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The Dark Knight Saga/WMG: Difference between revisions

→‎Alfred is a [[Retired Badass|retired]] [[James Bond]]: Fixing links to disambiguation pages, replaced: James Bond/WMG → James Bond (film)/WMG
m (→‎The Joker drove Dr. Crane insane: clean up, replaced: [[Watchmen| → [[Watchmen (comics)|)
(→‎Alfred is a [[Retired Badass|retired]] [[James Bond]]: Fixing links to disambiguation pages, replaced: James Bond/WMG → James Bond (film)/WMG)
(7 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 32:
The man has built a career around escaping death, and [[Never Found the Body|all we saw of his "demise" was the train crashing]]. Who's to say he couldn't have gotten to safety? After all, most of Begins was a lead-up to [[The Reveal]] that (the real) Ra's wasn't dead.
* His appearance in Part 3 would be a great way to bookend the series, and would probably occur just prior to the endgame, likely with something like, "How many times do I have to tell you that Ra's al-Ghul is immortal?" and [[The Reveal]] that he's been manipulating things from behind the scenes throughout "The Dark Knight" and afterward, including the entire plot of the third movie which would come with its own false [[The Reveal|reveal]].
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20120110115424/http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118038640 Confirmed?]
== The Joker is a troll. ==
== The Joker is a troll. == He causes chaos and havoc for [[For the Evulz|the lulz]], corrupts people, and his face bears a resemblance to the Trollface/Coolface mascot. He was probably an internet troll who decided to go public.
* Yeah, but, he likes [[Maggie Gyllenhaal]], so he ''can't'' be a troll.
** He held a knife against her cheek and blew her up. He was like "Hello, beautiful (lol jk chipmunkface)"
Line 40 ⟶ 41:
== Batman will die or, at the very least, be horribly crippled in the third movie. ==
This will push the [[Darker and Edgier]] angle of the series to its logical extreme.
* After he is crippled, the Batman mantle will be taken up by [[Knightfall|Jean-Paul]] [[Azrael|Valley]].
** And the movie will be titled ''Knightfall''.
Line 64 ⟶ 65:
* Just get [[Cere Proc]] to replicate the voice like they did for [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJI87Ivk0PM Roger Ebert.] Pouring a few million into perfecting a voice that doesn't have actually to be generated on the fly should do nicely. After that, it's all mo-cap.
* Two words: Harley Quinn.
* One problem: [https://web.archive.org/web/20100820041858/http://thefilmstage.com/2010/06/04/chris-nolan-says-no-joker-in-batman-3-talks-superman/ Nolan has said he "wouldn't be comfortable" with having the Joker in the next Batman film.]
== The Joker is actually Ronald McDonald ==
Line 78 ⟶ 79:
* You have never read of comic book in your entire life, have you? The Joker ALWAYS pleads Insanity, and he ALWAYS gets it. Also, he did in-fact plead Not Guilty once, because he honestly didn't kill the person they said he did. This is how Batman knew he was telling the truth, and he begrudgingly set out to find who was trying to frame the Joker.
** I have read more comic books than it took to push the Flaming Carrot over the edge and this is not about comics, this is about the realism the movies are trying to establish and there is simply no way the Joker is making it to a third movie alive, he will either be exceuted or killed in prison. He's pissed off ''way'' too many people in that city to realistically be allowed to live.
*** Actually (speaking as a psychologist) the Joker could, potentially, plead insanity; all he'd have to do is convince people that he legitimately did not know that what he was doing was wrong, OR that he was compelled to do it by his mental illness and had no way of resisting. It has been demonstrated in the films that Gotham is the type of town where "convincing" a jury is easy enough if you have enough money to go around... though in the Joker's case, that would probably be a ''lot'' of money. (Let's hope he didn't burn all of those millions of dollars, hm?)
**** The thing is though is that the Joker wouldn't do that because he honestly doesn't think he's insane, he'd either plead guilty (because he's ''proud'' he did it) or not guilty (just for the fun of screwing with people during the proceedings).
*** The Joker could be declared mentally incompetent and be slung in Arkham until he is found competent again. That's unlikely, though.
Line 92 ⟶ 93:
== The Joker lied about his Prisoner's Dilemma ==
Both boat pilots were given the detonator to their own boat. The Joker lied when he said he was giving them the detonator to the other boat. I have absolutely no evidence for this, it just seems like something the Joker would do.
* Alternatively, there were no explosives on any of the boats. He expected both sets of passengers to use the detonators, and letting everyone live with that guilt probably seemed funnier to him than killing them.
* Alternatively, each detonator would blow up both boats. This would fit the Joker's personality even more.
Line 125 ⟶ 126:
* [[Fan Service|We]] [[Fetish Fuel|can]] [[Hot Amazon|only]] [[Ms. Fanservice|hope]]!
* It also makes sense because, in the story that part of the movie is based on, ''Harvey's wife survives'', and she goes on a [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]] because of what happened to him.
* Jossed; Selina Kyle is played by Anne Hathaway and is a separate character.
* And, at any rate, if Rachel Dawes survived, she'd probably be called [[MaskoftheMask of the Phantasm|Phantasm]]. "Bruce Wayne...''your angel of death awaits.''"
== If this is JUST gonna be a trilogy, then I'm Elvis, my dad is Bigfoot and my mom is [[Wonder Woman]] ==
Line 187 ⟶ 188:
== Most of The Dark Knight never happens- it is simply Bruce's fantasy. ==
At the start of the film, Harvey has mostly cleaned up the city. Without the outrageous levels of crime, Batman is no longer wanted or needed by the city, who now want [[Lawful Good|white knight lawkeepers]] rather than [[Chaotic Good|uncontrollable vigilantes]]. But Bruce Wayne still needs Batman. He needs to escape the monotony and loneliness of a life with one (busy) friend and no challenges or responsibilities. He needs to be respected and feared for something other than the wealth his parents' deaths brought him. Most of all, he still needs further revenge on criminals for his parents' deaths. [[The Dark Knight]] is his guilty fantasy, where his deepest desires play out:
* A new, [[Complete Monster|unrepentantly evil]] and extremely dangerous criminal appears, who only Batman can deal with. He tortures and kills the people who impersonate Batman, the people of Gotham (who no longer need Batman) and the legal system that is replacing Batman.
* Lucius, Bruce's only close companion and parent substitute, is close to perfect- competent at everything, very wise and incorruptible.
* Rachel [[Death by Sex|dies for choosing a relationship with another man over waiting for him]].
* Harvey, who stole both Rachel and Batman's reason for existing, loses Rachel, suffers horribly, proves not to have the moral fortitude to deal with her death [[Face Heel Turn|without turning evil]] (unlike Bruce) and is killed by Batman.
* Tellingly, by the end of the film, nearly every single protagonist in the film who's not entirely a [[Red Shirt]] has been forced to choose between their loved ones and doing the right thing, just as Bruce is being forced to choose between honouring his parents' memory by continuing to be Batman and doing the right thing and gracefully retiring as the now unnecessary Batman.
Line 200 ⟶ 201:
* Maybe the thief in Alfred's story was the same demon?
* Joker is [[H.P. Lovecraft|one of the Masks of Nyarlathotep]]. He even calls himself an avatar of chaos - not far from that to the Crawling Chaos.
* The Joker really is an agent of [[Warhammer 4000040,000|Chaos]], specifically Tzeenetch. Sure, he ''says'' he's not a schemer, but that's exactly what a ''real'' schemer would want you to think.
** "[[Magnificent Bastard|I just did what I do best. I took your little plan and I turned it on itself. And look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets.]]"
* [[Demonic Possession]] has become nearly a [[Dead Horse Trope]]. Its modern equivalent is [[Alien Abduction]]. [[The Joker]] is...''really'' an '''alien'''!
Line 207 ⟶ 208:
Loki could pull off some pretty freaky stuff, and if the rest of the Asgard got fed up and kicked him out, he'd have to find someone else to torment. Even without his supernatural power, he's still got the knowledge and motivation to cause chaos in the human world. If Joker is freakier than Loki, it could be because a) Loki went crazier and that's why he was kicked out, or b) he went completely unhinged as a result of being exiled.
* "Wanna know how I got these scars? Well, there was this time I wagered my head to a bunch of dwarves..."
** It makes so much sense! D: He went Crazy after he was impregnated by the horse and his brother used his eight legged demon horse son as a steed!
== The Joker was a former Yakuza member ==
Line 217 ⟶ 218:
== The Joker is J.D. from [[Heathers]] ==
J.D. didn't really kill himself, this was just a cover story he convinced Veronica to tell. Reasoning: Christian Slater's performance got compared to Jack Nicholson's work, but as far as Jokers go, his performance bore a scary resemblance to Heath Ledger's.
* "Greetings and Salutations Commissioner..."
Line 238 ⟶ 239:
== The Joker Was a Doctor, ME, Coroner, Undertaker or something that required medical training ==
This seems to come out of nowhere, but how else did he keep the poor mook with the bomb in his stomach alive for a relatively long period of time after its implantation? An ME or coroner (or even a doctor depending on where they practiced) would have to deal with some really sick crap for their job, the different scar stories could have been inspired by things he actually saw before he went over the edge.
* Maybe he had some mooks with medical training? But that's actually a really cool idea. Explains why he's so damn good at finding inventive ways to hurt people. Though the Joker as a funeral home director would just scare the crap out of me.
== Nolanverse Joker abuses painkillers ==
This touches on some of the reasoning behind the Congenital Analgia WMG and an ambiguous scene from the non-canon Joker TPB using a very Nolanverse-esque Joker. If you watch, the Joker walks with a fairly pronounced limp throughout the movie. During my first viewing I assumed it was from the truck crash, but watching again, he has the same shuffle in the bank, implying he has some sort of damage to either his leg(s) or back. Despite this, he doesn't seem to feel much pain, even jumping into the bus and hopping across the seats, but as this troper's experience managing long-term pain with opiates (Vicodin and Percocet, NOT at the same time) can attest, it's entirely possible to do things that would normally cause you to collapse in agony... so long as it doesn't take long. This would also account for the Joker's... somewhat, ahh... unique way of phrasing. He's literally choosing every word, making sure he's saying exactly what he means. Add onto that the fact that Ledger died from an accidental prescription drug overdose that included Vicodin and Percocet...
* If you combine this WMG with the WMG that the Joker is a doctor of some sort, it can only mean one thing. The Joker is really [[House (TV series)|House]]!
** Nolanverse Bane has had his Venom replaced with aerosol painkillers, so this looks more likely now...
== Lau has a daughter ==
Line 278 ⟶ 279:
== Dr. Crane is secretly a country boy. ==
If the fear toxin affects all living things, the horses the mounted policemen rode at the end of Batman Begins should have been panicking too. Even if the toxin doesn't affect animals, horses are some of the jumpiest animals in the world. Sure, they're well-trained police horses, but everyone is panicking, screaming, and who knows what happened to their riders so the horses would be pretty spooked, and yet Dr. Crane managed to get hold of one and ride it, even getting it to rear for him when he was trying to intimidate Rachel Dawes? Either that was a really blatant case of Did Not Do Research (horses do not act like that for just anyone!) or this is not Dr. Crane's first rodeo.
* Hmmm, it does sometimes sound like he's hiding [[Fake American|SOME]] kind of accent.
** Like maybe an [[The Legend of Sleepy Hollow|antiquated Connecticut or colonial Westchester accent]]?
Line 285 ⟶ 286:
* Anyone who likes this idea may enjoy the Year One: Scarecrow comic.
** Maybe the toxin really only works on human brain chemistry, and the whole "effects all living things" was just a lie or mistake?
*** Still wouldn't change the fact that all the chaos in the streets would spook a horse. Gunfire, screams... I mean the sheer would set a horse off. trust me, I know. Horses a jumpy little bitches.
== Ramirez will search for redemption and will follow the steps of Renee Montoya. ==
After the events in Dark Knight, Ramirez will be devastated and will vow to become a better cop and person to atone for what she did. While some people are born heroes some are made, and since she is still breathing it isn't too late yet.
* Or in a little different possibility she resigns/is expelled from the police force after the events and still will try to atone for what she did. Becoming eventually the Question. (Being the successor of this universe version Vic is a possibility...)
** What about introducing Montoya herself? The villain(s) in the third movie will have to be incredibly hardcore, so Batman could use some more allies. Montoya is such a complex character in her own right that the movie wouldn't even need to show her becoming the Question (another masked hero might take the focus off Batman, and the poor dear needs his franchise back after the Joker took over...) but a few suble in-jokes that reference her future and appease the comic fans couldn't hurt.
* Interesting as this idea would be, it's possible that Ramirez died off-screen. At the end of ''The Dark Knight'', Gordon mentions that Two-Face killed five people, two of whom were cops. The only cops Two-Face was shown interacting with were Gordon, who he obviously didn't kill; Wuerzt, who he killed; and Ramirez, who he decided to spare, but knocked out with a [[Tap on the Head]] before he left. Apparently, in spite of what Harvey intended, the blow was fatal.
** Gordon doesn't say Two-Face killed five people; he said "5 dead, 2 of 'em cops, you can't sweep this up." Wuertz, Moroni, Moroni's driver, the cop that was killed in the hospital (Gordon wouldn't be able to pin it on the Joker because as far as the GPD is concerned, the [[Hannibal Lecture]] never happened) and Harvey himself (though as some would say, not necessarily Two-Face).
Line 305 ⟶ 306:
*** Yeah! A mute, hunchbacked, homeless friend of Lucius Fox. Named Ed.
*** ...[[Flat What|What.]]
*** It's a reference to a rather unknown (by the public) character from the Bat-comics by the name of Harold, who was a mute, hunchbacked social outcast that happened to be ''very'' good with electronics and engineering. He worked on several upgrades for the Batmobile and outfitted the Bat-cave with various security devices. The average Bat-comic reader that didn't grow up in the nineties will most likely remember him as the [[C-List Fodder]] guy that got shot near the end of the "Hush" arc.
== The mobs of Gotham will lose their control of the city. ==
Line 312 ⟶ 313:
== God has a sense of irony ==
Think about it. Two Face dies in the movie and Eckhart lives in real life. The Joker lives in the movie and Heath dies in real life.
== Barbara wants her father's approval. ==
Granted, its never been stated that Gordon's daughter is named "Barbara," but...well, come on, we all know it. Furthermore, she was present when Two-Face confirmed that daddy loved James Jr. more than her. Sounds like someone might decide to put on a batsuit and try to win daddy's approval.
* Remember, also, that comics canon states that Barbara is actually Gordon's niece and that she is adopted. Can we say "abandonment complex driving her to seek approval"? Yes, we can.
== The Joker has ascended to the status of a ''really'' viral meme ==
Line 323 ⟶ 324:
** Joker is Gotham's Anonymous.
** So the Joker is yet another [[Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex|Stand Alone Complex]].
** Copycats? Maybe we'll get [[Batman Beyond|Jokerz]] in the next film.
== The Joker is the Joker Spirit from ''[[Persona 2]]'' ==
Line 329 ⟶ 330:
== The Joker isn't wearing makeup ==
I know he never fell into a chemical bath this time, but maybe his face is simply tattooed, and he was actually wearing makeup in that scene where his face is flesh-coloured.
* But how does that explain the visible white makeup residue on his hands during the hospital scene?
* [[The Simpsons (animation)|I got news for you. This ain't make-up!]]
Line 335 ⟶ 336:
== The Joker is...Charlie Brown. ==
The scars come from a freak accident from a failed attempt to kick a football.
* Of course!
* And his first victim was the Kite-Eating-Tree.
* Either that, or a bad line drive.
Line 349 ⟶ 350:
== The Joker was part of a whole family of [[Complete Monster]]s, stretching back as far as the beginning of the 20th century. ==
I don't know who was this before the beginning of the 20th century, But the evil began, as far as I know, With a [[Complete Monster|particularly]] [[Depraved Bisexual|memorable]] man named [[Blue Velvet|Frank Booth.]] He had an illegitimate child sometime before the movie, And this force of evil passed from him into his son, [[The Silence of the Lambs|Hannibal.]] Sometime before Red Dragon, When Lecter was still free, He had a son, Not that he knew. This son grew up to be the man who would become the Joker. He traveled for a while, Becoming slowly more monstrous as he looked for Hannibal, Then the two met and had a duel between two [[Complete Monster|Monsters.]] The man who would become the Joker won, proving that he had surpassed Hannibal in every way. Although, Before Hannibal died, He gave his successor a distinctive mark as what he thought was a gift...Two cuts, One along each cheek.
* And what if Hannibal Lecter had an [[No Country for Old Men|older brother?]]
* [[The Devil's Rejects|The Fireflys?]]
Line 356 ⟶ 357:
== The Joker knows that he's the villain in a Batman movie ==
The Joker does everything that he does because he knows that no one is real, not even him, that they all exist solely to entertain their audience. He knows that he can't beat Batman, because Batman is the hero, and he isn't insane enough to fancy that escaping into the real world is an actual possibility, so he does the only thing he can do, he targets the audience with the moral dilemmas he creates. He doesn't care about how Batman reacts to him, or how the people of Gotham City do. He knows that they'll make the "right" choices in the end and he'll loose. What he does care about is the audience in the real world. He wants to make them think for a moment about what they would do in similar situations. Would they sacrifice themselves for stangers? Would they murder strangers to save themselves? He knows that if they're forced to think about these things most of them won't have easy answers, because they don't live in a movie.
* That's actually a good idea. It could be a symptom of the Joker's insanity. After all, the also insane [[Deadpool]] knows that he is in a comic book
== [[The Joker]]'s scars were inflicted by Carmine Falcone. ==
Line 371 ⟶ 372:
== Rachel Dawes is really [[That's So Raven|Raven]]. ==
''How else could she know that Batman would save Harvey?''
** Only she didn't know. That's precisely the point of the dialog between her and Harvey before Batman arrives: we see that she's really convinced that Bruce will come for her (like he would have if the Joker didn't lie to him) and she's trying to help by asking him if he can somehow save himself ''because she thinks it's the only chance he has''. She says she accepts to marry him because she thinks it's the last chance she has to do so before HE dies (in a way it would have been cruel if she knew she was going to blow up and leave him behind). And the expression on her face when she hears Harvey yell at Batman on the other side of the line is sheer surprise. That's why this scene is so poignant, we really believe that Batman will save Rachel ''and so does she''.
== Harvey and Rachel's deaths will ultimately benefit Gotham. ==
Line 408 ⟶ 409:
== The fear toxin ''is'' harmful when digested ==
It's just the effects are a lot more subtle.
The toxin stays in the human body and slowly builds up waiting for the right trigger: fear.
Adrenaline releases the toxin into the brain… only by this point either it's lost it's effects or a limit form of Immunity has develop so that rather going outright ballstothewallmad the subject feels an additive euphoric and increased inability to separate reality from fantasy.
Gotham being an high density urban environment means that that only regular physical danger that the average person is likely to face is criminal in nature, (i.e. good old cops and robbers).
Because of this people who commit (or are exposed to) violent crimes start to take more risk and slowly lose connection with social norms.
this can only lead to one thing: a new more dangerous breed of criminal.
Super Villains.
Think of it a as sort of non super power [[Meta Origin]] to batman's growing [[Rogues Gallery]]. when someone stress in Gotham there's a very real chance they flip out put on a absurd outfit and blow up a bank because ''their brain are chemically wired that way''. A [[Science-Related Memetic Disorder|Crime Related Mental Disorder]] if you will.
Now this is speculation admittedly but it helps explain the rather odd actions of many characters in [[Dark Knight]]. Such as why Harvey Dent (an upstanding DA, vowed to protect and serve) after a tragedy and injury quickly becomes little better (or gimmicky) than the psychos he puts away. why the Batman inspired vigilantes think they can fight crime wearing Hockey pads. As well as How the joker can easily recruit people for his anarchy. The man's violently insane and offers nothing but
a war with the police. However In the mind of the average Gotham street gangster this doesn't seem like a bad idea because basically they're ''high'' with him around him.
hell the Joker suggest this with his last lines.
Line 433 ⟶ 434:
== Rachel Dawes is a (the?) villain for the final film ==
NO, NOT AS CATWOMAN. If you notice the camera angles during the scene when Rachel was supposed to be blown away, you only see the background explode and her hair swishing in the wind. What if she really wasn't at the location Joker said she was? It was never explicitly said that her body was found. Joker's game may not have ended with Harvey Dent and he is sitting back, waiting for Rachel to react to the revelation of Harvey's true nature and his violent death at 'the hands of Batman'. Rachel could attempt a crusade of her own as a harbinger of ''true'' justice and tormenting Bruce/Batman as a means of revenge for all the pain he's indirectly put her through.
** And she takes up the mantle of {{spoiler|The Phantasm.}}
Line 450 ⟶ 451:
Superman did it, Batman did it, Spiderman is doing it and Dark Knight will do it. Sorry, but [[You Can't Fight Fate]].
* What about... [[Blade|wait...]] well maybe... ''[[X-Men]]''...? Dang, you might be on to something here.
** Hopefully, the third movie will break this curse and become the most awesome sequel! Just like how ''[[Toy Story (franchise)|Toy Story]] 3'' became a more awesome Disney sequel.
*** If anyone can break the curse, it's Nolan. But really, it's not like it's an absolute. For instance, who thinks ''Batman Returns'' was better than ''Batman''?
* I don't, but a lot of people I know think it was.
Line 456 ⟶ 457:
** To be fair to Sam Raimi, the studio pretty much forced him to include Venom, a character he said he hated, and that required a massive rewrite, possibly at the last minute. It's true that he was still responsible for the movie that came out, but it was probably more to flip off the execs that screwed with his plans than anything.
* You know technically Spiderman is being rebooted with a different...well everything but it didn't wait 20 years. So this might bode well somehow for the possibility of the third film being on the same level as the first at least.
* X-Men: The Last Stand wasn't as good as the first two, but it wasn't terrible; and while Origins ''was'' terrible, First Class didn't take 20 years ''and'' wasn't a reboot of the series.
* This troper, personally, likes all the aforementioned films described as sucking, except for a couple (namely, the Superman sequels and Batman and Robin.) So, YMMV ''heavily'' on the existence of this curse in the first place.
Line 473 ⟶ 474:
== Alfred is a [[Retired Badass|retired]] [[James Bond]] ==
Let's see the evidence he is very obviously a [[Retired Badass|Retired]] [[Badass Normal]], he was a [[Stiff Upper Lip|British]] secret agent and he [[Deadpan Snarker|doesn't]] [[Servile Snarker|get]] [[Seen It All|surprised]]. Besides [[James Bond (film)/WMG|James Bond is an alias used by the best agent of the MI6.]] Which could lead to this scene:
<small>Alfred aproches Bruce, who is talking to [[Casino Royale|Daniel Craig in a tux]]</small>
<small>Do you need something Master Wayne</small>
Line 482 ⟶ 483:
<small>And you [[Phrase Catcher|Mr...]]</small>
<small>[[The Name Is Bond, James Bond|Bond,]] [[Catchphrase Interruptus|Jam..]]</small>
<small>James Bond, [[Sarcasm Mode|good to see that the boys]] [[Servile Snarker|are getting original,]] [[The Danza|Mr Craig.]]</small>
Line 496 ⟶ 497:
== Batman Really Becomes Batman in the Third Film ==
In Batman Begins, Batman's methodology, gadgets and even his costume borrow elements that have been developed earlier for other purposes and his League of Assassins training. Even his first Bat-signal is really, really makeshift. In the second film, he gets a new specially-made suit, but is still driving around the Tumbler, which is unmodified apart from the addition of the Bat-Pod. This is all justified in that the series is aiming to be more real-word based. In the third film, Batman really comes into his own and will get to drive a more customized Batmobile and his gadgets will be more original.
== The Joker is Cobb from Nolan's first film, ''[[Following]]''. ==
Line 513 ⟶ 514:
* I agree. The problem with the Joker's last experiment is that being in a crowd defused everyone's sense of responsibility. ("Somebody else can detonate the other boat.") If they had to take action to stop the other boat from blowing up, but passivity would have saved them, the Joker's plan might have worked!
* I see it possible that some people on the boat were like the ones at the beginning of this page and thought the explosions wouldn´t necessarily blow up the other ship but themselves, or maybe something different like an orphanage.
== The Joker eventually becomes Jigsaw. ==
Line 621 ⟶ 622:
== [[The Dark Knight Rises]] will be an adaptation of [[Frank Miller]]'s [[The Killing Joke]] ==
During the endgame of the film, Bane will capture Gordon's daughter and attempt to put her in a wheelchair, but Batman will intervene. Bane gives him a [[Sadistic Choice]]. Let young Gordon's legs get broken, or have your own legs get brokwn. Batman will [[Heroic Sacrifice|sacrifice]] himself to save her. And as a new day dawns on Gotham, Gordon will note how
they will always remember [[The Dark Knight]].
** [[Alan Moore]] wrote the [[Killing Joke]], and breaking legs won't really cripple you for life, unless you really destroy them. It's spinal cord injuries that cause that kind of damage - that's what Barbara Gordon and Batman both suffered.
Line 629 ⟶ 630:
== Bane won't use Venom ==
The [https://web.archive.org/web/20131107130118/http://cdn02.cdn.thesuperficial.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/0520-tom-hardy-bane-00-480x300.jpg promo image] just shows [[Tom Hardy]] with a [[Cool Mask]] and a [[Dyeing for Your Art|little extra muscle]], and not much to suggest he'll use Venom. Instead Nolan and Hardy will concentrate on Bane's [[Genius Bruiser|personality]] and do away with his gimmick, like how Ra's al Ghul didn't have his Lazarus Pits and Joker didn't have laughing gas (and other toys).
== Ra's al-Ghul is a [[Legacy Character]] ==
Line 669 ⟶ 670:
There are a couple hints over the series that he was close to Ducard while at the league of shadows, what with Ducard having been his mentor. When the house burned down, the only life Bruce tried to save, aside from his own, was Ducard's. Also note that, while Bruce disagrees with several of Ducard's philosophies, (i.e. when a city becomes corrupt, it must be destroyed,) he took others to heart, such as the idea that a symbol is much more powerful than a person could ever be. There's also another philosophy from Batman Begins that gets brought back in The Dark Knight: early in Begins, while training Bruce, Ducard mentions that criminals aren't complicated, which is brought back by Bruce in the sequel, when trying to figure out what the Joker wanted. All this seems to indicate that the two were relatively close in the league of shadows. Thus, when Bruce realizes that Ducard had been Ra's Al Ghul the whole time, and Ducard proceeded to burn down his house and make multiple attempts on his life, if affected Bruce more than we see. One possible example is when a beam of wood falls down on Bruce and pins him to the ground. Even though he's prepared himself for eventualities like this, he's unwilling to lift the wood, until Alfred comes along and helps him to his feet. No comment on any implications if this theory is true...
== The Joker is an AU version of [[EarthboundEarthBound|Giygas.]] ==
Why not? They're both [[Nightmare Fuel]] personified, they both create memes every time they speak, they both all-too-often wear [[Draco in Leather Pants|leather pants]], they both corrupt multiple people when they appear, both are working from obscure, twisted motives- [[For the Evulz|if they're working from any motives at all]]... Need I go on?
Line 686 ⟶ 687:
** 4. The heist at the plant goes awry - in an act of revenge, one of the criminals take out a knife and sticks the blade in his mouth, creating the [[Glasgow Smile|smile]] the Joker is famous for.
** 5. The police arrives - The Joker, the last man of the team, is scared out of his mind and makes a run for it. He escapes by jumping in a polluted river, which turns his hair a sickly shade of brown/green.
** 6. Once he comes out of the water, he runs to a nearby bar and goes for the bathrooms. There, he looks at himself in the mirror. The pollution has changed the color of his hair; over his face is some sort of white substance, similar to the one found inside lightbulbs, his eyesockets are dark because he has not slept in days, and finally, his mouth and lips are bright red due to the blood still coming out from his fresh wounds. Mr. J hides in a corner and starts chuckling.
** The owners of the bar find him there, and, unable to get any info out of him, decide to have him placed in Arkham. He does not stay there for long, though, and is out in the open in the finale of Batman Begins.
Line 749 ⟶ 750:
== Jim Gordon is [[Harry Potter (film)|Sirius Black]] with [[Easy Amnesia|Amnesia]]. ==
[[Grand Unifying Guesses|The Actor Rule]] (idea shamelessly stolen from [[Ace of Spades (fanfic)|here]]). This is what really happened after Sirius {{spoiler|[[He's Just Hiding|fell through the veil]]}}. He ended up lost and confused in a muggle city with fractured memories of his own life. He remembers the name "James" is important so he becomes "James" or rather Jim Gordon.
== Bane will figure out Batman's identity. ==
Line 758 ⟶ 759:
* It is Marion Cotillard. Looks just like her, because it is her.
** It looks ''vaguely'' like Marion.
** Same highly distinctive sleepy eyes and prominent chin and facial structure, same everything else. [https://web.archive.org/web/20120705191009/http://www.superherohype.com/gallery/batman/the-dark-knight-rises/the-dark-knight-rises-trailer-3/142817-the-dark-knight-rises-trailer It's Cotillard]. Gyllenhaal is also really easy to pick out of a police line-up, and it isn't her.
== There will be a nod to the Joker ==
Line 771 ⟶ 772:
== Catwoman will be a Marxist. ==
* [[Jossed]] by her whispering in Bruce's ear that, "You don't owe these people anything." If she were a Marxist she wouldn't tell the richest man in the country, if not the world, that he didn't owe anything to anyone.
** We don't know the context of the line, and Batman is a such an unusual man and so incredibly self-sacrificing that she may simply be making an exception. For all we know, she could be talking about figures of power and authority who want Batman back once Bane goes on a rampage.
Line 778:
The real reason he set up a task force for Batman was that the latter was hitting the mob. In ''Dark Knight'', the reason he wasn't taking the Joker's threat seriously is because he thought the mob had his back.
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