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* [[Brilliant but Lazy]]: Lupo is slow due to his constant sleepiness, but he is very far from being stupid, as it shows that he’s very witty. It could be considered as a [[Genius Ditz]] case.
* [[The Bully]]: Quasim is the fearsome bully of Villa Susto, being a [[Dumb Muscle|dumb]] [[The Brute|brute]] with [[Super Strength]] who picks on little kids (particularly poor [[The Cutie|Gus]]). The only one who has been able to knock him out is Henrietta's evil [[Split Personality]] [[Jekyll and Hyde|Miss Hit]].
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: Frank and Henrietta definitely have feelings for each other, but they can't tell their feelings because of [[Twice Shy|shyness]]. Also, {{spoiler|Henrietta's alter-ego}} Miss Hit does not help at all. Unsurprisingly, all people think [[Everyone Can See It|they're a couple]], and Frank constantly [[She Is Not My Girlfriend|denies it]].
** [[Word of God]] says [[Official Couple|they’re a couple]]. Moreover, the author said that he created Henrietta, so Frank could get a girlfriend.
** The cover of the second album [http://dreamers.com/davidramirez/PortadillaMiniMonsters2.jpg confirms this].
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** While Victor has potential ones in [[Gadgeteer Genius|Frank]] and [[Sleepyhead|Lupo]], the one who fits it best is Billy. Victor is a [[Spoiled Brat|well-groomed]] [[Jerkass]] [[Perpetual Frowner]], while Billy is a [[The Pig Pen|perpetually dirty]] and [[The Pollyanna|cheerful]] [[Nice Guy]]. This is driven home in the fourth album: {{spoiler|Victor has been in the two gangs, but is a complete prick to both of them, causing the others to wave between barely tolerating him and outright hating his guts. Billy doesn't (and doesn't want to) belong to neither of the two gangs, yet he's friendly to both, which makes him more well-liked (the Frank's Gang even consider him [[The Reliable One]] due to this)}}. The only thing they have in common is their [[All of the Other Reindeer]] status, and even that is played in different ways.
** [[The Hero|Frank's Gang]] and [[The Rival|Morty's Gang]]. The former may seem like a dysfunctional [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits]] (and they ''are''), but they're also a [[True Companions|close-knit group of friends]] who have a strong sense of [[The Power of Friendship|teamwork]] when things are tough. The latter may seem like a cool [[Gang of Bullies]] in the surface, but deep down are a complete mess, with its members [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork|only united over their dislike of the Frank's Gang]], and [[A House Divided|utterly failing]] at working together. This is best shown in the fourth album with their respective Pumpkinball teams.
** Their respective leaders, Frank and Morty, also contrast with each other, and it shows with their influence makingmakes their teams what they are. Their contrasting natures are better shown through [[Spoiled Brat|Victor]] in the fourth album: Frank acts like a [[Tough Love|tough]] [[Big Brother Mentor]] towards him and they constantly [[Vitriolic Best Buds|exchange insults]], yet Frank ultimately cares for him, {{spoiler|even wanting him back to his gang after his betrayal}}. Morty [[Faux Affably Evil|acts friendly]] towards Victor at first, even having a conversation over their mutual dislike for Frank, but it's clear Morty doesn't give a rat's ass about him, {{spoiler|and is only manipulating him to get Frank's brains.}}
** [[Justified Trope]] with {{spoiler|Henrietta and Miss Hit, as they're [[Jekyll and Hyde|two sides of the same coin]].}}
* [[Foreshadowing]]: In the second album, there are subtle and not-so-subtle hints that {{spoiler|[[Rose-Haired Girl|Henrietta]] and [[Evil Redhead|Miss Hit]] are [[Jekyll and Hyde|the same person]].}} In particular, there's {{spoiler|Miss Hit telling Frank she and Henrietta are "inseparable"}}, and more importantly, {{spoiler|their handwriting is exactly the same}}. The last one is what makes Frank discover [[The Reveal]].
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** As does [[An Ice Person|Yokai]] stealing Lupo's younger sister Lupe's doll. This is more noticeable when it's shown Lupo and his family are very poor. No wonder [[Big Brother Instinct|Lupo]] got mad at him.
** [[Manipulative Bastard|Morty]] does this constantly in the fourth album.
* [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: Lupo constantly trolls, mocks and snarks at Victor. Since Victor is a [[Spoiled Brat|spoiled]] [[Jerkass|jerkass]], this comes across as hilarious and well-deserved (especially if Victor insultsinsulted him first).
** In the second album, [[Evil Redhead|Miss Hit]] punching [[The Bully|Quasim]] and knocking him out ''twice''. Sure, she's eviler, but he was an unlikable bastard who had it a long time coming (especially considering he was a [[Karma Houdini]] in the first album)
** Quasim himself has a moment in the first album when {{spoiler|he punches [[Big Bad|Rattus Sapiens]] down the sewers, bringing him back to a normal rat.}}
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* [[The Klutz]]: Momses. He doesn't have Buena Suerte’s "luck", but he’s extremely clumsy due to his physical strength.
{{quote|'''Victor''': ''*after Momses destroys Frank’s invention*'' AAAAH! WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS GUY?!
'''Frank''': ''*facepalm*'' That’s what is's called the mummy’s curse…}}
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: In the fourth album, Morty’s dirty tricks to win the match take a toll on him and his band. {{spoiler|They got beaten by Henrietta’s father; their rivals won the match, Morty lost his tickets to Miedópolis and he ends up with a thermometer in his ass}}. All of this is well-deserved, at least for Morty.
** Victor is an ''epic'' target of this trope.
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* [[Nice Guy]]: There's a lot of this, usually to contrast with the [[Jerkass]] characters.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Mr. Abra falls onto this trope a lot.
* [[Odd Friendship]]: Victor and Frank, constantly picking each other. Also Lupo and Momses, but they get along much better than the other two. Basically, all the members in Frank's Gang, really.
* [[Oh Crap]]: Has a lot of moments, recurring or not:
** Victor usually does this, particularly with Frank's inventions and Piruja’s stalking demeanor.
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* [[Straw Loser]]: Victor thought there wasn't a gang worse than Frank's, until he meets Morty's Gang, who makes Frank's Gang look ''awesome'' by comparison. He lampshades this himself:
{{quote|'''Victor''': This gang... is more pathetic than Frank's...}}
* [[Surrounded by Idiots]]: Victor thinks this constantly. Not that he's much better, though.
* [[Swirlie]]: Quasim's main choice of torture to his victims.
* [[The Index Team|The Team]]: The Frank's gang.
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* [[Three Amigos]]: The main characters [[Spoiled Brat|Victor]], [[Gadgeteer Genius|Frank]] and [[Cute Witch|Piruja]].
* [[Toilet Humour]]: The comic has a lot of this, mixed with Spanish humor and [[Black Comedy]]. Well, considering the author's sense of humor is based on [[Akira Toriyama]]'s...
* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: Victor to the Frank's Gang, being the local [[Jerkass]] in a gang of [[Nice Guy|Nice Guys]]. Also Morty to Mr. Abra's class, being [[The Sociopath]] in a class when they're jerks at worst.
* [[Token Good Teammate]]: Mienai to Morty's Gang. He's not a saint, but he's undeniably the nicest and most friendly member in a gang full of [[Jerkass|jerkasses]] (Although Guillotine is revealed to be a [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] later).
* [[True Beauty Is on the Inside]]: Parodied in "El Perfeccionator". Frank tries to defend himself over his sister and best friend's (who is Lupo's older sister) mean comments about his physical appearance with this. It doesn't work out.
* [[True Companions]]: The Frank's Gang are portrayed as a close-knit group both in the comics proper and official artwork.
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'''Victor''': Bobblehead!
'''Frank''': Snot!}}
* [[Walking Disaster Area]]: Buena Suerte’s causes great accidents when he’s around. The only thing that could stop his disastrous luck is {{spoiler|being inside Lupo’s stomach.}}
* [[Welcome Back, Traitor]]: {{spoiler|Victor}} in the fourth album.
* [[Wham! Episode]]: "El Perfeccionator" is considered to be this.
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{{spoiler|'''Miss Hit''': If everything goes well... '''never'''.}}}}
* [[With Friends Like These...]]: Victor has this relationship with Frank's Gang. And ''everyone else'', really.
** Even worse is the entire Morty's gangGang. Why they're able to stay together is a complete mystery.
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