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* ''The Devil's Alphabet'' by Daryl Gregory. Most of a town's inhabitants are struck by a strange plague that mutates them rapidly. Aggros become about 9 feet tall with grayish skin,aggressive tendancies and no body hair. The protoganist's mother was one of many who didn't survive the transition, and she, like many others, experienced intense pain and ended up with bone jutting out of her limbs because the bone growth was so rapid that the muscles and skin couldn't keep up. The plauge shifted and the next group were the sealskinned Betas, all female save for a single male baby born at the end. The third group, including the main character's father, became grotesquely obese Charlies. They don't smell too good and they develop large, rapid growing, fluid filled pustules that are drained by Charlie boys so they can get high off the liquid inside. The protagonist is horrified watching one of the blisters grow before his eyes.
* ''Pure'' by Julianna Baggot. Imagine a nuclear sort of blast that literally fuses you to whatever you were touching when it happened. The protagonist had a doll's head fused to her hand. Her dad had a fan fused to his neck. Some people had animals or other people fused to them. Mothers were fused to children. A guy had a dog fused to his leg and another had birds stuck to his back. Sometimes even whole groups of people were fused together, known as 'groupies'. And some melded with the dust, hence their name 'Dusts'.
* At the end of the first book of ''[[A Dirge for Prester John]]'', Brother Hiobe has a plant start to grow out of his mouth from a mysterious flower he ingests. By the start of the next book, it has grown all over him, wrapping around his body to the point where the new narrator can't figure out if it's growing out of more of him or not. And it keeps ''getting bigger''. And, it's implied, takes over his mind.
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