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Fallout: New Vegas/Characters/Caesars Legion: Difference between revisions

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* [[Memetic Badass]]: Like Boone, he's one both out and in-universe.
* [[Multiple Choice Past]]: There are a few accounts of how he came to be the Legion's greatest soldier that don't quite match up with each other. For example, Caesar's account of how he was the mightiest warrior in a conquered tribe and was press-ganged into the Legion doesn't fit Lucius' claim that he was already a centurion when he was 12 years old. Likewise, Joshua Graham remarks that he never heard of Lanius during his time leading the Legion, and only learned of him recently by reputation, suggesting Lanius wasn't present or at least prominent in the Legion until after Graham's banishment (a relatively recent event). Ulysses mentions the possibility that there has been more than one Lanius, since the only ones who have "seen" him without his mask are blinded slaves.
* [[Noble Demon]]: To some extent. He dislikes Vulpes' underhanded methods (specifically his ploy with the Omertas) as well as the idea of a [[Pyrrhic Victory]]. At the very least, he is one by Legion standards.
* [[Pragmatic Villainy]]: He can be persuaded to abandon the fight for the dam and retreat. This can be done through convincing him with one or several factors, such as "if the Legion over-extends it might get stretched too thin", "if this battle ends up [[Pyrrhic Victory|crippling the Legion army]] it'll be too weak to hold New Vegas", and so on. The fact you can appeal to him with reason and he ''actually listens'' to you if the idea may benefit the Legion more in the long run, shows that Lanius isn't as much of a mindless savage as Caesar tells you he is.
* [[Throw Down the Bomblet]]: Besides his [[BFS]], his only weapons are his Incendiary and Frag Grenades.
* [[Tin Tyrant]]: He wears metal armor that covers every single inch of his body.
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