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The King of Fighters/Characters/The Rugal Saga: Difference between revisions

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* [[Disappeared Dad]] - To his children, Adel and Rose. Adel idolizes his father enough to mimic his fighting style, and both copy his fashion sense, but Adel remarked about never being able to do things with him. On the other hand, Rugal granted them access to his vast wealth and they live quite lavishly.
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]] - Perhaps one of the most unholy examples ever and bleeds over with [[Kick the Dog]]. Heidern was apparently annoying him with his probes into his operation (not even talking thorn-in-the-side bad, simply getting Rugal's attention) and his response is to ''kill his entire family and mercenary squadron of fifty men''. From Rugal's view, it was meant as ''mockery and provocation''. Unconventionally, also counts as his [[Moral Event Horizon]] (as this is the first genuinely heinous thing he does in the series).
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* [[Everything's Better with Spinning]] - His "Dead End Screamer" DM (''KOF '98'' move only).
* [[Evil Laugh]] - The prime example in ''KOF''. He even does it as he is about to die (again) in ''KOF '98''.
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* [[Ki Attacks]]
* [[McNinja]] - American, but lived in Japan for a good portion of his life.
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* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Blue to Terry's red.
* [[Show the Forehead]]
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* [[Fat Bastard]]
* [[Fire-Forged Friends]] - Eventually develops a friendship with Kim, which is why he's part of Kim's team in '''03'' even though he's considered reformed by that point.
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* [[Meaningful Name]] - Koehan means "thug" in Korean. Guess what Chang is.
* [[Metronomic Man-Mashing]] - His command throw.
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* [[Awesome but Impractical]] - His "Shakushi" MAX 2 in ''2002UM'', formerly his MAX 2 in ''2002'' and his Exceed in ''[[SNK vs. Capcom SVC Chaos|SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos]]''.
* [[Bald of Evil]]
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* [[Cool Shades]] - He's never without his little round specs.
** [[Sunglasses At Night]]
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* [[Improbable Weapon User]] - A pair of gloves with knives on the fingers, just like Freddy. He meets [[Street Fighter|Vega]] in ''SVC: Chaos'' and tries to strike up a friendship, but [[Bishonen|Vega]] being [[The Fighting Narcissist|Vega]], this does not go well.
* [[Knife Nut]] - Maybe a little too fond of those claws...
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* [[Licking the Blade]] - Fond of licking his metal claws.
* [[Meaningful Name]] - Bounge (more appropriately spelled and pronounced as "Bungeh") means "lightning." It's fitting, considering that Choi is nimble and eccentric.
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* [[Millionaire Playboy]] - See directly below.
** [[Rich Idiot With No Day Job]] - He may not be a [[Batman|superhero]], but is still a formidible opponent. The Sakazakis find this attribute of his personality to be off-putting sometimes, as they work their hands to the bone to support their dojo and keep it afloat.
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* [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]] - The Ryuuko Ranbu DM, shared between him, Ryo and Takuma.
* [[Sharp-Dressed Man]] - Both in and outside of battle.
* [[Shipper on Deck]] - In regards to Ryo/King.
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* [[Shotoclone]] - Depending of the game, though.
** [[Hurricane Kick]] - his Hien Shippu Kyaku.
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* [[Butt Monkey]] - See "[[Running Gag]]."
* [[Exotic Weapon Supremacy]] - Basketballs, and this was before Sean of ''[[Street Fighter III]]''.
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* [[Flash Step]]
* [[Gentle Giant]] - Despite being quite as impressive as his teammates, in terms of height anyway, he is by far the most easygoing and fun-loving.
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* [[Rocket Punch]] - One of his DMs is a [[Ki Attacks|energy blast]] fired from his [[Megaton Punch|hand]]. Functionally, it has the same application.
* [[Scary Black Man]] - Subverted. D! is only serious in the midst of battle, as he doesn't want to come off as disrespectful to his opponents. Otherwise, he's a pretty chipper guy.
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* [[Spirited Competitor]]
* [[Surprisingly Good English]] - He yells out a perfectly clear "That's not bad!" (in both his '''94'' debut and in '''98'') during his Soul Flower special.
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* [[Dude in Distress]] - In ''2000'', where "Ling"/Clone Zero holds him at gunpoint, but Heidern manages to turn the tides (depending on the ending) and [[Badass in Distress|kick some serious ass]]. He even pulls a [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment!
* [[Energy Absorption]] - His Stormbringer and [[Counter Attack|Killing Bringer]] specials, as well as his Final Bringer DM.
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* [[Everything's Better with Spinning]] - See [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Neck Rolling]], [[Shaped Like Itself|where he gyrates around an opponent's neck]] [[Spin Attack|like a]] [[Mundane Made Awesome|merry-go-round from hell]].
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* [[Eyepatch of Power]]
* [[Flung Clothing]] - An odd inversion. In one of Heidern's win poses, a [[Badass Longcoat|longcoat]] falls from the sky. In a quick change, Heidern drapes himself in the cloak and somehow loses his hat in the process.
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* [[Mentors]] - To the Ikari team (most obviously Leona). Might overlap with [[A Father to His Men]].
* [[Precision F-Strike]] - "Go... to... '''HELL!'''"
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* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]] - A few versions of '''94'' and '''95'' have his named spelled as Jeidern. Maybe it's the Spanish localization?
* [[The Stoic]]
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* [[Colonel Badass]] - Even if only by a technicality.
* [[Dub Name Change]] - You might remember him as Paul.
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* [[Fingerless Gloves]]
* [[Good-Looking Privates]]
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* [[Kick Them While They Are Down|Punch Them While They Are Down]] - Bareback Vulcan Punch. Jeez, is it painful to watch.
* [[Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs]]/[[Spam Attack]] - Vulcan Punch special, as well as (in some games) Super Vulcan Punch and his Neo MAX (see [[Turns Red]] below). Ralf is one of the best at doing this kind of attack.
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* [[Strong Flesh, Weak Steel]] - His Galactica Phantom SDM is one of the most damaging attacks in the same game where Chang wields a huge iron ball as a weapon.
* [[Tall, Dark and Handsome]]
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* [[Detect Evil]] - "[[This Is Sparta|Aku wa yurusan! HA!!]]" ("[[This Is Unforgivable!|Evil is unforgivable]]!") Usually coupled with a [[Giving Someone the Pointer Finger|finger point]] that rivals [[Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney|Phoenix Wright]] or a [[Glowing Eyes of Doom|gleaming]] [[Death Glare]].
** [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] in a group of bonus illustrations for ''KOF '99'': Kim sees [[Anti-Hero]] K' lurking in the background and wonders if he's evil.
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* [[Extremity Extremist]] - He only uses punches with his normal weak punch moves—inputting a strong punch makes him kick, like the other two buttons.
* [[Fingerless Gloves]]
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* [[Love Freak]]
* [[Martial Pacifist]]
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* [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]] - His signature Hou'ou Kyaku DM. His HSDM, LDM and Neo MAX tend to be a variant of this, [[Up to Eleven]].
* [[Suspiciously Similar Song]] - The beginning of [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Lrlut8oXZ0 "Wild Party,"] his team's theme in ''2000'', sounds suspiciously like the opening riffs of [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRbPWcLode0 "Crazy Train"] by none other than the Prince of Darkness himself, [[Ozzy Osbourne]]. The following year, Team Korea receives [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZIcZNl9BcY "Nerichagi,"] which appears to have been lifted from the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cus-JJi48Fw "Name Entry"] BGM in ''[[Tekken]] 3''.
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'''Kyo''': "I've got stuff to do. I can't waste my time with freaks like you." }}
* [[Every Year They Fizzle Out]] - Although he and the original Team Japan won throughout the entire Orochi Saga ('''94''-'''97''), with Kyo usually getting the credit [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|for single-handedly beating Orochi]], Kyo doesn't seem to have quite the same luck in either the NESTS or Tales of Ash sagas (''especially the latter''), despite being one of the most powerful fighters in [[The Verse]].
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* [[Fingerless Gloves]]
* [[Finger Wag]] - His taunt. Originally, he'd only dental click while doing it ("Tsk tsk tsk"), although Kyo later says "Mou, oyasumi ka?" ("Oh, is it bedtime already?")
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* [[Send in the Clones]] - Used as [[Self-Deprecation]] in regards to the NESTS Chronicles. ''XI'' has Kyo making a jab at the ludicrous number of clones he's picked up over the years, almost to a [[Never Live It Down]] degree.
{{quote|'''Kyo''': "Another clone? There's enough of me to start a baseball team!" }}
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* [[Shoryuken]] - his Oniyaki special.
* [[Shotoclone]] - Somewhat, during his first appearances (and by proxy, him in ''XIII'').
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* [[Camp Straight]] - Most fans at first thought he was gay (because of the voice and the poses); so much that in the ''KOF'' 10th anniversary webpage the staff felt the need to deny it, complete with [[Not That There's Anything Wrong with That]].
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]] - Loves to flirt with female opponents, but is ''not'' a [[Handsome Lech|lech]]. The best examples of this comes from Benimaru scolding ''Kyo'' on his ([[It's Not You, It's My Enemies|understandably neglectful]]) relationship with Yuki.
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* [[Fingerless Gloves]]
* [[Hair of Gold]]
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* [[The Lancer]] - If the Japan Team's original configuration has Kyo as [[The Hero]] and Daimon as [[The Big Guy]], then Benimaru is definitely this.
* [[Shock and Awe]] - His exaggerated case of electrostatics is the reason his [[Anime Hair|hair]] rivals [[Tekken|Paul Phoenix]] and [[Street Fighter II|Guile]].
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* [[Sphere of Destruction]] - His Raidouken DM was originally this. Whether or not it's this or a cluster of [[Energy Ball]]s depends on the game.
** His new Rolling Thunder DM is definitely this.
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* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]] to Robert's Blue.
* [[Ship Tease]] - See King's entry.
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* [[Shotoclone]] - A straight example.
** [[Hurricane Kick]] - His Hien Shippu Kyaku special.
Line 830 ⟶ 785:
* [[Shipper on Deck]] - For his son and King, mainly due to his desire to see a new heir for the Kyokugen dojo. Oddly enough, he's ''not'' like this towards Robert and Yuri, mainly because he's convinced that Robert will try to woo her with material gifts and take advantage of her.
* [[Shirtless Scene]] - One of his winposes has him removing his dogi, complete with a yell of "YAH!"
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* [[Shotoclone]] - Off and on again, like Robert.
** [[Hurricane Kick]] - His Hien Shippu Kyaku.
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** [[Important Haircut]] - Subverted. In ''XIII'', Yuri cuts her hair short, but she doesn't seem to have a reason behind it. Takuma's reaction is overblown, as usual.
* [[Shipper on Deck]] - Much like Robert and her father, she supports Ryo/King, going along with Takuma's odd ploy at the end of ''XI''. As you've probably noticed by now, [[Everyone Can See It]].
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* [[Take That]] - To ''[[Street Fighter]]'', specifically the [[Shotoclone]]s:
** ''KOF '97'': Her Yuri Chou Reppa parodies Ken's Shoryu Reppa. This is made more obvious in Capcom vs. SNK.
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* [[Dogged Nice Guy|Dogged Nice Girl]] - To Andy, so much.
* [[Doppelganger Attack]] - ''Fiery'' doppelgangers (''KOF '98 Ultimate Match'' alternate version only).
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* [[Fairytale Wedding Dress]] - In ''The King of Fighters 2002'', Mai wears one in a finishing move ([http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEaUIjVjKXE see here]).
* [[Gainaxing]]/[[Jiggle Physics]] - [[Bowdlerise|Lost in the American home versions]] of '''94'' and '''95'', as well as reduced (even in the arcade) American versions of ''2000'' and beyond (at least for the Neo-Geo versions).
Line 992 ⟶ 940:
* [[Dogged Nice Guy]] - To Athena, though it happens more in the ''KOF: Kyo'' related media. It's taken to [[Flanderization]] [[Stalker with a Crush|heights]] in fanfiction.
** In ''XIII'', he's ''this'' close to confessing in his intro with her. Too bad Athena is ''way'' more concerned with their fight.
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* [[Eleventh-Hour Superpower]] - In the Psycho Soldier Team's special ending for ''KOF '99''. Kensou triggers his Dragon Spirit after Athena is in danger of being left for dead at the crumbling site, he saves her with a dose of [[Power of Love]] and [[Undying Loyalty]]. [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|This doesn't actually do much for Kensou, gamewise, until he trains to control the Dragon Spirit's power several games later.]]
* [[Fingerless Gloves]] - In ''XI''.
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* [[Older Than They Look]] - It's less noted than Athena and Yuri because changed they drastically, but Kensou has also been hit by this with the new character designs, or arguably he was always this. Kensou is 19 years old, and yet looks ''much'' younger than Kyo who is only one year older than him (20 years old); also there's Leona, who at 18 years old, in comparison to Kensou, looks like mature woman in her early tweenties whereas he seems more like a teenager.
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]] - Kensou is proud and not afraid of showing his plushie collection which was mounted from the stuffed animals he recieved from his fans, and of course he is always open for more items to add to the collection. Additionally, his favorite manga, ''Seito Shokun!'', is a classic [[Shoujo Genre]] romance comedy.
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* [[Spam Attack]] - A few of his attacks. It's [[Played for Laughs]] in ''XIII'', where the [[Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs|rapid firing of his fists]] in one of his DMs actually ''tires him out''.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]] - Due to his name being Chinese but being often rendered to fit the Japanese spelling, Kensou is the most used one to avoid confusion for the Japanese, but ''Kensu'' is arguably the closest romanized spelling to his Chinese name; it even appeared that way in his cameo for ''[[Crystalis]]''.
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* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]] - Blue to Ralf's Red.
* [[Rule of Three]] - Guess how many times Clark slams you to the ground during his Running Three DM.
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* [[Spam Attack]]/[[Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs]] - Shares the Gattling Punch move with Ralf, minus the [[Incendiary Exponent|mini explosions]].
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]] - His surname (スティル) has been misromanized by fans as "Steel" (which is actually スティール).
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