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{{quote|''I want you to ask yourselves: Were you in this campaign just for me? Or were you in it... for all the people in this country who feel invisible?''|'''Hillary Clinton'''}}
<!-- Please try to stick to the facts on this page. As noted, Clinton and her policies are highly controversial. -->
The wife of former President [[Bill Clinton]] and a lawyer and politician in her own right, <s>First Lady</s> <s>Senator</s> <s>Secretary of State</s> <s>Democrat Nominee</s> Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton is easily the most politically active First Lady in American history.
A graduate of Wellesley College and Yale Law School, Clinton spent years working as a lawyer, specializing in child services and welfare. She met [[Bill Clinton]] when both were students at Yale Law School and married him in 1975. By the time her husband ran for Governor of Arkansas, she was already well known as a lawyer and politician in her own right and had come to national attention as the first student ever to give the commencement address at renowned Wellesley College, her alma mater, and as the first-ever female partner at Arkansas' prestigious Rose Law Firm.
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She won again by a significant margin in 2006, but left the Senate<ref>and was replaced by Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY</ref> to engage in the closest primary election in American history - the 2008 Presidential race on the Democratic ticket. Up against [[Barack Obama]], she won over 18 million votes around the country and was the first serious female candidate for the Presidency in history (Michele Bachmann, in the 2012 Presidential race on the Republican ticket, was the second). She fought the campaign out right up to the Democratic National Convention and spoke in favor of her former rival as its keynote speaker on its second night. Since [[Defeat Means Friendship]], she joined Obama's cabinet as Secretary of State (becoming the first First Lady to serve on the Cabinet... are we seeing a running theme here?). She has also achieved the commendable feat of a 70% approval rating at a time when the [[Barack Obama|President]]'s rating was somewhere in the 50s. She said she has no interest in running for a political office again, but this proved false in 2016.
In 2016 Hillary Clinton won a narrow and controversial victory in the Democrat primary against previously obscure Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. She then picked Virginia ex-governor and then-current senator Tim Kaine as her running mate. She lost the general election to [[Donald Trump]] in an electoral landslide, 232 to 306, failing to win many states previously considered Democrat strongholds such as Michigan and Pennsylvania. Of these 232 electoral votes, 38 came from 6 states she won by less than the vote total for third party candidates. This despite leading Donald Trump in polls throughout the election season and winning the popular vote by a margin of over 3 million.<ref>There are folks who have written in much greater detail how and why the election turned out this way, but the short version is that, while there were more Clinton supporters than Trump supporters throughout the election season, there were also substantial numbers of voters who didn't much like either. They were undecided during the polls leading into November, and broke for Trump on Election Day. There were enough of these voters in enough swing states to flip what had been predicted to be a lead for Clinton into a loss. Some prediction models included this possibility (such as FiveThirtyEight, who assessed Trump to have a 35% chance of victory on November 7 -- which may seem low in retrospect given that Trump won, but they actually got hate mail in the final weeks leading up to the election for giving Trump such ''strong'' odds), and some didn't (e.g. the New York Times) and got a rude surprise as the exit polls rolled in. The popular vote 'victory' came from extremely strong turnout in Democratic strongholds, such as California. Unfortunately for the Clinton campaign, the [[American Political System|Electoral College]] is winner-take-all -- winning a state by millions of votes or by one vote doesn't make a difference in the rest of the country.</ref>
Although several different biographies of her have been written, she has also written her own autobiography, ''Living History''.
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** Funny enough, the person was actually asking what President Obama's opinion was; as a member of his administration, it's certainly a fair question to ask. What she ''thought'' had been said resulted from a translation error.
** In the 2016 election it was discovered that bringing up Bill's rape history and her role in covering it up causes Bill and Hillary to stop speaking for days, a serious problem when Bill is one of the most important strategists and campaigners.
* [[Bizarre Taste in Food]]: Leaked emails featured her requesting "a hot dog with no bun" for lunch. This was such a strange request (at least to non-diabetics and people who've never been on a low-carb diet) it resulted in several theories that it must be [[Spy Speak]] for ''something''.
* [[Creator Couple]]: She was the first First Lady to have an office in the West Wing. Her staff was known as "Hillaryland."
* [[Defeat Means Friendship]]: As noted above, she joined Obama's Cabinet as Secretary of State. He later stated that he would have served on hers as well, had she won the election and asked him to do so. [[We Can Rule Together|She offered him the position of her Vice President]] several times during the primary, but Obama had foresight enough to know he still had a chance to win.
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* [[Disease Bleach|Stress Bleach]]: Her hair is grayer now than it was when she took her oath as Secretary of State, and she has been looking increasingly more haggard as she deals with a rather delicate international situation. This is not surprising, as on the international stage she is only marginally less important than the Joint Chiefs and the President himself.
* [[The Password Is Always Swordfish]]: After illegal private email server was compromised the investigation revealed the password was blank because she didn't want to bother with one.
* [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]]: Clinton's replacement in the Senate (later confirmed in a special election) was blonde Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand, who not only shares most of Clinton's political ideology<ref>(Gillibrand's switch from Representative of a notably conservative district to Senator of a notably liberal state has been met with a corresponding leftward shift in her political views)</ref>, but also [http://reddogreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Kirsten-Gillibrand.jpg bears a certain resemblance to her]{{Dead link}}.
* [[Uncanny Family Resemblance]]:
** Chelsea looks frighteningly like her mother in [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/Chelsea_Clinton.jpg this picture]. If she follows anything even remotely resembling a political career (which her degree in history makes possible), it'll probably become something of a [[Generation Xerox]], too.
** Now sort-of confirmed: Chelsea will be working for [[NBC]] News, including both the ''Nightly News'' and ''[[Rock Center]]''. Either way, she's working with [[Brian Williams]].
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: She once was Obama's opponent, nowand she'sthen was his Secretary of State. (Although it should be noted that they were ''opponents'', not enemies. Even when they were facing off in '08, their respect for each other despite their disagreements was clear.)
[[Category:Hillary Rodham ClintonAuthors]]
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