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Embers/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Eyes of Gold]]: Their particular shade is a sign of a powerful firebender.
** [[Green Eyes]]: Amaya implanted a blue tint, as she did for Iroh and her other hidden folk.
* [[Elemental Baggage]]: As a firebender, he's aware of his [[Hair-Trigger Temper]], and has extensively trained to control it. He has {{spoiler|broken his "[[More Than Mind Control|ties of fire and spirit]]" to the Fire Lord. Unfortunately, he's not really aware of his "ties of family and community" as a water yaoren - even though he's 1000% aware that his father and sister are [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]]s, he hates that people hate them and want them dead, and subconsciously permits their attackers to jump headfirst into a lethal trap because the Water Tribesman inside him doesn't ''care'' that they are.}}
* [[Expecting Someone Taller]]: Scarce meals have slimmed the imposingly ripped Zuko of before, damping the more obvious flare of his presence. When he arrives as a healer, no one expects the teenaged mass of stern grumpiness.
* [[Finger-Snap Lighter]]: He unintentionally starts to forms fire daggers when angered.<ref> Most times, they are just sparks from between his tense knuckles. Other times, they are obvious, blazing implements that could easily be mistaken for (unrestrained) intent to maim.</ref>.
* [[Flight, Strength, Heart]]
** [[Elemental Powers]]
** Chi-fueled Bursts of [[Super Strength]]<ref> references how he casually heel-strikes through metal chains, and when Iroh gently tossed Zhao by the foot after the Agni Kai and Zhao went skidding several meters across the arena.</ref> and [[Super Speed]].<ref> references how he jumped onto a hovering air-ship while also referencing the aforementioned [[Super Strength]]</ref>.
** Rock-hard nails that...steel can't cut? Admittedly, they let him [[Wall Crawl|scale rock like a mountain goat dipped in glue]] and if he ever chose to grow them out, he could sharpen them into [[Natural Weapon|deadly claws]]. <ref> They are taken from his chase scene in the canon finale, where Aang jumps onto a cliff and Zuko climbs almost as fast as he runs; and from [[Femme Fatalons|Azula's]] first in-series fight with him.</ref>
* [[Genre Savvy]]: <ref> Whenever Zuko is about to rant about Aang, just replace "the Avatar" with "[[The Hero]]" and it will be even more relevant in some places.</ref>
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: And ''how''.
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]: Part of why he has such a bad temper.
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* [[Pint-Sized Powerhouse]]: While the show [[Your Size May Vary|altered his size]] depending on how imposing he needed to be, here Zuko is always hinted as being rather short. He even grumbles about the men of other nations being built so big, but that doesn't stop him from being the imperially trained, fire-breathing, [[Dual-Wielding]] [[Ninja]] badass he's always been.
* [[Refusal of the Call]]: Zuko is meant to be Aang's adviser, but doesn't want to be anywhere near the boy.
** [[The Call Knows Where You Live|The Call Knows Where Zuko Lives]]: Spirits aren't easily dissuaded by Zuko's lack of acceptance.<ref> If anything, they will just turn around something that he is doing to make his actions turn out in Fate's favor.</ref>.
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Super-Powered]] [[Unstoppable Rage|Angry Side]]: His capabilities shoot up, but he loses his grasp of language.
** [[Cooldown Hug]]: besides a dead obstacle, the only thing that brings him back.
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* [[Badass General]]: He held Ba Sing Se under siege for 600 days, and the city's residents and generals ''still'' freak out to varying degrees on hearing his name.
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For|Be Careful What You Wish For Others]]
* [[December-DecemberDecember–December Romance]]: With Amaya.
* [[Exact Words]]: Sly as Iroh is, he almost never lies, but instead choses to use words that let listeners craft their own deception.
* [[No Time to Explain]]: By chapter four, Iroh knows Aang doesn't understand Fire Nation loyalty and customs. While Team Avatar is (grudgingly) willing to listen, he can't divulge his [[Mr. Exposition|usual lecture]], lest [[Scarily Competent Tracker|Azula returns to]] [[Shock and Awe|strike]], again.<ref> this is sequentially analogous to the end of the episode ''The Chase'', from canon</ref>.
* [[Older and Wiser]]: In many ways the failed siege and its aftermath changed Iroh for the better. In others... there's room for improvement.
* [[Papa Wolf]] [[Shock and Awe|Smites]] [[Cold Sniper|In Cold]] [[Tranquil Fury|Fury]] - Forgetting this is probably the quickest way to a thundering death. [[Improbable Aiming Skills|Don't even try to hide in a crowd]]. {{spoiler|Although Iroh claims to have a practical reason for killing General Gang.}}
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* [[Ignorant of Their Own Ignorance]]: Katara often needs Toph to help put things into perspective for her.
** [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: Things that would fix problems in a more idealistic world actually ''start'' problems in Embers. Contrast this with Zuko, now the Protagonist, who has had to learn to calm down before he can't think, lest he get [[Anthropic Principle|himself and Iroh killed]], when they were on the run.
* [[Kid with the Leash]]: She canonically has this power over the Avatar State via [[Cooldown Hug|Cooldown Hugs]]s. {{spoiler|Except she's on somewhat shaky ground with Aang ever since Zuko's blood-contract-guided psychic attack on her in Chapter 31. If Aang goes ballistic again and the Avatar Spirit wants to re-enact Kyoshi's hurricane, it's possible that Katara won't be able to calm him down. ''[[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|And it would be Zuko's fault.]]''}}
** Not really. The thing about that letter was that Katara was torn between her family (the Tribe) and Aang (her friend and student). The Water Tribes need revenge, and Aang says that "No you don't! You're a good person, and good people don't DO that!". Chief Hakoda isn't entirely blameless either, as he was the one who gave Katara an ultimatum of death should she ever try bending their hearts again. He has a quasi-religious respect for waterbenders as well, as he inadvertently let Katara think that it's ok to do her duty as a woman of the Tribe and as a waterbender, because Waterbenders are blessed by by their Gods, and therefore, their Chosen People.
* [[Lecture as Exposition]]: She gets one from Tingzhe Wen.
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* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: She just does not understand how people can be so easily compelled by emotion to do drastic things. To her, there has to be an ulterior motive and hidden agenda; after all, that's why ''she'' would be openly passionate.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Tortured animals to death, as a child.
* [[Big Brother Bully|Little Sister Bully]]: Zuko has learned to make himself scarce when she utters the phrase 'Little Zuzu'. <ref> Now that they are older, he is still probably boned if she is in a [[Cool and Unusual Punishment|creative mood]] and distant by a several dozen miles.</ref>
* [[Loves the Sound of Screaming]]
* [[I Shall Taunt You]]
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* [[Royal We]]
* [[Soul Power]]: He has authority over the spirits of Ba Sing Se. Also noted to become one of the best spirit-benders out there.
* [[Spanner in the Works]]: And HOW!! Wan Shi Tong only apparently did not remember that he lives in the Earth Kingdom and the Earth King has power over the spirits there, including himself. And now, one of the [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]s, the Dragon {{spoiler|Makoto aka Fire Lady Tejina}} even says how he has messed up her spy network. How [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|awesome]] is that?
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Tropes associated with Embers' version of Kuzon include:
* [[Back From the Dead]]: Died "in his sleep" roughly 17-1817–18 years before Aang thawed out of his iceberg.
* [[Backup From Otherworld]]: Sometimes Zuko unconsciously uses Kuzon's old speech patterns and memories. Then Yangchen comes along.
* [[Defiant to the End]]: To the consternation and fury of his killers.
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Tropes associated with Amaya include:
* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[December-DecemberDecember–December Romance]]: With Iroh/Mushi.
* [[Expy]]: Of a [[Star Wars|Jedi Healer from the Extended Universe]].
* [[Love Interest]]/[[Magical Girlfriend]]: To Iroh.
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* [[Old Master]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Tao/Dao means 'The Way'.
* {{spoiler|[[My God, What Have I Done?]]}}: {{spoiler|Faces this after attempting to teach a naive Aang about the realities of war and the times they live in, Aang's reaction, and Hakoda having to set Tao straight that Aang really was that sheltered and knew absolutely nothing at all about how [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|life is]] [[The Talk|for everyone]].}}
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|Really A Hundred-Thirty Years Old]]
* [[Sadly Mythtaken]]: About yaoren.
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