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== The Aliens (General) ==
== The aliens were no smarter than humans. ==
Everyone always assumes that just because a species is capable of interstellar travel, that means they must have unimaginably superior intellects. But this is a ''drastic'' case of [[You Fail Logic Forever]]. Human beings have been improving our inventions for eons and throughout all the thousands and thousands of years of constant technological advancements our brains have not evolved in intelligence to a very significant degree. In the amount of time it would probably take us to make it all the way to the point where we can travel to another galaxy--saygalaxy—say, another few hundred years--weyears—we certainly still won't have reached that point. Probably not even in another few thousand. ''Especially'' not now that we're evolving ''less'' than before. An alien species analogous to our own in advancement would presumably be the same. That's how evolution works. When you get to a certain point, your brain doesn't ''need'' to evolve much more. Evolution is about survival in the wild, not technological convenience. You can't just automatically equate technological prowess with intelligence like it's an automatic given. ''Think'', people. THINK. Don't assume. Think. These creatures are, if anything, ''less'' bright than humans--orhumans—or at least than some of the smarter humans. The way they're hard wired, they seem to be better at long term planning than short term problem solving. They can set up tricks and traps and invasions well enough, but when confronted with something they didn't expect they always seem to miss the frickin' obvious and they don't know how to deal with it. If they were as brilliant as everyone thinks being capable of interstellar travel magically automatically qualifies you as being then they wouldn't act in such a way. This isn't an inconsistency: rather, it is a more or less ''realistic'' depiction of how such a species may be on a strange new planet.
* Technically not entirely true. If they can make stuff, like starships or power armor, that doesn't make them smart, but they also used starships, so they understand (at least) basic principles of mechanics. They seem to understand human psychology when they take hostages. Like monkeys. Stupid - yeah, but not as stupid to be incapable of making power armor suits and using them. Yet they fail...
** The ones who built the starships, and the ones who fly them, are the ones who understand at least basic principles of mechanics. The ones who were down on earth might actually just be cannon fodder. Or to put it another way, majority of us don't know how to put together an airconditioning unit, much less an airplane or space shuttle. Why should they?
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== The aliens were refugees! ==
Their homeworld underwent some catastrophe that nearly wiped them out. What few survivors there were packed themselves into ships and wandered to the nearest inhabited world. They only picked a planet with oceans of poison because they were desperate. They clearly announced their presence and came unarmed and unarmored. The crop circles were universal signs of "Help us, we're starving. Can you spare some food?" Humans, [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|bastards that we are]], tried to kill the people who need us! Sure, it ''looked'' like they were gassing and abducting humans, but they were just trying to hug us and share their alien cocaine.
* Or, when we so cruelly ignored their begging for food, they decided we were nonsentient and decided to treat us as food. (They make a mean jerky.)
* This sounds an awful lot like the plot to ''[[Alien Nation (TV series)|Alien Nation]]''.
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#Messing with a primitive planet on a dare.
Whatever they were doing, the aliens intentionally handicapped themselves--choosingthemselves—choosing a planet two-thirds covered in water and limiting themselves to hand-to-hand combat--tocombat—to show off how tough they were.
== The aliens were trying to make a peaceful First Contact. ==
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== The Aliens were invading Earth FOR the water. ==
Think about it. If the aliens are vulnerable to water, then they likely did not evolve on a planet with water. Water isn't exactly a common molecule in space. They want the water as a deadly weapon they can use against their kin. The Signs were business proposals to obtain the water peacefully: They wouldn't want to divert resources from fighting their enemies. (That's also why the invasion force is so small.) When that failed -- wellfailed—well, humans are mostly water, so they'll separate us into water and human jerky.
* Why not mine some comets, or an [[Ice World]] like Europa?
** Because of the last WMG - they're ''idiots''.
** They are mining comets, but comets are a lot smaller than Earth is. They can't mine Europa because there's no way for them to get leverage -- thereleverage—there's no place on the surface of that moon that ''isn't'' outright water. We can walk on black Hawaiian lava if we're willing to melt our sneakers, but we can't touch the red lava. For someone who can't touch water, the difference between farm fields and ice balls is similar.
** If they wanted water, even if it absolutely had to be from Earth, why bother getting out of the ship at all? They could just fly in over the middle of the Pacific, lower a pipe, and pump the hold full. Or if it had to be fresh water, they could go in over one of the ice caps and use a crane. There's no need to expose fragile alien flesh to the horrible death world in the first place.
* Water is actually the second most common molecule in the universe.
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