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Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ/Characters: Difference between revisions

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==== AEUG ====
'''Judau Ashta'''
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==== Neo-Zeon / Axis ====
'''Haman Khan'''
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* [[Attack Drone]]: On the Qubeley.
* [[Badass]]: Possibly the best pilot of the entire Neo Zeon War, routinely handing ungodly-powerful [[Super Prototype|Super Prototypes]]s their backsides with her ageing Qubeley. Even after she disabled half her [[Attack Drone|funnels]] to make her final battle with Judau a fair fight, she ''still'' fought him to a draw. No two ways about it, the lady is ''dangerous''.
* [[The Baroness]]
* [[Big Bad]]
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* [[Honor Before Reason]]: Refuses to use too many of her Quebeley's funnels in the final battle against Judau, reasoning that such tactics would be unfair.
** This would also be [[Love Makes You Dumb]] then, seeing as how she had no problem doing this to anybody else.
* [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]]: Her central philosophy.
* [[Iron Lady]]
* [[Lady of War]]
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* [[Unusual Weapon Mounting]]: The Qubeley's tail-mounted attack drones give it a very insectoid appearance.
* [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]]: Once upon a time, long, long ago.
* [[Villainous Crush]]: Has a truly warped one on Judau. Given that he's got most of Char's good qualities--andqualities—and reminds Haman of what she was like at his age--thisage—this isn't really surprising.
* [[We Have Reserves]]: Notes after {{spoiler|Mashymyre's death}} that "all this means... is that the number of resources available to me has decreased by one"... though her tone of voice suggests that she's trying to convince ''herself'' of that.
* [[Woman Scorned]]: Is driven by her anger towards Char. It's worth remembering that they never actually had a relationship - she just crushed ''badly'' on him in the years after the One Year War, and he [[Broken Pedestal|let her down]].
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* {{spoiler|[[Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon]]: See the bishie pretty boy up there? Arguably the most depraved villain in the show.}}
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]: Is revealed as this as the show progresses.
* [[Fluffy the Terrible]]: "Glemmy Toto" isn't exactly the most terrifying name out there. Be honest--howhonest—how many of you ended up picturing the dog from ''[[Wizard of Oz]]'' the first time you heard the name?
* {{spoiler|[[From Nobody to Nightmare]]}}: {{spoiler|Goes from being a joke pilot in a joke squadron led by a joke commander to arguably the true [[Big Bad]] of the show.}}
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: Thanks to the defecting {{spoiler|Beecher and Mondo}}'s "info", he thought Judau and Roux were an item early in the anime. May be [[Hilarious in Hindsight]], {{spoiler|as they ''do'' end up together in the end}}.
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==== Others ====
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