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Tyrant Takes the Helm: Difference between revisions

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This is a plot trope relating to a [[Story Arc]] where a character snags a major leadership position of the series, becomes [[Drunk with Power]], and decides that from here on out, things will be run ''their'' way whether you like it or not. The person regularly filling this position, often a [[Reasonable Authority Figure]], will likely be absent during this time (and this new replacement may have had something to do with that.) As would be expected of a tyrannical ruler, expect them to immediately start making "changes" and becoming an instant despot. Common changes made include the elimination of [[Ultimate Job Security]] and the decree that [[All Crimes Are Equal]]. In most cases, the main heroes will have to confront this new ruler and attempt to change things back to normal.
The kind that insists on newly implemented or previously uninforced rules being followed will often be undone by being caught in their own regulations and learning [[Nobody Is Above the Law]]. A common subversion of this trope is the [[Bait and Switch Tyrant]], which occurs when a character who originally appeared to be a new tyrant later turns out to not be that bad after all, and the story reflects that the characters have come to accept the new rules.
Remember, this isn't a trope for describing characters who become tyrants, but for describing a plot point of when (and possibly how) a character takes over for someone else and institutes new rules that are generally disliked by the majority of those affected. '''Be aware of spoilers!'''
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