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Not to be confused with Anderson's Psychotechnic League series, an entirely separate future history deliberately named in a parallel fashion.
=== The Technic History provides examples of: ===
* [[Ape Shall Never Kill Ape]]: Dominic Flandry is kidnapped by an alien race, who assert that they are far more civilized than the Terran Empire, as they would never betray an oath or otherwise be dishonest (except to other, lesser, races, like humans). He soon has the entire leadership of the planet backstabbing each other, noting that their refusal to admit that they, too, can betray each other if the price is right, is what enabled him to succeed in destroying them.
* [[Big Badass Bird of Prey]]: The Ythrians dominate a large part of the series. They are not exactly avian but they look avian and Anderson considered making a winged creature that could carry a brain capable of sapience in normal gravity to be an interesting puzzle. Ythrian's hat, to some degree is being Warrior Poets. While massive wars are not as much a part of their history as among Terrans, they have their own heritage of violence and feuding, and they have a code of honor or "Deathpride" and an ethic of heroism. In many ways they are a Fantasy Counterpart Culture of Medieval Iceland.
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