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* [[Cold Sniper]]: Little Sure Shot.
* [[Crisis Crossover]]: Easy Company was involved in ''[[Crisis on Infinite Earths]]''. The scene of the Joes attempting to size up [[Swamp Thing]] on the Monitor's satellite was priceless.
* [[Dead Person Impersonation]]: Once, Rock assumed the identity of a general who was killed helping him. Before dying, the general explained that he'd always been a [[Desk Jockey]] because he was '''so''' good at logistics that his superiors were never willing to let him do anything else. He'd wanted to be a "real" soldier for once -- but his skills weren't up to combat and it cost his life. The sergeant put on the general's insignia partly because in the current battle it'd make it easier for him to take charge of units that already had officers, and partly to give the dead man the heroic reputation Rock felt his courage deserved. (He had the weird impression that the stars were '''talking''' to him, telling him to use them.) The cover title had "Sgt" crossed out and replaced with "General."
* [[Do Not Do This Cool Thing]]: The stories don't glamorize war, presenting it as a hard and dangerous slog... but sometimes they nevertheless make it look cool.
* [[Early Installment Weirdness]]: There are a handful of pre-''Sgt. Rock'' stories featuring soldiers called "Rock" or companies called "Easy" which are not distinctly ''Sgt. Rock'' stories. They were also once referred to as the "Battle-Happy Buzzards" before their better -known sobriquet of the "Combat-Happy Joes".
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