiler|and the Grail's}} plans for [[Instrumentality]], leading to a guaranteed [[Gambit Pileup]] revolving around Servants and Immortals. One of each falls into the hands of two Ashford Academy students, Servant Saber for Shirou Emiya and the Immortal C.C. for Lelouch Lamperouge. With both Servants and Immortals scattered throughout the world, the Holy Grail War is escalated to a global conflict, promising a new release to Angra Mainyu, All The World's Evil.
* ''Comments'': Combining the worlds of the [[Nasuverse]] and Code Geass, F/NA takes the tried-and-true formula of simply mixing both works into the same story and turns it into something glorious. This fic starts both protagonist's routes anew, and then proceeds to intertwine their paths seamlessly. Everything familiar about CG and F/SN is still present, and preserved to an exacting degree. However, the combination of both opens up the fic to a plethora of promising ideas. The hints of [[Magitek|knightmare-magecraft combat]], [[Big Badass Battle Sequence|Servant battles on the scale of entire military operations]], and [[Took a Level In Badass|Immortal special forces]] are simply tantalizing for a military buff. Not to mention the excellent characterizations and interactions. Definitely one of [[Sturgeon's Law|the 10% worth dying for]].
** crazyeater: The author has a habit of changing up the story with added content, which can throw the reader. It's worthwhile, though, to look through the entire story every so often to see what changes were made. What really stands out in this fic is the character development due to the personal interactions of the added characters, such as {{spoiler|Saber's debate with Lelouch}} (though which is added to which is sometimes hard to tell. This isn't a bad thing. It's pretty much the biggest sign of good crossover writing). The author captures each character's personality to a T, with the possible exceptions of Suzaku, who (by [[Word of God]]) is a psychopath (which turns out to be a lot more logical than it seems, canon-wise) and Lloyd (who is admittedly difficult to capture well). Thus far, though, the breadth of the story and the depth of the characters make this fic an excellent read.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5468071/1/FateGeass_The_Eden_Vital_War FateGeass: The Eden Vital War]'' by [http://www.fanfiction.net/u/51657/ AlfheimWanderer]
* Recommended by [[User:Rivenscryr]], Steve the Corn Muffin
* ''Synopsis'': Set in an altered [[Code Geass]] universe with [[Fate/stay night]] elements mixed into it, this fic tells the story of the most recent Eden Vital War, a ritual established to minimize damage in resolving disputes between Code-bearers with different visions for the future of the World of C, since the last dispute resulted in a world-spanning war that destroyed Atlantis and nearly caused [[The End of the World as We Know It]]. But, as the cast of Code Geass isn't exactly known for following rules, V.V. decides to stack the deck by sealing away C.C. before the War in order to prevent her from stopping [[Instrumentality]]. C.C. does not take kindly to this, and upon her release during the Shinjuku Incident, appoints Lelouch as the 8th champion of the War - Avenger, the wielder of Absolute Retribution.
* ''Comments'': While what is featured is admittedly something of a departure from the traditional Holy Grail War, both in concept and in scale (it empowers currently living humans ''all over the world'' who meet the standards of the various Servant classes), FateGeass is still an interesting read, with AlfheimWanderer doing an outstanding job of blending elements of the [[Nasuverse]] into the world of Code Geass, with the result a refreshingly unique story. From references to Geass as a channel for the power of a greater archetype crystallized in the collective unconscious (one that they can use in the physical world, as opposed to the [[Mental World|phantasmagoria]] in which most Servant battles are fought in this continuity), the balance of daily life at Ashford Academy with a secret life of combat and intrigue, and many references to myths and legends, this fic captures the style of the Nasuverse quite well, weaving it together with tantalizing bits of the other world's mysterious past.
** Person With Many Aliases: I have no problem with admitting the level of writing is certainly at an acceptable level, and it makes for a good read. C.C.'s sheer badassitude and experience so far has taken the story down an non-stop [[Curb Stomp Battle]], outwitting and nearly outgunning all of her opposition. I haven't finished the story quite yet, but at 32 chapters out of a finished 40... Again, I would say a good work for simple escapism and unwinding, but this is like "Military Exploits of [[Steven Seagal|S.S.]]"
** Steve the Corn Muffin: To put it simply, Lelouch being Avenger is absolutely perfect. That has to be the greatest concept for a plot point in a fanfic that I have ever read. Ever. I mean, the parallels between canon Lelouch and canon Avenger are so similar it's insane. If you are familiar with Fate/hollow ataraxia, then the symbolism and parallels will not be missed. It's almost as if this crossover were fated to happen. The muses willed it so!
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6154638/1/The_Hill_of_Swords The Hill of Swords]'' by [http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1263379/gabriel_blessing gabriel blessing]
* Recommended by Ninmikey01, Rivenscryr, [[User:Schizo Technician]], [[User:Ten Four]], [[User:T-bone 61]], nitewind, Shinji117, margibso
* A crossover with [[Zero no Tsukaima]]
* ''Synopsis'': Shirou Emiya has dealt with human summoning, magical battles, and saving the world. Now he is brought into a world where magic equates to nobility. The Zero has just summoned a Hero. Has its own ''[[The Hill of Swords|Trope page]]''!
* ''Comments'': While, as the author notes, this is not the first [[Fate/stay night]] / [[Zero no Tsukaima]] crossover ever thought up, it is one of the most promising in execution. Even with only three chapters so far, the attention to detail, weaving of hints, and laudable efforts to flesh out exactly how Shirou fits into this new world make this tale a fresh take on the setting, one well worth reading.
** [[User:Comartemis]]: I almost wrote this one off before the first chapter was done because Shirou [[Out of Character|doesn't talk or act anything like any version of Shirou]] seen in the games. [[Fridge Brilliance|Then it hit me]] towards the end of the first chapter; it's ''not'' Shirou, it's ''[[Future Badass|Emiya]]'', or at least a Shirou who's well on his way to becoming a Counter Guardian. Subsequent chapters and authors notes confirm this, and I'm eagerly awaiting future installments on this one.
** Another thing worth mentioning is the consistent speed of the writer. He started on the 18th of July and got 4 chapters done in '''8 DAYS'''. The total word count so far (for those 4 chapters) is about 40,000 words. This alone makes the fic quite recommendable, but then add in that the quality ''DOESN'T'' take a hit from it and you get a really great piece of work.
** Grant: It does deserve a word of warning, it appears to be a [[Love It or Hate It]] fic.
** [[User:Caellach Tiger Eye]]: The simple fact of the matter is that, while it is a good story, it's one of those things where the fundamental ''goal'' of the fic may be one you don't like. That's probably ''why'' I disliked the ending - I am fundamentally repelled by {{spoiler|the main character being a [[Death Seeker]] who's only possible happiness is him dying to be [[Together in Death]] with the one he loves, shown when Shirou and Saber reunite in Avalon}}, and that is what the author set out to do here. The [[Love It or Hate It]] really depends on if the storyline's purpose is one you like or not. If you dislike it as I do, there's not a chance in hell for you to enjoy the overall story once you've read it, no matter how ''good'' it is. After all, good does not necessarily equal enjoyable. That is just my two cents of course, but I thought I should put it out there. Don't like {{spoiler|[[Together in Death]]}} and {{spoiler|[[Death Seeker]] heroes who don't resume living normally}}? Then there's no fundamental ''need'' to read, because this story may disappoint you. If you do, congratulations - there's a wonderful piece out there, waiting for you.
*** That's quite the emphasis on one rather minor aspect of the story, really. Shriou, while he never stops {{spoiler|heading towards Saber in Avalon}}, develops through the story and finds himself enjoying life and his companions by the end of the fic. Simply well-written [[Character Development]] for both Louise and Shirou. Louise starts off as a brat, Shirou starts off as a cynical [[Death Seeker]], and both change massively during the novel, and even [[Lampshade Hanging|draw attention to it]]. Very, very much worth your time, even if you don't know [[Zero no Tsukaima]].
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6281893/ Fate/Inertia Dawn]'' by [http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2317271/ InsertRandomUsernameHere] and AlfheimWanderer
* Recommended by [[User:Rivenscryr]], Darkholme
* A FSN Megacrossover
* ''Synopsis'': Everyone knows that the Holy Grail War is a ritual where magi contend for a wish using Servants, human spirits that have ascended to near-divinity due to the legends of their deeds. But what if Avenger's contamination of the Grail in the Third War had distorted the ritual beyond what anyone thought possible. What if the Servants summoned weren't even quite those of ancient legend, but modern media?
* ''Comments'': While others have fiddled with fictional Servants in the Grail War in the past, most have limited themselves to simply replacing Assassin. This fic, however, seems to be going the route of replacing every Servant with a fictional counterpart, while still staying true to the 'feel' of Fate - exploring the mystery behind a spirit's true identity. Even with only one chapter (the near-requisite Tohsaka prologue), hints of how the fic as a whole will be are evident with Rin/Luvia interactions, [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Shinji Ikari]] as Rin's Lancer, and Luvia's mystery Servant (going only by [[.hack|Ryou]]) throwing a [[Spanner in the Works]]. Shirou ends up summoning [[Final Fantasy XIII|Lightning]], True Assasin is [[Assassin's Creed|Altair]] summoned by [[Tsukihime|Ciel]], and Berserker is [[Berserk|Guts]]. A megacrossover that one should definitely keep an eye on.
** Darkholme: Seconded. The servants are well-chosen and each one has a certain . . . chemistry with their master. Great grammar, spelling, and sentence flow. The story manages to really capture that [[Fate/stay night]] feel so many fics seem to lack.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5871255/1/Fictional Fictional]'' by [http://www.fanfiction.net/u/302101/Dark_Syaoran Dark Syaoran].
* Recommended by [[User:Shadow AI]], [[User:Unclouded TJ]]
* ''Fandoms:'' ''[[Harry Potter]]'', ''[[Fate/stay night]]'',
* ''Synopsis:'' Author's Summary: The dictionary defined fiction as thus: something feigned, invented, or imagined; a made-up story. The act of feigning, inventing, or imagining. Yes, Harry thought, this defined him nicely.
* ''Comments:'' This is a fic that treats the [[Harry Potter]] books as works of fiction and has Harry improperly summoned by Caster. Aside from being well-written and paced this story deals quite well with Harry's attempt to come to terms with his fictional nature, and I would recommend it even for people not too familiar with ''[[Fate/stay night]]''. It's a bit short now but the author is updating.
** [[User:Unclouded TJ]]: Seconded. The characterization with Harry dealing with not being real is very well done and the fact that his beliefs stay with him will make the coming events of the anime itself very interesting to watch. So far (chapter 4) it only seems to be beneficial to have watched the crossover material but not necessary.
** [[User:Shay Guy]]: What concerns me is that it ''is'' apparently based off the anime, which, being the mishmash of routes that it is, has a less cohesive plot and more plot holes than the visual novel. (Disclaimer: I'm only on the first route of the latter.)
** Kylone: As of chapter 6, the author has settled on following the UBW path.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6266421/12/FATE_Holy_Grail_War_of_2814 FATE Holy Grail War of 2814]'' by [http://www.fanfiction.net/u/849822/Shadow_Crystal_Mage Shadow Crystal Mage].
* Recommended by Ninmikey01
* A mega crossover, connects with ''[[Takamachi Nanoha of 2814]]''
* ''Synopsis:'' Interconnected with the storyline of Takamachi Nanoha of 2814. The Holy Grail War gets mixed in with the madness of magical girls, Books of Darkness, blood, gore, and many references to Freud. WARNING: [[Your Head Asplode|HEAD MAY EXPLODE]] WHILE READING THIS FIC.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6556187/1/In_Flight In Flight]'' by [http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1263379/gabriel_blessing gabriel blessing]. ([[In Flight|TV Tropes page]])
* Recommended by Ninmikey01, [[User:T-bone 61]], nitewind
* Crossover with ''[[Sekirei]]''
* ''Synopsis:'' Honestly, Shirou was beginning to think that he should be used to this—being unwittingly selected to take part in brutal tournament that he had no idea existed until he found himself in the middle of it. Then again, second time's the charm, right?
* ''Comments'': Another awesome FSN crossover from the same mind who gave birth to ''[[The Hill of Swords]]''. The canon characters of Sekirei are shifted around a bit. There are also some good ecchi scenes. And considering the art style of the Sekirei manga, there will be a lot more. Note that this story had the first two chapters posted within a day of the other; this will probably match the update speed of HoS, so hold on—gab will definitely bring us another great story.
** Kazeto: I also recommend this story - it's a nice read and the story actually makes sense (its author puts a lot of effort into researching things). Typos are rare (the only "serious" one was "mpy" instead of "not", and it was kind of funny), and author's grammar is very good. I dare saying that it's better than one of the works it was based on (namely Sekirei), due to the fact that things that should've been fixed got fixed and fan-service isn't so ever-present and is only used as a fun-increasing element in some scenes.
** Usandru: While this is technically well written and the author is clearly above average for a fan fiction writer, calling this an actual Nasuverse fanfic is correct only in the sense that it uses the trappings of the Nasuverse to alter Sekirei. If you are looking for something that includes the actual themes and underlying concepts of the Nasuverse, including the creeping sense of horror as the truth is revealed, this is not for you. The characterization of Shirou could also be challenged. All in all, this comes off more as a darker version of Sekirei with a "cooler" protagonist instead of a genuine crossover. The latest build-up suggests that this might change, but it is dubious if this will succeed. Summing up, your mileage might vary.
** Zoner16: The story isn't as fast paced as Gabriel Blessing's previous work, [[The Hill of Swords]], but the tale is both well written and entertaining to say the least. Don't expect to see a lot of Nasuverse regulars, mainly because this is about Shirou being transplanted into the Sekirei-verse, but expect to see them both referenced and discussed a lot. GB does a good job of explaining and crossing Nasuverse mechanics with Sekirei in both a believable and gripping way, allowing those who aren't exactly avid scholars of the franchise to jump in rather quickly. Shirou remains a likeable, yet more mature and well developed character since this is five years later, when he is 20. Some creative liberties have been taken (A couple of Nasuverse characters were made up, but they serve their purpose, and a small amount of Nasuverse lore is incorrect, GB admits that he missed a couple things in research), but overall it is a must read for any Fate Stay Night or Sekirei fan, or even someone just looking for a great story.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4178432/1/Miracle Miracle]'' by Grunt
* Recommended by Chel, nitewind, Aishata
* Crossover with ''[[Berserk]]''
* ''Synopsis:'' As long as his body can grasp his sword he refuses to fade away. The title of struggler defines his existance. It is time for the black swordsman to enter another war. A war between Masters and Servants. A war for the holy grail.
* ''Comments:'' A strangely emotional and compelling story, despite its somewhat awkward structure. If you know anything about Berserk, reading this story will give you '''chills'''.
** Aishata: Be warned. This story is fucking epic.
[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6630929/1/Fletching Fletching] by AlfheimWanderer
Line 368 ⟶ 228:
* Crossover with ''[[Tsukihime]]''
* ''Synopsis'': In a dying world where civilization has been brought to its knees, can even a would-be hero maintain his course? Or like so many others, will he stray from it...and fail? A sidestory to [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6020559/1/Evangel_Notes_Requiem_for_a_World Evangel Notes]
* ''Comments'': I find myself at a rare loss for words to describe "Fletching", as it is one of those stories a brief summary simply cannot do justice to. It is the story of a man who wanted to be a hero, living only to save people, bitterly discovering that not everyone could be saved. It is the story of a woman who simply wanted her end, living only to destroy a certain person that her tortured existence might come to an end. It is a story of two humans souls slowly wearing away in a blighted land of steel, questing after impossible goals in a world shot through with despair and desolation until they reach their destinations at last, finding perhaps not what they sought, but what they truly needed. It is all of these and more. Raw, powerful and poignant, it beautifully captures the struggle of two human beings trying to keep their humanity in a hostile world, finding strength in the least likely of places. This is one of the best stories I've had the privilege to read, and I recommend it to any Nasuverse fan looking for a truly moving tale.
** A psuedo-crossover with Angel Notes and Neon Genesis Evangelion.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5591380/1/FateBlack_Reflection FateBlack Reflection]'' by Nameless Flame Wielder
* Recommended by Bf, nitewind
* Crossover with [[Bleach]]
* ''Synopsis'': With Aizen's plans foiled in Karakura, Ichigo and his friends are called to investigate strange happenings in nearby Fuyuki City. Hang on, what the heck are Magi? And who's that woman who's calling Ichigo "Master?"
* ''Comments'': An absolutely excellent crossover. It blends the two worlds together perfectly by introducing the Bleach universe into the Nasuverse and seeing how it will affect the Holy Grail War while maintaining balance between both franchises. A must-read for people who like both Bleach and Fate Stay Night.
** YMMV here, especially for Nasuverse fans. While the writing is impeccable and the dialogue and interplay between characters is very fun to read, battles are another story.
*** This Troper finds this fanfic becoming his favorite the more he reads about [[Nightmare Fuel|certain]] [[Break the Cutie|story]] [[Go Mad From the Revelation|routes]] [[It Got Worse|in]] [[Nasuverse|Fate]]. The battles aren't disappointing in the slightest, and this troper KNOWS bad fight scenes. Consider this a [[Fix Fic]] done ''right''.
**** while the fight scenes may be well written and entertaining, they are not accurately taking into account the power lvls of the characters. typemoon fans are very picky when it comes to facts and details and as a fan myself, it's kind of offending to see ichigo stomping everyone. a YMMV fic but interesting none the less.
**** The battles, while executed well, are extremely discriminate towards the Nasuverse characters. Almost all of the Bleach characters win, no matter how unlikely it is. Several mechanics of the Nasuverse are ignored in their entirety, while others are badly skewed so that the Bleach characters come out on top. This is less of a [[Fix Fic]] and more of a "Look how awesome Ichigo is" fic.
**** This Troper really thinks the two reviews above this one are really over-exaggerating or downright making things up, as there is no case of Ichigo "stomping" anyone in the entire fanfic, nor do the Bleach characters "always come out on top". This Troper honestly wonders whether or not these two guys [[Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch|actually read the same story as he did]], because the only other alternative would be that they are [[Fanon Discontinuity|projecting their own conclusions onto the characters and plot]] while seemingly [[Death of the Author|ignoring completely what is supposed to be blatantly true in the story]]. This crossover seems to get criticized using the same argument of "biased fanwank" from [[Unpleasable Fanbase|both sides of the respective fandoms]]. This Troper advises the reader, if they may, to take those two reviews with a generous grain of salt, as he [[Flat What|can't understand where they got these notions from in the first place]]. Give this story a try and keep an open mind.
**** any fan of either series with adequate knowledge of the series will tell you that ichigo is stomping. but don't take my word for it, read the fic and formulate your own opinion. i myself, have talked to the author, lets just say, that his knowledge on FSN is a bit lacking, but good enough to write an above average fanfic. if you want to be entertained, read the fic, i know i was. i ALWAYS read a fic all the way though and thoroughly before i criticize it, unless the grammar and/or spelling is too horrible to take.
**** Deserves its own [[Fate Black Reflection|page.]]
''[http://forums.spacebattles.com/showthread.php?t=187886 The Third Magic]'' by Deviate's Fish and AlfheimWanderer
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''[http://forums.spacebattles.com/showthread.php?t=199012 The War Of Kings]'' by Pale Wolf
** Fanfiction.Net link is [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7317328/1/The_War_of_Kings here].
* Recommended by [[User:Jiven]], nitewind
* Crossover with ''[[Code Geass]]''
* ''Synopsis'': The Holy Grail War is taking place in Fuyuki at the same time Kallen's resistance is stealing CC. When Lelouch protected that purple-haired girl from the fighting between terrorists and Brittanians, he didn't think he will be able to seize an extraordinary opportunity. Lelouch, as Master of Lancer, will try to grasp this wish with his own hands and to destroy Britannia. And doing his level best to put some more 'war' in the Holy Grail War.
* ''Comments'': A newborn fan fiction who shows great promise. Some original flavor, good characterization, good use of drama, and really well-paced action.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6915384/1/An_Island_in_the_Warp An Island in the Warp]'' by [http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2519408/Grimgor_Ironhide Grimgor Ironhide]
Line 413 ⟶ 257:
* Crossover with ''[[Final Fantasy X]]''
* ''Synopsis'': In an alternate timeline Shirou's bond with Ilya led him to make a wish on a purified Grail. From that wish came [[Heroes-R-Us|Grail Works LTD]], a Second Magic-powered troubleshooting agency formed on Shirou's desire for a chance to save everyone, everywhere. Now the agency faces its toughest case yet when the spirit of Bahamut enlists their aid to free Spira from Yu Yevon's cycle of death.
* ''Comments:'' One of several stories by Kieran and several other authors set in the same 'verse. The insert characters for this fic are Saber and Kieran's self-insert Kurai (who happily enough is ''not'' [[Mary Sue|your typical self-insert]]) along with Ilya and other characters acting as [[Mission Control]]. Replacing Tidus with a heroic spirit and [[Dungeons and Dragons|an epic level druid]] might not seem like the most interesting decision, but Kieran is very much a proponent of the stance that "one who makes Frodo a Jedi [[It Got Worse|must give Sauron the Death Star]]": {{spoiler|[[Final Fantasy X-2|Shuyin and Vegnagun]] are extremely likely to become problems in addition to Sin, which has mistaken Saber and Kurai for rogue aeons and is now ''[[Oh Crap|actively hunting them]]'' .}}
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6763234/1/Herwald_von_Einzbern_and_the_Philosophers_Stone Herwald von Einzbern and the Philosopher's Stone]'', by kyugan
* Recommended by [[User:Xamusel]]
* ''Fandoms:'' ''[[Fate/stay night]]'', ''[[Harry Potter]]''
* ''Synopsis'': As from the Fanfiction.net entry: "The 5th Heaven's Feel has been averted, with no apparent victor, but for Herwald von Einzbern, recently turned eleven, a whole new adventure is about to begin in a world he left behind ten years prior."
* ''Comments:'' A story that starts off a series by kyugan, {{spoiler|Kiritsugu adopts Harry shortly after he finishes a job that involves killing a Sealing Designate, Harry gets renamed Herwald, he becomes one of Ilya's little siblings (when Shirou enters the picture anyway), and he becomes an Alchemist that takes part in the Fifth Heaven's Feel... and later enrolls in Hogwarts because of his birth parents.}} The story is complete, but it has a sequel up set during the events of [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6873874/1/Herwald_von_Einzbern_and_the_Chamber_of_Secrets The Chamber of Secrets], which shows that the author knows what he's talking about... {{spoiler|even though Herwald is Slytherin in this series}}.
** Wiki magic, please?
*** Wish I knew enough on the wiki to give it the magic it needs (this is Xamusel, by the way), but I don't.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7871193/1/Fate_Night_Sky Fate Night Sky]'', by Beasts lair's Fraggle
* Beast's Lair link: http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/1000-FSN-x-MGLN-crossover-Fate-Night-Sky
* Recommended by [[Ye Of Little Faith]], [[User:Kazeto]], nitewind, [[User:Xamusel]], spacemonkey37
* Crossover with ''[[Lyrical Nanoha]]''
* ''Synopsis:'' It was just a small wish: To live with their master and their friends as those uneventful days passed by, to see him grow up as he chased his ideals by his own strength. To become an ally of justice; a hero who can save everyone.
* ''Comments:'' A story in which the Book Of Darkness binds itself to Emiya Shirou instead of Yagami Hayate. A interesting idea with a good deal of potential, and a greater amount of work put into it. Even though it is still in its infancy, it delivers some well-done character interactions. The initial development of the Wolkenritter's feelings towards Shirou as their master is truly endearing and heartwarming.
** As fraggle himself put it: ''Fraggle presents: Fate/Night Sky The only fic that has induced Avalon rage in it's readers.''
*** '''''DAMMIT, AVALON!!''''' ...Er, this troper agrees with the above comments, actually.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7577193/1/Thuum_of_A_Distant_Utopia Thu'um of a Distant Utopia]'' by Deviate's Fish ([[Thuum of a Distant Utopia|Tropes page]])
* Recommended by gadeel
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7577193/1/Thuum_of_A_Distant_Utopia Thu'um of a Distant Utopia]'' by Deviate's Fish ([[Thuum of a Distant Utopia|TVTropes page]])
* Recommended by [[User:gadeel]]
* Crossover with ''[[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim]]''
* ''Synopsis:'' Without any sense of self, she is tossed through the void and taken by Akatosh. Here in this creation, she will carve for herself an Empire.
* ''Comments:'' Rather than a blank slate [[Player Character]] for this, King Arturia takes center stage. As such, Helgen begins with her [[Take a Third Option|eschewing the conventional option of Stormcloak or Empire]] and doesn't once look back. And she's the Dragonborn, which is awesome.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8078340/1/Postnuptial_Disagreements Postnuptial Disagreements]'' by [http://www.fanfiction.net/u/3726889/Zalgo_Jenkins Zalgo Jenkins].
* Recommended by Mythtakesweremade and Grand Prince Paul II
* ''Fandoms:'' ''[[Sekirei]]'', ''[[Fate/stay night]]'', ''[[Fate/Zero]]''
* Now with a trope page: [[Postnuptial Disagreements]]
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''[https://sites.google.com/site/tatariarchive/home/tmlc2/peorth Peorth]'' by Yuurei-san
* Recommended by [[User:Comartemis]], [[User:Ten Four]], [[User:T-bone 61]], Cherry_Lover, nitewind
* ''Pairings'': Lancer/Sakura. No, really.
* ''Synopsis'': While performing his recon duties several days prior to the official start of the war, Lancer happens to witness one of Sakura's... "fits"... and is compelled to lend her a hand. One thing leads to another...
* ''Comments'': The author could have stopped right at the "is compelled to lend her a hand" part and if she had she would have made a fairly decent [[Porn Without Plot]] [[Lemon]], but it's the "one thing leads to another" that makes this such a fun story. Lancer's initial encounter with Sakura throws a bit of a monkey wrench into the gears of the Unlimited Blade Works route and saves Sakura from getting the shaft in a very satisfying manner ([[Incredibly Lame Pun|while giving her another shaft in an equally satisfying manner]]). The story is short, little more than a lengthy one-shot composed of a collection of scenes spanning the length of the war, so don't expect a complete retelling of the arc. On the other hand, if you've ever wanted to see Sakura get swept off her feet by a [[Badass]] [[Knight in Shining Armor]], you're going to love this fic.
** [[User:Mini Nephthys]]: This troper can wholeheartedly second the rec; it was the entry she voted for in the [[Lemon]] contest for which it was written. (It tied for fourth, amid some excellent entries.) The only thing she'd add in the rec would be to mention that the later parts have some Archer/Rin as well (it's the author's [[One True Pairing|OTP]]), although the focus remains on Lancer and Sakura.
** Indeed, this troper had to display an astounding measure of self-control not to giggle for... various reason, not all of them illicit, and/or leap up in a fuitile attempt to glomp the moniter at all the heartwarming moments. All the pointy edges. Ow~
** Very few fics ever get [[User:T-bone 61|this male troper]] blushing. This one did just that, with gusto.
''[http://visualnoveldai.com/db/fatestay-night/fanfiction/black-princesses-crows-wings-and-heros-broken-dreams Black Princesses, Crow's Wings and Hero's Broken Dreams]'' by Elf
* Recommended by [[User:Comartemis]], [[User:Ten Four]]
* ''Pairings'': Bits of Rin/Aoko and lots of {{spoiler|Rin/Archer}}
* ''Synopsis'': Altrouge Brunstud wants a rematch with Arcueid, and nothing will stop her from getting it. Not even a Grail War veteran, a rogue sorceress, a Burial Agency executioner, and {{spoiler|a Counter Guardian}}.
* ''Comments'': This one's primarily a ''[[Fate/stay night]]'' fanfic, but members of the ''Tsukihime'' crew are present as well and considering Altrouge's objective it seems likely that Shiki and Arcueid will be making appearances in the near-to-distant future. The story takes place a few years after what appears to be the anime version of the ''FSN'' Fate route, with Rin attending classes at the Clock Tower while the rest of the gang is still in Fuyuki. The story is very Rin-centric but also features a few enjoyable original characters and appearances by and references to characters from all around the Nasuverse, including everyone's favorite Blue Magic Gunner, who takes a major role in the story. Be warned, though, this one's a [[Lemon]] with a Rin/Aoko mana recharge sequence and a few {{spoiler|Rin/Archer}} scenes as well.
** [[User:Zeke]]: Whether you read the rest or not, read the interlude, ''[http://typemoon.us/fanfiction/black-princesses-crows-wings-and-heros-broken-dreams/chapter-06-interlude-fall-emiya The Fall of Emiya Shirou]''. It'll break your heart.
*** [[User:Fish Called Waldo]]: Also ''[http://community.livejournal.com/fsn_fiction/31631.html#cutid1 here]''
** [[User:Mini Nephthys]]: Better yet, read that and the whole thing. It'll be well worth it.
** Elf: Aww, this makes me feel all warm and gooshy inside.
''[http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600046418 Dawn]'' by CFX
* Recommended by Spectral Time, [[User:Ten Four]]
* ''Pairings'': {{spoiler|Shirou/''Caster''}}
* ''Synopsis'': Shirou is locked in combat with Gilgamesh at the climax of Unlimited Blade Works... or so it seems.
Line 492 ⟶ 317:
'' [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6457747/1/Into_The_Rain Into the Rain]'' by [http://www.fanfiction.net/u/957150/RadiantBeam Radiant Beam].
* Recommended by Grant, [[User:Moczo]], [[User:silvercover]]
* ''Pairings'': {{spoiler|Rin/Sakura}}
* ''Synopsis:'' Tohsaka Rin has always had a habit of ruining plans, including her own. However, even she couldn't have imagined how things would end that night in the rain, when she found Sakura instead of Shirou. ::HF-based, slight AU:
* ''Comments'': Only the first few chapters are complete, but thus far they are consistently excellent. The author has the characterization down perfectly, and has set up a plot that promises to be interesting, to say the least. An excellent beginning, with a lot of promise to stay excellent.
** [[User:Moczo]]: Overall, an very well-written, touching fic with a great deal of potential. Two things worth noting: Additional chapters can be found on the [http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php?t=78223 AnimeSuki forums Fate/Stay Night fanfiction thread]. And second, a note concerning the primary pairing in the story: {{spoiler|Chapter Three confirms that the primary pairing is indeed Rin/Sakura, and features them [[Brother-Sister Incest|beginning a sexual relationship]]. It is handled very believably and tastefully, but please be aware it does occur.}}
** [[User:silvercover]]: I always wanted to read a {{spoiler|Rin/Sakura}} fic, and I wasn't disappointed. Theres also some hinting about Saber that might play an important point later. Shirou has the short end of the stick though.
'' [http://nrvnqsr.us.to/showthread.php?65-Steel-And-Cherry-Blossoms Steel and Cherry Blossoms]'' by [http://nrvnqsr.us.to/member.php?15-Elf Elf]. (The beginning is also available on [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6263060/1/ FF.net])
* Recommended by neothoron, Cherry_Lover
* ''Pairings'': Archer/Sakura, with a dash of Rider
* ''Synopsis'': A girl needing a hero, a fallen hero needing someone to save. After a wish making a seemingly perfect world not everyone is saved, nor is everyone happy.
* ''Comments'': This fanfic goes from an interesting (though slightly crack) idea, and executes that idea extremely well: the characters' psychology are thought through and consistent with canon; each of Archer's interactions with the other members of the cast is enjoyable in its own way. It also goes beyond the plot's apparent denouement (ie after {{spoiler|having saved Sakura}}) to explore the Archer/Sakura relationship in all its awkwardness. Will probably feature a "mana recharge" scene at some point, but the story is excellent already without it. Also features the King of Heroes being [[Groin Attack|kicked in the balls]] by Rider.
** Cherry_Lover: I'm not sure exactly why this would be considered a "crack" pairing (Archer ''is'' the future version of the guy she loves, after all, and the premise of the fic is hardly unlikely), but other than that I agree entirely with this assessment.
''[http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/219-Lemon-Wiggling Wiggling]'' by Fatuous One
Line 518 ⟶ 333:
* ''Comments'': A very interesting take on a Post-HF story where Saber and Archer are resurrected alongside Shirou. Saber's recovery from the events of HF are very well done, and the budding relationship between Saber and Archer alternates between touching, d'awwww, and that lemon scent Elf is famous for. It's got action and drama as well, and the plot finally is coming to a head.
''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8061273/1/All_From_A_Hospital_Bed All From a Hospital Bed]'' by [[Names Are Hard To Come Up With]]
* Recommended by Gigle
* ''Pairings'': Shirou/ {{spoiler|Ayako}}
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