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Fallout 3: Difference between revisions

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* [[Abandoned Laboratory]]: Vault 87
** Nearly all of the Vaults you encounter are the unfortunate aftermaths of one of Vault-Tec's experiments that [[Gone Horribly Right|went horribly right]].
* [[Abnormal Ammo]]: Many of the custom weapons, and some other weapons, use unusual ammunition, but the Rock-It Launcher takes this trope and runs with it (behind the barn for a roll in the hay, then makes it breakfast in the morning), as it fires anything from tin cans to human skulls to [[Empathy Doll Shot|teddy bears]] and after one of the [[DLCDownloadable Content|DLCs]]s you will be able to shoot a piece of your own brain.
* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: Downtown DC is a honeycomb of subway, maintenance and sewer tunnels connecting to each other and the surface, and is chock full of ghouls, raiders, radroaches and more. It's quite easy to get lost down here if you don't watch your Pip Boy map, and if you're actively looking for another location when you get into them, ''good luck''.
* [[Acceptable Breaks From Reality]]: Even with the relatively advanced technology of the pre-war era, the various office buildings, sewers and underground bunkers would have long had the generators powering their lights, turrets, guard robots and computers run out of power and/or break down. Of course, this would mean the Science skill would be far less useful and the already dark subway and maintenance tunnels of DC would be even darker.
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* [[Expansion Pack]]: Several, including one that changes a much-reviled element of the ending.
* [[Explosive Leash]]: The Paradise Falls slave collars.
** The Pitt Bridge (from The Pitt [[Downloadable Content|DLC]]) is an indirect example. In addition to crossing the most irradiated body of water in the game, it is mined and choked with [[Every Car Is a Pinto|exploding cars]].
* [[Exposition of Immortality]]: Many of the ghouls you can encounter in Underworld lived through the war and can tell you what, frequently little, they can remember of the time before. Carol was born in 2051, twenty-six years prior to the Great War. Meanwhile, some of Fawkes' dialogue implies that he was alive during the initial FEV experiments conducted in Vault 87.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: {{spoiler|Defender Sibley}} at the end of ''Operation Anchorage''.
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