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''Chobits'' is a manga and anime series by [[CLAMP]] that starts out as a [[Magical Girlfriend]] comedy and transitions to a [[Contemplate Our Navels]] debate on the relationship between humans and Persocoms, machines programmed to serve humans. It takes place many years after ''[[Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer]]'', although the only [[Canon Immigrant|canon immigrants]] are of the "dead with an impact" variety.
The main character of ''Chobits'' is Hideki Motosuwa, an [[Ordinary High School Student|Ordinary Cram School Student]] who lives in a Japan where almost everyone has his or her own "Persocom" to do common tasks, ranging from household chores to surfing the Internet. Hideki would very much like his own Persocom, but there's no way he can afford one...unless he [[Grail in the Garbage|finds one lying in the trash]]. Like all Persocoms, this one looks just like a cute girl except for the [[Unusual Ears|obligatory distinctive ears]]. He starts her up, only to find that she has no memory or info on her hard drive, and can initially only say the word "Chi." Who is "Chi," and why was she left out in the trash in the first place? Could Chi possibly be a "Chobit," a rumored brand of robots capable of sapience and real emotion?
After several episodes of Hideki helping Chi to adjust to the real world [[Hilarity Ensues|with comic results]], the plot shifts in a more serious direction when it is implied that Chi may be developing feelings for Hideki. But is it actual feelings, or just programming? Hideki, despite his constant reminders to himself that she is only a machine, seems to have some degree of affection for her. He also learns that Persocoms can have unexpected effects on humans, hearing one story from his cram school teacher Takako Shimizu, {{spoiler|whose husband rejected her in favor of his Persocom}}, his {{spoiler|up-to-then}} housemate and best friend Shinbo {{spoiler|eloping with said teacher out of sympathy}}, and another from baker Hiroyasu Ueda, {{spoiler|who was the first to wed a Persocom}}. This happens despite having been warned by Minoru Kokubunji, a Persocom expert, "not to fall in love" with her. Meanwhile, Chi's backstory begins to gradually unravel... and Hideki finds that ''he may be falling in love with Chi...''
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* [[You ALL Share My Story]]: Let's plot it out shall we?
** Hideki finds Chi in the trash.
** Chi was created by {{spoiler|Chitose's husband. Chitose is also Hideki's landlady,}} who is monitoring movement in the area.
** Zima and Dita are watching out for a possible [[EndoftheThe End of the World Asas We Know It|End of the World as We Know It]], which can be caused by {{spoiler|caused by Chi}}...
** Who works for Ueda at Tirol, replacing a Persocom he was married to, and another girl who {{spoiler|now works with Hideki}}.
** And Hideki is doing cram school with Takako and Shinbo, and learning about Persocom obsession on the side.
** Finally, Minoru is searching for Chi's background.
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