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Yu-Gi-Oh!/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Designated Villain]]: Dinosaur Ryuzaki/Rex Raptor. Most of the early villains were jerks who just happened to get Yugi involved to please their own ego, rather than the later villains who had much more elaborate plans. In the manga and the early episodes of the anime, while a bit of a jerk, Dinosaur Ryuzaki wasn't really a bad guy. The later episodes of the anime portrayed him as Haga's partner in crime. Hell, he practically advises Jonouchi against dueling Roba! You'd think he'd have been happy to see him lose, but no. He's also pretty pissed when he learns Jonouchi lost his Red-Eyes to Seeker.
** Vivian Wong in the KC Grand Prix filler arc is billed as one of its prominent antagonists along with Zigfried Von Schroeder and his brother Leon (the latter of whom isn't an actual villain), but she doesn't actually do anything all that antagonistic aside from acting like an annoying and cocky [[Loony Fan]], being a [[Stalker with a Crush]] on Yugi and Kaiba, and having one major [[Jerk Ass]] moment towards Grandpa. Her first "offense" is simply being careless and bumping into Rebecca by complete accident, though she's not apologetic for it and blames Rebecca instead. Afterwards she's given scorn and insults by Anzu and Rebecca for daring to flirt with Yugi, who very clearly has no interest in her, rendering her not a threat to any potential romance. Even her worst act is easily fixable and not taken all that seriously by the characters, making one wonder why they're expected to put any investment in rooting against her at all when she's pretty much a [[Joke Character]].
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Seto Kaiba. Was first a one-shot antagonist of the day, then returned as an [[Arc Villain]], then became an [[Anti-Villain]], an [[Anti-Hero]], and [[The Rival]] to the main character, with a past life of his own that tied deeply into the Pharaoh's forgotten memories. In the first anime adaptation he was made the [[Big Bad]], and in the second he's the [[Deuteragonist]].
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Seto Kaiba.
** Interestingly enough, the same could be said of the card game, which was only meant to be featured in a single arc but got so popular they had to base the entire series around it. [[Sarcasm Mode|Yay]].
** Bandit Keith. He was a secondary villain in the Duelist Kingdom arc but is popular among many fans ''and'' even Takahashi himself stated he's one of his favorite antagonists in the series next to Kaiba.
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** Conversely, Marik gains about 30 pounds of muscle.
* [[Fan-Preferred Couple]]: Yugi/Yami Yugi, Jounouch/Kaiba, and just about every combination of Bakura, Marik, Dark Bakura and/or Dark Marik. On the hetero side, Yami Yugi/Dark Magician Girl (or Atem/Mana), Shizuka/Kaiba, Isis/Kaiba, Mai/Yugi, and among others.
* [[First Installment Wins]]: The original manga is seen by many as the best product in the franchise to this day, for good reason.
** Third Installment Wins - the second series anime ''adaptation'' is still the iconic and definitive ''Yu-Gi-Oh!'' media in the minds of many. Among Western fans this is assisted by 4Kids at least making an effort to make their changes to the dub work (see [[Woolseyism]] below), while subsequent dubs have seen a lot more Adaptation Decay. 4Kids themselves recognize this and cater to the fans through scripted duels at conventions with the series' voice actors.
* [[Foe Yay]]: Let's see. Kaiba spent most of Season Zero either spying or stalking Yugi to see if anyone was trying to defeat him in a card game, can't go more than four episodes without sending his top minions to attack Yugi's friends and family in an attempt to defeat him, and spent millions of dollars developing advanced hologram technology and building a ''sky scraper'' for the sole purpose of defeating him. And we haven't even gotten to Duel Monsters yet.
** Season Zero also has lines like this:
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*** He actually admits that in the manga at one point. Cue Jonouchi freaking out a bit.
** Or imagine what happened to all the souls at the end of the Doma arc returning to their bodies? Imagine a ten thousand year old soul returning to a corpse.. zombie apocalypse anyone?
** Pegasus' love for his Toon Monsters may come off as creepy at first, but realizing why Pegasus declares them immortal, claims they never die, that they've never betrayed or hurt him, or states they are the ''perfect lifeform'' can be potentially horrifying. It's not just about how [[Toon Physics|cartoon characters can dodge any attack]], but also how much of an impact Cyndia's death had on him... he pretty much moved back into childhood on a mental level, where everything was still good and innocent, and attempted to deny death by embracing his immortal creations.
* [[Game Breaker]]: Pegasus' Toons and Thousand-Eyes Restrict, Five-Headed Dragon, the God Cards, the Seal of Orichalcos.
* [[Genius Bonus]]: Orichalcum is a legendary metal used as currency in Atlantis.
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** Actually, the freaking [[Word of God|creator]] Kazuki Takahashi mentioned that he liked Bandit Keith in the US Shonen Jump's second issue.
* [[Growing the Beard]]: The Death-T arc in the original manga, marking Kaiba's [[Breakout Villain|ascension to]] [[Big Bad]] and Yugi finally revealing the existence of Yami Yugi to his friends. From then on, things got less episodic and more plot-oriented. Although some fans wish they'd continued playing other games rather than just the monster card game, but [[Word of God]] justifies this as he was running out of ideas for games to be played anyway.
** The Battle City [[Tournament Arc]] is where the anime became less of a Duelist of the Episode or Two and far more dramatic and plot-driven, particularly halfway through with Yugi's duel against Strings and all the events that followed.
* [[Ho Yay]]: [[Yu-Gi-Oh!/Ho Yay|Goes without saying]].
* [[Jerk Sue]]: Kaiba, in the anime. In the manga, he learns his lesson at the end of Battle City, and his only appearance after that is a cameo in the final arc. In the anime, he ''never'' learns his lesson, gets an entire [[Filler Arc]] and large parts of two more to himself, takes down two anime-exclusive [[Big Bad|Big Bads]] (though people didn't really complain about these since they were both [[Crowning Moment|Crowning Moments]]), and even gets a chance to humiliate Jonouchi one last time.
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