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* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]: Nicholas van Rijn. If you are an attractive woman, expect to have him make constant references to your looks as well as many passes. But should danger appear, you couldn't have anyone better at your side.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Nicholas van Rijn frequently uses sneaky methods. On one occasion, he taunts an alien prince into biting his behind; the alien prince realizes too late that human biochemistry is toxic to his people.
* [[Crapsack World]]: Flandry lives in an empire that is slowly decaying at the borders while most of it's rulers while away their time in luxury and he knows disaster is coming in a few generations.
* [[Even Mooks Have Loved Ones]]: One of the Dominic Flandry stories ended with Flandry successfully killing a Merseian agent who'd been stirring up rebellion on a Terran world. Then Flandry wondered if the agent had some children who couldn't understand why their father hadn't come home.
* [[Feudal Future]]: The Terran Empire is more recognisable as using this trope, but the late Polesotechnic league is more literally feudal. Van Rijn at one point speaks of getting an "oath of fealty" from an employee before giving the young fellow a major promotion.
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* [[Patron Saint]]: Nicholas van Rijn swears by Saint Dismas (the Good Thief, appropriately), and has expressed the intention of burning candles in offering (to which another character responded "The Saint had best get it in writing").
* [[Planet Terra]]: The Dominic Flandry stories refer to Terra and the Terran Empire.
* [[Prove I Am Not Bluffing]]: In ''A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows'' The Gospodar(king) of a border planet leads his fleet on a raid into Mereseian space to remind the Merseians not to bother his planet.
* [[Proxy War]]: Flandry spends much of his time dealing with these.
* [[Public Secret Message]]: The Mongol-descended people of the planet Altai didn't know what it meant when Flandry, stranded there by their ruler's treachery, "vandalized" a monument with paint. But the paint spelled out "Mayday," and when mention of that got to Terran Intelligence, agents knew to come looking for more information....
* [[Space Cold War]]: The Empire and Mereseia
* [[Space Opera]]
* [[Space Police]]: The Polesotechnic League's armed ships are best described as this rather then a navy.
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* [[Stout Strength]]: Nicholas van Rijn.
* [[Talking Your Way Out]]: Dominic Flandry. Kidnapped by an alien prince with dreams of conquest, who assumes he's just a decadent worthless low-level agent, he soon has the entire leadership of the planet backstabbing each other.
* [[Truce Zone]]: There are several places like this along the frontier. Sometimes they are for crises management and other times they are just for taking time off from the war to get drunk together.
* [[Whole-Plot Reference]]: ''The Game of Empire'' is, as acknowledged in the Author's Note, a [[Gender Flip|Gender Flipped]], [[Recycled in Space|space opera version]] of ''[[Kim]]''.